Why do you not trade using news?

The usual type of response from someone who doesn't possess sufficient wit to be artfully sarcastic.

Or you could be right.

Who knows?

I'll just sit here and count the loot from my short TRN play on Friday.

LOL, count the loot? You Brits are a funny bunch. You love to talk around your elbo to get to your ass that is in deep ****.......good luck...you'll need it!
LOL, count the loot? You Brits are a funny bunch. You love to talk around your elbo to get to your ass that is in deep ****.......good luck...you'll need it!
It's 'elbow' (whatever that means).
As for in deep shoeshine – have you checked your PPIF recently? LOL.

Come on, don’t take it personally. You’re in good company. There are so many jerk-offs here to talk to. I’ll let you get on with it and make contact with them.

Thanks for the Good Luck.

May your fortune kiss your intelligence and may you never flinch from the encounter.
I think the news is great, it tells all the people what they need to know after it happened so they can do nothing about it... !!! lol...

Seriously though... if you view the information on the news like a trending indicator then it can be VERY useful indeed...
According to a post , short-term upticks in financial indices cannot sensibly be explained by transitory economic news, nor are they of interest to serious students of the market. For example, yesterday’s 1% increase in the U.S. market was attributed by the Associated Press (quoting a “senior investment strategist”) as being due to an optimistic housing report, some decent corporate earnings and a talking-up of the U.S. stimulus package by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. But one-day changes are largely inexplicable and that investors are better off considering likely changes over the forthcoming six to 12 months.
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The method of news trading is fairly easy. It is the trading of foreign currency right away previous to or after a significant financial news statement. After such statements, there is a lofty opportunity that market prices will vary, also for the better or worse, depending on the broadcast.
I never use news as a tool...it is most always leaked early anyway....and if I am trading with a good system it will tell me what to do as it goes up or down.....up is buy down is sell emin intraday speaking...news, and all thinking is out for me...technical analysis studies for 8 years have proven only use perfect ma lines and price and candles......patterns...
it's just that the market can only go up down or sideway and sideways should be a good resting time as tha tis wha tthe market is doing...if it goes sideways all day then you have a rare duck on your hands..buy low sell high and scalp......when running ride the run..why is that so hard to follow? emotions......fear caused by greed that caused too many losses and caused the lead paw syndrome...
I come from a prop trading background where i started off trading the bund and schatz. As a prop trader we were expected to take advantage of figures and fundamentals as the fixed income market is a very news and rumor driven market.

The bund and schatz is a completely different market to what it was a few years ago as a lot of the liquidity has gone. Back in the day a lot of us had big clip sizes ranging from 1000 to 3000 contracts, and more for the top traders. Don't get me wrong, on our general techinical trading we weren't bidding and offering 3000 lots on every trade, however news and figures etc provided us with the opportunties to unload our full size, and this why you often see the market spike agressively around figures and news as a lot of contracts are entering the market.

A simple example would be say unemployment was expected at 300k, but it came out at 400k. The value is in the figure being out of line to what is expected, and because unemployment is worse than expected, this would give you a bid in the schatz and bund. It's a case of having sound fundamental knowledge of the market you're trading and knowing how to react no matter wehat the figure is so you can hit the market as quick as possible.

I wouldn't advise trying trade like this from home as we had various news feeds that gave us an edge, so we could get the figure and act before the majority.
Trading the news is being a accepted method to trade the Forex markets. Day by day again you see currency pairs move 50 to 100 pips within some minutes or even seconds subsequent to a major news release. While you see that, I put money on you’re thinking, “OMG it was 50 and now it is 100 pips. That is the easy way of making money.” Might be possible that it is and might be possible it is not. It all on how geared up to trade a news release.
By the way, I am totally ignorant of other markets. Other being anything that is NOT ES NQ and YM ...Intraday only ... intranight is not the real deal enough to keep me up hoping for good effect of foreign markets .The Hoot Owls can have all that they wish, I start at market open @ 8:30 am cst.......once upon a time an old man told me sleep is a nice thing to do for your health? Old school dummy, right? Depending on price action and candle patterns I get real serious at 9:00 am...rest of day is monkey see, monkey do...Almost always , the intraday trader shifts to position trading as the intraday will kick one's behind even after years of trying......ego won't let go and admit defeat...for most, especially the smart ones...professionals, etc.................... finding tick chart and applying it correctly gives the edge....even for the slow ones like yours truly...tenacity and passion for trading is the key...love of money is a weak hand's albatross...
Hope those shorts taste good/ TRN cranking.. ark, ark
Mmmm...try and keep up.

The night you called "LONG!" (for no apparent reason) I did a brief bit of fundamental news research and took the other side of your apparently random call just to show you how news trading might work in reality.

It tanked (not cranked) the next day by almost 4% when I exited (i.e. that's a technical term meaning 'not in the trade anymore') for a la-la profit.

That was then.

This is now.

I haven't looked at it - or this thread, in the interim. And to be fair, have about as much interest in both.

However, if you keep calling "LONG!" for long enough, sure enough, one day, you'll be right.

Get a grip or I'll start heating them thar irons up agin'...
Mmmm...try and keep up.

The night you called "LONG!" (for no apparent reason) I did a brief bit of fundamental news research and took the other side of your apparently random call just to show you how news trading might work in reality.

It tanked (not cranked) the next day by almost 4% when I exited (i.e. that's a technical term meaning 'not in the trade anymore') for a la-la profit.

That was then.

This is now.

I haven't looked at it - or this thread, in the interim. And to be fair, have about as much interest in both.

However, if you keep calling "LONG!" for long enough, sure enough, one day, you'll be right.

Get a grip or I'll start heating them thar irons up agin'...

"Even a broken clock is right twice a day "
Erm...when precisely were you thinking of buying TRN - when it hits zero? LOL.

Brand - have you ever actually traded?

Unless you specify entry criteria and exit criteria you don't have a trading plan. Quite apart from the fact your comments and 'calls' have nothing to do with trading the news, you're a total mess my man.

TRN, today, was a SELL. I don't care what it might or might not do at some as yet still undefined point in the future. I was just proving a point last night that even with the barest hint of fundamental research into the most recent news, I can cook up a better idea of where this cookie was headed than an apparently random call generator called Brand.

It your nick in any way related to that mark on your ass...?

TRN still kikkin butt......ARK ARK
Blimey there is some rubbish written here. I have traded news for 20 years, even before you could do it on the internet and had to call for a price. Sure the price reacts quicker these days but you can still trade it.

To the oh so special Black Swan. When the gilt auction failed then Uranus might have been crossing Pluto at the time signalling a buy but no way in the world was I not selling sterling. Look at the ECB this week. Both fx and euribor etc moved on the less than expected cut and then reacted to Trichet's words once the press conference started.

How anyone can claim the price action was not in response to the news is beyond me.
Blimey there is some rubbish written here. I have traded news for 20 years, even before you could do it on the internet and had to call for a price. Sure the price reacts quicker these days but you can still trade it.

To the oh so special Black Swan. When the gilt auction failed then Uranus might have been crossing Pluto at the time signalling a buy but no way in the world was I not selling sterling. Look at the ECB this week. Both fx and euribor etc moved on the less than expected cut and then reacted to Trichet's words once the press conference started.

How anyone can claim the price action was not in response to the news is beyond me.

Interesting albeit emotional response, however, all the 'info' you refer to was visible on charts, perhaps not at the "B of the Bang", but shortly after. Difference is I can spot my exit, can you as quickly trading your "news"? 🙂
Interesting albeit emotional response, however, all the 'info' you refer to was visible on charts, perhaps not at the "B of the Bang", but shortly after. Difference is I can spot my exit, can you as quickly trading your "news"? 🙂

You have asked for evidence that news can move the markets and I provided what I believe to be pretty compelling proof.

Fair enough you disagree, that is why there is a market after all.

But rather than dismiss my answer as emotional perhaps you can please post your evidence as to why the 3 specific examples I gave were in response to a chart. What was the respective entry and exit points and what chart formation or set up indicated a buy or sell at that point in time?

I am genuinely interested to read.
What a shame.

Despite all the evidence being visible on the charts Black Swan has chosen not to post a single bit of evidence supporting his claim.

How odd.