and where was the news supporting it as a buy? :whistling
News? NEVER buy on news/sell maybe but never buy...I only look to the chart{PRICE}
and where was the news supporting it as a buy? :whistling
News? NEVER buy on news/sell maybe but never buy...I only look to the chart{PRICE}
Jesus wept, d'ya know the only other time I've ever seen anything back peddle as much as you was in a park when I was a kid; this Heinz 57 dog had 5hit all over its ar5e and was trying to wipe it off by trailing its ar5e on the grass, still left a skid mark of evidence though, a bit like you have. 🙂
I'd never say you can watch the news and pick your trades but I think certain news is tradeable. I called gold, china-h slump and UK banks slide (HSBC down 20% Barc 14%) from the same article. I got kicked out of potential set-ups thread for my "crystal ball" approach to trading lol
Why are you asking me? I was shorting it.and where was the news supporting it as a buy? :whistling
Why are you asking me? I was shorting it.
IMHO trading on the strength of 'news' is for chumps... Overall just can't see the point TBH, I see 'news trading' as excuses, lazy trading for clueless traders.🙂
It's down about 4% at the moment. Can I take my profit now please. LOL.
You do realise that when the market moves majorly, in large spikes during news, most traders have taken the same view. What I don't understand is why you call people (who have a vast amount of capital) chumps? They are the ones moving the market, not you, they are the ones making the money.
I have no idea why you refer to that as lazy, trading doesn't have to require hard work once you have it sussed.
Erm...when precisely were you thinking of buying TRN - when it hits zero? LOL.TRN is still a BUY...........:smart:...So is... BUCY&TAN
OK, a few points then I'm done with this thread/subject;
For the 'traders' on here trading on news events is so behind the curve it's not worth debating. Market 'makers' and movers are so far up the food chain they may as well be Hank Paulson in comparison to those who frequent here who see something on Bloomberg, or read it on google news and fill their boots.
The overall point I'm re-inforcing is that trading news is pointless in comparison to trading off charts, by the time you react to the news you will in most cases be too late, the rich pickings will have already been scavanged by those up the food chain; those to whom you refer as moving the market.
Point in case today, media BS re Barclays and the FSA giving it a 'clean bill of health' in relation to capital adequacy and needs going forward... yep, great, trade that news first thing! make 1% after the 8% that already happened on the share price movement before the market even opened fully for us mortals, or wait for a major buying opportunity off the charts early afternoon (approx 1.40) to make a real killing? Bear in mind that the Barc news is about as good as it ever gets for trading results from mainstream news.
You're wrong , but primarily because your ability to explain yourself is poor. Trading the news is not pointless. You're assuming that trading the news means buying into the 'truth' or transparency of it and nothing else. Now let's not be silly .Trading the news means on occasion using the news to sell what you already hold to those reading it and looking to buy,or indeed buying what you wish to buy at a price that otherwise would not have been obtainable.Taking your example of Barclays ,you need the news media pssing all over Barc to be able to pick it up at 50/ are not going to get it at that price any other way. Likewise when the news pumps it up you have a fine opportunity to sell some into the volume coming in and no one who doesn't know how this works will even register it.
This is trading the news and it is far from pointless ,BUT it has nothing to do with 'truth' in the news, only with how to use it make a profit. "real killing" ...LOL
Good luck with that, chump.
Not suggesting you can't trade news, folk can trade anyway they want, lose money in any method, makes no odds to me. IMHO trading on the strength of 'news' is for chumps. You mention trading on rumours, that's an entirely different concept which isn't just about news. Overall just can't see the point TBH, I see 'news trading' as excuses, lazy trading for clueless traders.🙂
Erm...when precisely were you thinking of buying TRN - when it hits zero? LOL.
Brand - have you ever actually traded?
Unless you specify entry criteria and exit criteria you don't have a trading plan. Quite apart from the fact your comments and 'calls' have nothing to do with trading the news, you're a total mess my man.
TRN, today, was a SELL. I don't care what it might or might not do at some as yet still undefined point in the future. I was just proving a point last night that even with the barest hint of fundamental research into the most recent news, I can cook up a better idea of where this cookie was headed than an apparently random call generator called Brand.
It your nick in any way related to that mark on your ass...?
The market tells you everything you need to know in advance. I understand that this isn't the case with unexpected events such as terrorism, natural disasters etc...
Oh no! Tom's a Nexus guy....:cheesy:Isn't it?
I'd disagree.
The usual type of response from someone who doesn't possess sufficient wit to be artfully sarcastic.Sarcasm is the tool of a weak mind.
I'd never say you can watch the news and pick your trades but I think certain news is tradeable. I called gold, china-h slump and UK banks slide (HSBC down 20% Barc 14%) from the same article. I got kicked out of potential set-ups thread for my "crystal ball" approach to trading lol