Why do so few succeed?

new_trader said:
Soc, perhaps due to your experience you can assess the market conditions within seconds and make a profitable trade, but this human algorithm can be replicated with software. Unexpected events (like terrorism) would be difficult to incorporate, but there aren't many other things that unexpectedly move a market.
This sophisticated human alogrithm, and I call it sophisticated, because it includes all sorts of ingredients that are beyond what is mechanical cannot be replicated with any software you can think of.

This is because software depends on rule sets constructed around the program. This does not mean that software is not capable of doing very useful jobs, but it is not capable of thinking creatively or intuitively, so therefore in many respects it is limited.

In other posts I stress the importance of using stops. This is an essentital protection in the event that they outcome expected is not the one that subsequently develops.
Pat494 said:
I thought that was a secret Socs I never would have guessed :cheesy: :cheesy:
Don't be disrespectful and cheeky.

Otherwise, I will clam up and no one gets to learn anything.
Glenn said:
Expectation is no use.
It displaces/overcomes/confuses awareness.
It destroys your ability to trade.

The market will do as it likes, no matter what anyone expects, and no matter what kind of method they use.
Once you have opened a position, Anything Can Happen !
The price is controlled by others behaviour after you commit the trade.
Never forget that.
Yes, agreed that is why it is so important, in fact crucial, to be prepared in advance by using stops. They don't cost anything to put in, they provide a safeguard, and they are there to be used.
charliechan said:
but here in my dear friend lies the problem. often, it is not the system that is broken, but the operator. therein lies the answer to this rather lengthy thread!

self examination could well reveal why one isnt able to follow a-b-c.

a good trader with a poor plan will make more money than a poor trader with a great plan ANY DAY OF THE WEEK!!!!!

if one could earn £100000000 a year flipping burgers, i almost guarantee that flipping burgers would be perceived as the most difficult career choice one could make! we would all be arguing here over whether rare, or well done is the correct way to cook a burger, and of course the choice of relish would be a nightmare! dont get me started on the pickles please. how many people here would have lost a fortune by dropping burgers from the fridge to the hot plate as their nerves get the better of them while thinking of all that filthy lucre they are about o make or lose?

I read this thread for a laugh. But this is the best post by far so far. Very good indeed. The number one reason why people don't make money trading is because they believe it is harder than it is.
I read this thread for a laugh. But this is the best post by far so far. Very good indeed. The number one reason why people don't make money trading is because they believe it is harder than it is.
I have made a point of reading your recent posts. I don't rate them. You come here for a laugh do you ? You imply that people are stupid.

I have news for you, people are not stupid.

They may lack information, the tools to do the job, and how to go about things properly, but that does not mean they are stupid.

What is a stupid comment is that it is easy, which is the one you are making.

If it were that easy everyone would succeed immediately, which is not the case.

Many decent people try very hard, that is not being stupid, it is a matter of persistence, and not what you say at all.

I read this thread for a laugh. But this is the best post by far so far. Very good indeed. The number one reason why people don't make money trading is because they believe it is harder than it is.

Playing piano isn't hard. "As long as you put your hands and feet in the right place,
the piano practically plays itself."
Accredited to J S Bach
When I saw the thread increased by 10 pages in 24 hrs, I knew exactly what happened and I was right.
My posts have had the intended impact and his posting style has partially changed, so I say it again.

Always read the user nick first. Never go to the trouble of reading posts when you know the user posts only nonsense.
So read the nick, before scrolling over his post.

Socrates told FXSCALPER
>>You imply that people are stupid.

Haven't you implied this consistently over your last 500 posts, and in some cases, almost stated it outright?
Do you really think that newbies here will not perfectly remember how many times you have cut them down, and not hold a massive grudge against you, or not use every opportunity that you provide to hit back as hard as they can?
Except this thread, I can't even dream of going to the trouble to read your posts, because I value my time too much and I can't tolerate the stink of BS.
The more you post, the faster you are exposed.
Kunal said:
Haven't you implied this consistently over your last 500 posts, and in some cases, almost stated it outright?

The key word here is "almost". According to the moderators, you can say that somebody says stupid things, asks stupid questions, makes stupid posts, provides stupid answers, and so on, as long as you don't say that the person is stupid.

Is this a stupid interpretation of the guidelines?


And read Chapter 7 for tomorrow.
- No it does not bother me in the least,

- threat...how best it could be dealt with to protect significant interests.

-but there are mutterings

On the 1st piont, to those who think Socrates is an "establishmentarian." He would probbably use Plato or another related nik.

But there are Platocrats abound...If there is any protectionism or guard from threats it is from there. And that relates to the second point.

Socrates is this discussion in a domian that you could provide a pointer to find?
Being stupid and overcomming obstacles (or not). Are quite different matters.
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new_trader said:
Soc, Unexpected events (like terrorism) would be difficult to incorporate, but there aren't many other things that unexpectedly move a market.

In the context that is common this is not correct.

Look up the volume of activity in UAL and I cant remeber which other American airline company before 911.

The press reportted that authorities had started an interenationa investigation that would lead to those that had left a trail to thier door.

Years later that investigation has not proceeded....For sure the trail exists ...so why not?

Some indipendant news reportes calim that insiders in the investigative apparatuss are claiming that the trail leads to the forme and existing top personel of the CIA...

This would not be surprising then that there will not be a trial of the evidence or these claims....

And it will not surprise many curious minds here and else where...cos they already know how implausible it is to launder the total proceeds of money from the global drugs trafficing...The size of sums invloved would stick out like a sore thumb in most economies.

Un figure of opium pruduction were cut by 90% before the Afghan invasion.....Why have they shot back up under US/UK and Norther aaliance noses???

How the world really works by alan b jones..

Amazon.com is much cheaper than .co.uk for this one.

Have others read it - what did you make of it...
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Don't be disrespectful and cheeky.

Otherwise, I will clam up and no one gets to learn anything.

I believe you've already won the "funniest poster" award - so you can stop trying 😆

On a related topic, who won the "writer of funniest posts" award?

THE ESSENTIAL BOYD by Grant T. Hammond

How to succeed :!:

Knowledge of the strategic environment is the first priority.

Secondly, one must be able to interact with the environment and those within it appropriately.

You must be able to observe and orient yourself in such a way that you can indeed survive and prosper by shaping the environment where possible to your own ends, by adapting to it where you must.

Doing so requires a complex set of relationships that involve both isolation and interaction.

Knowing when each is appropriate is critical to your success.

In OODA Loop fashion, one must continually observe, orient, decide and act in order to achieve and maintain freedom of action and maximize the chances for survival and prosperity.

One does so through a combination of rapidity, variety, harmony, and initiative.

It is these that are the core of "Boyd’s Way":
-Rapidity of action or reaction is required to maintain or regain initiative.

-Variety is required so one is not predictable, so there is no pattern recognition for a foe to
allow him to know of your actions in advance and thus plan to defeat them.}

-Harmony is the fit with the environment and others operating in it.

-Initiative—taking charge of your own destiny—is required if one is to master circumstances rather than be mastered by them.

All of course, would be focused on attaining the specified Objective that is implicit in this discussion.
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There is quality here.
Db and Bramble have posted some good stuff.
Of course, you'll have to scroll over the fluff to get to it.
Kunal said:
There is quality here.
Db and Bramble have posted some good stuff.
Of course, you'll have to scroll over the fluff to get to it.

I agree that there are a lot of quality posts (not only by the posters you mention 😉 ) burried in this thread, but lately it is getting rather fluffy. :|
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