ZDO said:
And the point?
Real men trade Bonds ?? 😎
And how does this relate to the topic?
How about – Most traders do not acknowledge that trading is a debt game and most traders do not acknowledge that they are competing against the guy in the white hat and that actually Curious George could kick their a$s all over the village if he took a notion.
In my Reality..
If Good is weaker than its opposite or indifference but its opposite is sdvantagous then how could natural selection left so much of it about...
Like Homosexuality, I dont buy that it is largly genetic other wise sury such a genetic trait will lead to less child bearing opportunities from such genes...Be happy and not have kids or be unhappy and have kids?? comaper to be happy and have kids or be unhappy and have kids...?
Bac to the morality If emotiion and the good way are such competitive disadvantages how come it wasnt lost from our society?
I percive Good and the forces of such and the respective opposites avery where. I'm soo pleased that I am not Peer less.
I realised that when I sought money for lust of it(or other immoral purposes) I couldnt get any even though the way a head was simple and clear (in my former times). The same plauged me in this arena.
Then setp wise I widended the purpose of my pursuit and the moral need for that return. Each time the way to to proceed in this uncertain arena became clear (not to the end just what to do next).
I know I will hit the bufers when I go back to limitting myself.
You see in my reality I have moral values and until i lined my time and, "my occupatio" with them I could not tackle some of the incosistiencies on "My List"
How could I do It when ALL of me didnt want to..... Internal resistance.
Thank the Lord I am onside! And others are too.
I spent most of my adult life a staunch open Athiest. I thought I knoew it all...I could defeat all religionists in arguments I thought they were Blind could not see it, not understand what we know now in mordern times and all that stuff. Then I started seeing cracks like Truman.. I Hunted and questioned and as the crack deppend I got to my own reality.
I cant prove it but I feel It. And why must you assume that if your were created that your creator would gift you with the abality to frame the right questions.
And no one ever answered My question on the matrix thread.... What Testable prediction is there for the concept that all this was not created.
LIke Socrates said in another post.. Most people pay more attention at the messengers than the message. Is there not a basic thread between all the messages.