Where is the Dow & others heading in 2005?

Just one to pick Brambles brain? If the market was quantifiable in hindsight, could price be subcatorgorised, i.e. directional price quantity and static price quantity. Would x (unknown) apply to directional price? If so could 'x' be transposed to give market direction? Just a thought, Bramble. RB.
Can I have my mushrooms back now please?
Joules MM1 said:
Your reply amplifies that fear is the driver of the issue and non-correlation for crude to equities.
I don't think so. it simply challenges your dogmatic assertion and suggests that you read up on the opposing view.
Give clear reasoning for your argument, not ramblings about cheer leaders and stuff that smacks of theorism and conspiracy. Numbers! Clarity! The rest is gossip.
I didn't present an argument and I don't recall you providing reasoning - clear or otherwise - for your extreme opinion. As for 'rambling', perhaps you'd care to explain what you mean by 'theorism'.
Knowing how to trade gossip is one thing and being part OF the gossip is quite another.
Not necessarily - for example, consider what I meant by 'cheerleaders'. It happens constantly in this business - people talking up this or that position in order to profit from it or its opposite themselves. It all depends upon how good they are att it and how much people act on what they say
I do not appeal to a markets rationality, or to yours, I am expressing a dispostion toward gossip. You may have misinterpreted my comments. I may have not made them clear enough.
Quite so. But if you are so certain that the price of oil is too high, I suggest you consider shorting it.

Me? - I don't have an opinion either way. I do however know that there IS a very respectable opposing view and that in any event, markets can behave irrationally for far longer than I can remain solvent trading against them.
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Can anyone explain the apparent negative correlation between SPX and VIX?
Sorry for being ignorant and I just trust this is a good place to ask as there has been some discussion about the effect of volume within a market.
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Hi Joules, have been following your discussion with Peterpr. I have not really given much thought to whether oil should or shouldn't be the price it is today. The fact is that it is, and no matter how strongly any individual feels to the contrary it will not change.
The one thing I have learned today from this discussion, as I have done some research into the various aguements for and against, is that it would be a brave man to take any definitive posture given the amount of contradictory information available if you search the web.
The one overiding conclusion above and beyond all this though, for me as a daytrader, is that it is not in my interests to become concerned whether a stock, commodity, or index is overpriced or underpriced. My job is simply to read the direction in which it is moving now and trade it accordingly.
aspex said:
Can anyone explain the apparent negative comparison between SPX and VIX?
Sorry for being ignorant and I just trust this is a good place to ask as there has been some discussion about the effect of volume within a market.

Hi aspex, I'll have a go for ya, though the VIX is not really of that much interest to me. Generally speaking the VIX is considered the "fear guage" As Iunderstand it, it is calculated somehow in relation to calls and puts on the S&P 100. From what I can see, as the index does well and provided sentiment is goodthe VIX falls, as sentiment falls and fear creeps into the market, the VIX rises.
User would probably give you a better answer as I think he follows the VIX
mpjordan said:
Hi Socrates
This is the only thread i follow on this site, its really interesting to see peoples views and positions. Its all done in an informative and freindly way.
User started the thread off, and right or wrong I always read his contributions with interest. and they stimulate debate. I think other people must as well, as when user went quiet recently, so did the thread.
So you had an opposing view and yesterday you were right, you wont always be. Theres room for opposing views thats what makes a market, why the aggressive tone?
mpjordan, I am not aggressive, but I can be percieved to be very very severe. This is as a result of my experience in dealing with the market for many years. You seem to confuse aggression with severity. You do this because you are apt to look at all this through your pipe, which for purposes as serious as the market is the wrong pipe.

The market is not a kind, considerate, patient, generous, ineffectual, gooey, subservient and forgiving entity. It is a fierce arena in which battle hardened experts compete for profits without mercy, and there is no room for sentiment. This is because the market delivers its verdict with severity, even before the trial is heard and its verdict is irrevocable, and, there is no appeal in the form of excuses, hindsight, theories and opinions.

I therefore see no valid reason for endless dissemination about an arena whose rules of engagement are the opposite to the opinions, aspirations, hopes and beliefs of the people who choose to discuss what are merciless protocols but from a series of viewpoints not in harmony with the reality of what really it is.

This is not my fault, but it is yours. When you are able to look and observe all of this through the correct pipe through which to view the market, you develop the ability to be consistently right, which is what I consistently am, and I am sorry if this serves to annoy some members but if and when I make a statement it is the result of looking down the correct pipe with care, and the resulting view can be subjected to the most ferocious and detailed examination, and, both at the time and afterwards, can be proved to be unerrringly (and probably very annoyingly ) right. I very much doubt with my track record that from now on I am suddenly going to acquire the habit of being consistently wrong. So therefore that does not arise.

What is the case is that I joined this website on 24th April, 2004. I allowed myself one year to fully explore what all this discussion is all about and its relevance. I have arrived at several conclusions. These conclusions are that there are truly very few people who truly understand worldwide what this is all about, although everybody pretends to do so. It may be the case that traders are born, not made. The year expires in 15 days.

KInd Regards As Usual.
I therefore see no valid reason for endless dissemination about an arena whose rules of engagement are the opposite to the opinions, aspirations, hopes and beliefs of the people who choose to discuss what are merciless protocols but from a series of viewpoints not in harmony with the reality of what really it is.

This is not my fault, but it is yours. When you are able to look and observe all of this through the correct pipe through which to view the market, you develop the ability to be consistently right, which is what I consistently am, and I am sorry if this serves to annoy some members but if and when I make a statement it is the result of looking down the correct pipe with care, and the resulting view can be subjected to the most ferocious and detailed examination, and, both at the time and afterwards, can be proved to be unerrringly (and probably very annoyingly ) right. I very much doubt with my track record that from now on I am suddenly going to acquire the habit of being consistently wrong. So therefore that does not arise.

What is the case is that I joined this website on 24th April, 2004. I allowed myself one year to fully explore what all this discussion is all about and its relevance. I have arrived at several conclusions. These conclusions are that there are truly very few people who truly understand worldwide what this is all about, although everybody pretends to do so. It may be the case that traders are born, not made. The year expires in 15 days.

KInd Regards As Usual.[/QUOTE]

May I take this opportunity to invite you to enlighten us, on a realtime basis, as to the daily movements on the Dow. I note that you promised Chartman that you would refrain from such activities....... but I won't tell him if you don't !!!
The Dow Jones does not 'exist' as'matter'! It only 'exisits' as 'concious/subconcious' 'thought'! CONCLUSION? Go with the flow! Sorry for abusing this thread, User, i'll try and get it right from now on?
The Dow Jones isn't about triangles, flags and mathematics, it's about the 'majority'. Taking a step back and viewing the big picture is easy, let the 'investors' do the hard work! Let's make them 'earn' 'us' money! Socs is right, market consolidation, abstain!
QUOTE: " I was blind, but now i see. You made a believer out of me...I'm movin' on up now...Out of the darkness..." Silly, no, i like that song.
Socs, you can never leave trading! This site has its ups and downs, if you pardon the pun, but nothing is ever really that personal. O.K., just read, dont post, i know you, you cant leave! If you do, then you are are cuttin' off your own nose, know what i mean?
O.K., i'm long, can't ignore upside vol over the past two week. I'm goin' to let this one hit my stop (if it does). Then i promise to myself, i am never goin' to anticipate the Dow ever again! Counter Violent has got the right idea on this one, keep sellin' it, until it changes for real!