Teach me to take some time away...post explosion!!!
And some really good discussions going on. Socco being quite open (or as open as he can) about things and nobody has yet pressed him on 'intent'. 😎
For those that are fixated on 'Time' being constant - bear in mind Time is only a theoretical concept - a useful one, but not 'reality'. Divisions of second, minute, hour, day etc are conventions. And quite arbitrary.
Your timeframe of choice is an arbitrary selection or slice of 'reality'.
Volume is an approximation to activity - either managed, real or reported - to that arbitrary timeslice selected.
We are all basically setting our own rules and creating our own Trading Universes - which is fine. But expecting anyone else's Universe to make sense in yours, or mine - is pushing the bounds of reason.
The fact that we can (at times) sensibly discuss what 'means' what and what 'causes' what gives the impression we are all talking about the same thing. I have a growing conviction these moments of concurrence are more accidental than representations of genuine reality - whatever that might be.
What the hell did I put on my Cornflakes this morning..... 🙄