What's the Purpose of this Section?

I feel left out. 🙁

TV, why no comments on my posts?
Don't save it all for Bramble. 😛, surely mine are baseless rubbish, (at best)?

p.s Bramble, thanks for the heads up about the Elite trader promotion spam.
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“p.s Bramble, thanks for the heads up about the Elite trader promotion spam.”


Can you logically explain why/how anything written on Elite Trader by me equates to spam? It is very easy to post “words” on a forum any child can do that – it is a whole other world when you are asked to back it up.

Can you back up this claim of yours with substance and fact? I really doubt that you can – but I’d like to see you try? Show the spam and the logical explanation for why you call it spam. If you can, of course – I would not want to put too much pressure on you (LOL). Hilarious!
Roberk: Intellectual Dishonesty


One of the things I despise the most, is an intellectually dishonest human being.

When you say that “the moderator close my thread”, do you really think that any rational human being will read this link and come away with that same understanding?

The moderator did his job (which is more than I can say for you) and simply sent me a PM asking me what my intentions were. There were SEVERAL PM’s between us that you are not posting here – are you? That’s because you are not privy to them all. You are only privy to what the moderator wanted you to see on his website. Got it?

Even so, the moderator CLEARLY states that ”I” asked him to shut the thread down if he thought it was too sales oriented. I am the one that initiated that – NOT the moderator as you insinuate in your post. I walked away from Elite Trader – Elite Trader did not walk away from me. I did so after posting trade profiles that were massive successes and receiving the same drivel that I now get from uninformed people like you, here on this site. Elite Trader never closed anything that I did not ask them to close, first. Are you clear, now?

So, I repeat my original question – please produce the reason behind your claim of spam. If you cannot, then you are guilty of rumor mongering – and who would want to be associated with that.
You are quite right TV, I did misread the thread, my apologies, I might pick up a copy of Hooked on Phonics.
What was actually said by the moderator
was this:
Magna wrote to scoresomepips on 06-21-04:

Hi scoresomepips,

While your trading insights and contributions are welcome, the sale of a commercial product is not, either directly or by supplying links to a commercial website. I don't know if this is your (eventual) intention but I thought it best to explain that Elite Trader does not permit free promotion nor free advertising. If this is not your intention then you are welcome to maintain a journal of live trades. Thank you for your cooperation.

Thank You, Roberk

I accept your apology and offer mine as well to you. Thank you for posting the full PM on context. I think that when the proper context is added to things, it usually brings out the truth of the matter. What Bramble posted originally was not the truth.

I appreciate your candor and your willingness to admit fault. I retract my claim of dishonesty as you now indicate that you had not fully read (misread) the entirety of the PM. So, please accept my apologies as well.
how many consonants in condescending?

at no point did i get personal, nor trade insults. not my style..

i dont like the cut of your jib, matey.

throw him in the clink.