What's the Purpose of this Section?

TheBramble, that is exactly what I was thinking.

If you think about it logically, the whole thing makes no sense whatsoever. If (and it's a big if) TV can do what he says he can, it'll be easy enough to prove to sceptics like me and I'll humbly apologise.

Over to you TV.

ps. FetteredChinos, venom, bile, spite and hate are strong words. I'm just very sceptical thats all. Seen and heard these type of claims a million times and seen enough poor sods suckered in by them too.

pps. Having an open fire a lump of coal will come in right handy.
I'm one of those gullible novices 😉 anyway.
BTW i'm so keen to hear more about it .
I like to spend money in the best and optimized way. it is obvious if you don't spend enough time/money you won't succeed, IMHO.

ps. let me declare that I agree with options about K.I.S.S rule. i'm sure if something works well it should be simple enough; and I hope in that secret core(TV talks about) there not be a too complicated algorithm. 😉
TheBramble said:
There are others who I imagine are thinking that if they had spent 5 y
And others might resonate with TV's stated aims of "I’m doing this out of a sense of “enjoyment” and “pride of work product”. ", but ask themselves, why not just go ahead and set up the website?

Others with less a less open-minded outlook .
And others are wondering if Alan greenspan should be notified: In case someone starts trading the system and vacuums up the worlds currencies.

(sorry Fetteredchinos, guess I'll be burning my only XMas present this year too)
I Was Reported To The Admin For Being 'too Agressive In My Posts'. The Guy Even Said That Everyone Is Here To Learn. I Bet This Is The Worst Place To Learn To Trade. A Lot Of Nonesense About Trading From People Who Clearly Don't Know What They Are Talking About. Take It From Jesse Lievermore: Listening To Other People's Opinion Is The Surest Way To The Poor House. I Am Gonna Be Banned From Here Apparently. I Am Really Destressed. As If...cheerio.
Hi TradeVector,

Your results are impressive, please count me in for your future plans.

Best regards

A very articulate post Trade Vector. Gives us a lot more insight into your determination and love for what you are trying to achieve.

I put a lot of effort into my trading, not sure I could accomplish what you are trying to do. I know I certainly don't have the brains in any case!

Would be happy to assist your endeavours and report back as requested. Both forms for me though. I intra day trade and also try to keep a swing going for any length of time. (Not always successful with the longer swings).

Start at around 7 gmt and stop, well stop whenever I want, though nearly always in front of the comp in the working week. I mean it's 22.45 gmt and I am still 'working'.
10 grand up at the blackjack tables as well!

So, ready when you are.
Likewise (apart from the blackjack tables, anyway). Looking forward to it very much. Many thanks for your very interesting post.
I would say lock it down and keep it private.

Not for any sense of secrecy. But you will get unwanted intervention from knockers and idiots. After all, you only want the feedback to assist you in your work. Not everyone who writes on this thread would take the time to fill out the feedback.

Post the results by all means.

'Live' chat or IM's will work for me 'cause I am always (nearly) in front of the comp. Though I know it won't work for everyone, and in the longer time frame swings, it is not needed in any case.
options said:
I would say lock it down and keep it private. Not for any sense of secrecy. But you will get unwanted intervention from knockers and idiots.
I completely agree. I suggest that it will rapidly become frustrating for all those interested, including yourself, if you don't do that. We've had a real plateful of "hecklers" recently (I'm not referring to this thread) and the people with the loudest voices always seem to be the least well informed, most opinionated and most critical ones.
Keep them Seperate

TradeVector said:

Would it be easier to do the Profile in this Forex section? Or, is it best to conduct them under the Journals section and then talk about them here under Forex?

I can do them in either location, it just seems to me that doing everything in the Journal section would lead to some difficulty tracking/following and locating certain trades.

I understand the threads can also be made private, too? I don't want to bother those not interested and there seems to be a fair number of those individuals here. So, if the thread can be locked down and kept out of their eyesight - private - that might work, too?

The question is on the table – majority rules.

I think it would be a good ideal to keep the discussion and profiles seperate. It's easier to keep track of that way and you don't have to search through a thread to find the latest Profile..

And KEEP OUT those distractors by whatever means is necessary. Nothing is worse than have to filter through all those trashy posts..

Do you have an ETA on the first Live Profile..?
Fascinating reading.
I spread bet on 24-48 hour postions. If my feedback is of any use I'd like to join in.
Agree about keeping the hecklers away.
I approve of a little healthy cynisism, but some of them really hack me off.
EURUSD Compression: "Pros" -vs- This System

Gone - but I'll allow this one to remain as a reminder of how irrational some of your behavior has been. Thos post is a great example of why so many people have difficult trading the Forex accurately and consistently for any prolonged period of time.

Read this regarding the EURUSD:

“12/15/04: Holiday market conditions are starting to kick and the whippy, directionless performance of the USD in Asia today is a good example. The EUR/USD is back close to opening levels after looking very offered down at yesterday’s low around 1.3260. Traders say that it doesn’t take large volumes to move the EUR/USD 20 pips and it will probably get worse as we head into the Christmas/New Year period. The bounce off of 1.3260 validates the level as key support and there is talk of stops below 1.3250. The EUR/USD trades 1.3292/97.-- [email protected]

So, it would seem as if the “pros” are unable to determine where the EURUSD goes next. I’ve been hearing the ‘low volume’ theme thrown around for the past 4 weeks now on various news feeds.

If they had a better understanding of Price Structure and what causes the limits of the structure to be “set” in the first place as well as the “timing” of the development or building of the structure, then they would know to expect longer-term consolidation before the move higher. This underscores what I mean by "relative stability" in the Forex data -vs- typical stock data. There is just no comparison.

I would NEVER sit Long like this in the stock market with this much compression in the price - never.

This, in light of the weekly targets that I have posted, is a good example of how this trading technology starts to set itself apart from the rest of the trading tools in the market. Technical Traders (what I like to call Technologists) are more closer to the reality of the current EURUSD condition than are the Fundamentalists. I’m starting to see the Technologists talk about short-term studies turning down, but still rather neutral in practical terms.

For the Fundamentalists, the U.S. Trade Deficit hit a record $55.5 Billion in October and the Fundamentalists were saying that, this might spark some long side activity that gets sustained today – yet – the EURUSD sits inside a fairly tight range – for now. Yet, I see some “pros” in various news feeds blame the lack of sustained upward mobility on the EURUSD on “October Oil prices that have peaked” relative to current prices. It is almost as if they make things up as they go along – at least it appears that way.

On the other hand, my trading system tells me that something called the Omega Eclipse (I’ll explain that later) that ALWAYS occurs once per week, got triggered on the Sunday/Monday session which is very early in the trading week. My research concludes that directly preceding the exhaustion of the Omega Eclipse each week, that the pair typically enters a period of horizontal occlusion before the continuation of the primary trajectory.

Today, being Tuesday night – and the Eclipse event being over for the week – I expect a rapid expulsion of price into its target area late in the week. However, sometimes, when the Eclipse event happens so early in the week with such a rapid rate of expansion on price, it can stall the entire move for the remainder of the week – but I’ve only seen that happen a handful of times – even in back-testing.

For those wondering why the EURUSD has been so flat recently.
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Gone. But, another great example to leave behind.


There is a lot of pent-up "frustration" in the EURUSD right now - the traditional hourly studies are insanely confused. The pop (when it comes this week) should be rather large - something has got to give and soon.

Recall that the Revenue Model that I'm targeting requires 50% net on this trade in order to remain on schedule for $1m after 56 trades (this is trade number 6). That equates to only 25 pips. Right now, this system is projecting an average of 95 pips available per Trajectory - remember, I trade the Trajectory and not the Price. 50 pips would generate a 100% net gain on the trade. The full 95 pips (which most likely won't happen give my lousy entry) would generate a net of 190% for the trade putting ahead of the Revenue Model schedule.

It is always good to be ahead of schedule - it helps to make up for some of those "delayed flights" that will happen during your travels.
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