What's the Purpose of this Section?

This is not really my cup of tea, however this is an example of a hedge fund that has developed their own software for trading the FX markets. Sounds similar to your approach. The following are the posts that were posted by the managing partner of the hedge fund.

I think it is important firstly to define expectancy, just to be sure you aren't confusing it with something else.

Expectancy is the average amount of money you'll make in your system over many trades, per dollar risked.

Expectancy is controlled by the exit strategy you employ and it is one reason, perhaps the chief reason why I do not like to see traders use technical analysis techniques to exit from their trades. Using TA to enter a trade is one thing, but using a 'reversal' of a TA signal to exit the trade has a tendency I believe to disregard a key objective in successful trading which is to make money. Instead, it tends to play to the traders desire to be proved 'right' and this can and should be avoided.

Back to 'expectancy'...

You suggested in your post that 'expectancy' could come at the expense of opportunity. That is to say, that if you have more opportunities, your expectancy reduces. I just want to be sure you are not confusing 'expectancy' with 'reliability' where 'reliability' is the percentage of time your trades make money. For example, if you trade 10 times and you make money 6 times, your reliability is 60%.

To follow your statement:

"...if you have more opportunities to trade, then your expectancy could be much lower than if you have less opportunities."

This could be right, but only where the sample selected differs significantly. If you trade three times and get two of three right, you'll have a 66% reliability, but if you trade 100 times you may get a completely different picture far removed from 66%.

In any case, 'expectancy' cannot be dealt in isolation (as many people do). There are six elements (if Van Tharp is to be believed) and these include:

1. reliability - the number of winners divided by the number of unprofitable trades.
2. relative size of profits versus losses
3. the cost of trading
4. the opportunity to trade
5. size of investment capital (stake)
6. position sizing model or algorithm

The first four together deal with 'expectancy' and the last two are integral parts of the 'risk management' issue.

A famous analogy of Van Tharp is the "snow ball wall" where he likens trading to your attendance at a snow ball fight. You turn up to the snow field with your trading capital and this dictates the size of the wall you build to protect you from snowballs as they are tossed at you. The more capital you have (Variable 5), the larger/thicker the wall you can build to protect yourself. Makes sense, right?

He asks the reader to imagine the market as tossing two types of snowball at your wall...one is the garden variety made of snow and the other is a 'hot' variety. In the first instance, the snow hits the wall and sticks, strengthening the wall - these are the profitable trades that accumulate to increase the size of your wall (trading account). The second snowball is 'hot' and melts the snow that makes up the wall. These are the losing trades.

Clearly, you want more sticky snow to hit the wall than hot, melting snow. This is 'reliability' and I trust you can see how (as 'expectancy' goes), it is not enough on its own.

Some snowballs are bigger/smaller than others. If you cop a direct hit from a giant hot snowball, it will melt more than the accumulation a number of sticky snowballs can repair. Variable 2 suggests that if you can't achieve a great deal of reliability (and most traders can't) then the relative size of your profits must be monitored and managed. If you don't, your wall (trading capital) could find itself vastly reduced and the chance of you getting hit (wiped out) will increase. I trust you can see the 'risk management/position sizing' necessity here without me going on.

The issue of cost (Variable 3) concerns itself with the slight impact each snowball has on the integrity and strength of the wall. Even with sticky snowballs hitting the wall...each time they impact, a little of the original strength is sapped from the wall...much like brokerage does to your account.

In short...you need to determine a 'net effect' of the whole of your trading activity and this is the true guide to 'expectancy'.

In my business our 'snow wall' gets peppered with seven golf ball sized 'hot' snowballs for every three basketball sized 'sticky' snowballs that come our way.

Our 'reliability' is not that high and many people confuse this with a method that has a low 'expectancy'. I trust you can see how and why we would disagree because we believe 'expectancy' is not a single variable, but the accumulation of at least four (as listed above).

One other thing I'll say about the wall (staying with the analogy). It moves! The position it sat in the field last month is different to the position it is in today. Profits (sticky snowballs) don't land evenly...they tend to spread out or accumulate in the one spot and we find we shuffle left or right to stay behind our wall. In other words, the market evolves, conditions change and today's successful strategy may need adjustment if it is to stay successful in the future.

Whatever trading method you devise, it is important to ensure that it is the fundamental principles that are making it successful NOT the entry strategy (which will be harder to adjust). If your trading methodology is fundamentally strong (i.e for start, it deals with the principles listed above and does not rely solely on the entry strategy) then you've got a transportable chance of long-term survival as a trader.

I do agree....but the question you ask is another question I get asked all the time. I don't have a statistically hard answer for you and i'm afraid it is something you will have to test and determine yourself. This is mostly because most markets are different. For example, the AUD/USD does not have the same general "range" as the USD/JPY or EUR/USD. A 50-point move in the Aussie occurs far less frequently than a 150-point move in the Dollar-Yen for example. If we are in the money 80-points in the USD/JPY, we might move the stop to break-even (give or take) yet we might move the AUD/USD stop to break even after just 30-points.

We run some "surface maps" from proprietary software that gives us a guide to probabilistic moves in the market and this is used generally as a guide to where exits should be placed. These maps look like synoptic weather charts...and they move across a matrix in much the same way as high/low pressure systems do. They're very interesting. A hard target of 200-points is set with every trade, but after consultation with the surface map a high probability area might lie between 150 and 170 points so the target is adjusted to this space. This might change again the next day to 160 to 190 points etc. We need these because Adam and Matt (who manage our hedge fund/institutional trading) also take half the position off, once half target is reached (or therabouts) and again...after consultation with the surface map. The research that goes into this is considerable and is dependent upon monitoring general movements and volatility in the market. For example, how many times a week might you see a 30-point move (many) and how many times a week might you see a 200-point move (few)? If a market runs 80-points, what is the probability it will extend to 130-points? Our surface map will guide us...if it's a high probability, we hold on past 80. Rough example.

Along the way...our basic approach and 'expectancy' principles don't change. We know the general target, the win/loss ratio, the reliability and we move the stop to break-even and no further. This other stuff...just helps us keep it smooth while seeking above-average performance.

FWIW...our win/scratch/loss record across the currencies we trade is currently:

Win 35%
Loss 58%
Scr 7%

Win 43%
Loss 46%
Scr 11%

Win 25%
Loss 69%
Scr 6%

Win 31%
Loss 62%
Scr 7%

Win 33%
Loss 49%
Scr 18%

Our USD average is approx Win 33%, Lose 57%, Scratch 10%.

I've yet to see any serious long-term trader truly deviate from these numbers. It doesn't surprise me in the least that you've gravitated to the same.

Cheers d998
TV (Dwight? [As in DWT1020 perhaps???]), as of June 22nd this year, you claimed you had 68 members for your "LiveForexTrades" group on Yahoo. Although there are currently (still?) only 56 for that group created on that date.

This post on the ET website (where you are known as 'scoresomepips'):-


pretty much says it all. Why didn't you just point t2w members directly to your Yahoo group?

And how many more do you need from t2w to make up your 'test sample'? Still trying for the magic 100?

(BTW why did the the ET mod shut your journal down? Seems it may have been for potential advertising abuse?).

From one of your posts over 'there':-

Last Vacation site: South of France (Canary Islands)
Total Time on Last Vacation: 42 days
Average Golf Score While on Vacation: 87


FYI - The Canary Islands are not in the South of France. No wonder you had such a good round. 😆

BTW - Love your stuff on Zogby. No, seriously.

For those t2w members and research traders (most of us?) that think I'm being a killjoy just remember, for every hour you spend following a wrong trail, it's not just an hour lost. You generally have to get back to where you started before you can set off again.
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TheBramble said:
TV (Dwight? [As in DWT1020 perhaps???]),

For those t2w members and research traders (most of us?) that think I'm being a killjoy just remember, for every hour you spend following a wrong trail, it's not just an hour lost. You generally have to get back to where you started before you can set off again.


FYI DWT = David Wayne T + signifigant date ....

There is a well know futures trading contest with the winner usually 10k into a 1,000,000 or more in a single year. I'm not one of these traders but perhaps TV is, perhaps not. Why not let the Live Profiles speak for themselves. I don't mean to be a killjoy for your "good intentions", but I'd rather spend an hour following a wrong trail, than reading through a million posts bashing VT.
DWT - you're up late/early. My unreserved apology. Shot in the dark after too much early hours sleuthing.

We're all free to traverse whichever trail we choose - absolutely right. But if you've got a destination in mind rather than an enjoyably aimless wander, it's so much nicer to go off down a track (or to avoid doing so) for which someone has gone to the trouble of putting up a signpost.
TV, alarm bells started to ring last night when I read that you might 'take the membership / live trades private'. You had very little negative reaction on here considering your lofty claims, just a healthy dose of sceptcism. Surely the best way to prove the efficacy of your claims is to present them in a completely open manner on a public forum ? No one can criticise you if your making money on 98% - 99% of trades.

Start posting the live trades and I'll join in with the adulation if the results are as you say. Surely it is better to have the sceptics on board as well rather than have us sniping from a position of ignorance.
TheBramble said:
DWT - you're up late/early. My unreserved apology. Shot in the dark after too much early hours sleuthing.

We're all free to traverse whichever trail we choose - absolutely right. But if you've got a destination in mind rather than an enjoyably aimless wander, it's so much nicer to go off down a track (or to avoid doing so) for which someone has gone to the trouble of putting up a signpost.

Yes, I was up late.. something I have to do on occastion to trade the Start of the Euro session.

As for the sign posts, the warning is appreciated but I'm pretty sure most of us have traveled down a few paths having seen and totally ignored all posted signs along the way. I know I have. 🙂 But I always find it interesting to see how other people "view" and trade the markets. Alan Greenspan said the Fed has spend millions of dollars and thousands of hours trying to "figure out" the forex, but that doesn't mean someone can't do it.... I just hope this thread doesn't become full of Bashing.. That is a trail too well traveled .....

Besides, as famous fund manager once said. "if you use good money management, you can use a roll of the dice and a flip of the coin to price and direction and you'd still make money.

Good Luck and Good Trades..

Gone. But, I'll leave it a clear example of why I am no longer here. Too much silliness.


It does read “interestingly”. However, with more than 615 output signals all individually created and fully integrated and filtered down to 1 trade signal, I think it would be safe to say that the probability of two people working blind to each others existence on the planet and developing two trading models that are even remotely similar, would be so low that you could fit an electron between the proportional width of that probability span itself. In other words, it is highly unlikely that we have developed the same technology. I don’t see anything here that places the same emphasis on “Timing”, “Direction”, “Magnitude”, and “Probability” – and those are the pillars to any “accurate” trading system. One cannot have sustained “accuracy” (which is so critically important) without dealing with these four (4) major factors first.

But, still – it does read very interesting, however. 🙂 Thanks.


I noticed that you are a “Legendary Member” on this forum with more than 1,975 posts! That’s a lot of posts for any on-line forum. Do you post that much because you are a successful trader and your trading methodology, tactic, strategy, or system has the money pouring in without your need for monitoring the cash flow? Or, do you post that much because you still don’t have a clue about how to trade? I’m just curious. Because when I see that many posts on a single forum, it tells me that the [poster] has a tremendous amount of time on their hands.

1) I use “Tradevector” on most of the forums that I post on – unless my purpose for being on that forum is different. Why is that such “issue” in your book?

2) The post should have read the “South of France” and “The Canary Islands”. Any idiot knows the difference and can thus detect typos – of which I’ve made many and will continue to make more.

3) I’ve personally never had thread, or a journal, or a membership banned on any forum for any purpose. But, what I find more interesting than that, is your bent/pension for trying to start crap on this forum with somebody you don’t know anything about? Could that have something to do with your bent for making irrational and illogical assumptions?

4) When I see somebody asking for feedback on their trading model, I don’t get offensive as you have. And, I don’t start demonstrating my internet search engine skills (incased in any 7 year old child) to derive at a false premise that suggests negativity about the person asking for feedback. However, you seem to be good at this – could that be explained by your many posts on this forum?

5) I like your comments here when you said:

“For those t2w members and research traders (most of us?) that think I'm being a killjoy just remember, for every hour you spend following a wrong trail, it's not just an hour lost. You generally have to get back to where you started before you can set off again.”

Those are very poignant words, and they sound like the come from somebody who should know. I suppose that you know where the right trail is located. If so, I am more than willing to demonstrate the inferiority of your Forex knowledge here on-line in full plain view if you like. YOU can post the profiles on EURUSD and I will provide "feedback" on your work product - how's that? Are you up for that?

6) If I decide to post profiles on 1000 different forums - why is that a concern of yours? What does it matter to you, that I post profiles in different forums? If you paid attention during your "research" you would have noticed that I don't hide behind many online aliases. I routinely use Tradevector on aviation forums, financial forums, trading forums, physics forums, engineering forums, etc.

You will also notice a theme that runs through my posts online: I'm always talking about trading where ever I go and I always talk about airplanes and aerospace where ever I go. At times I talk about mathematics and physics. These are the disciplines that I spent many years in college working on. Aerodynamics, Astrophysics and Mathematics. Why does that kind of background bother you? I'm just curious.

These are the signs of consistency in a person. Are you that consistent on-line? Or, would I find several hundred aliases on you? People who throw stones typically have billions of aliases on-line because they are trying to hide something.

Why would I want to hide a trading system that I want feedback on? I find your post a bit irrational at best.


Are you actually paying attention to the Weekly Parameters & Test Trades, or are you like Bramble, interested in only making yourself look foolish.

It is not very smart to post something like this when the EURUSD just did exactly what I said it would do. Not very smart at all. Why don’t you just sit back and enjoy the ride – that would be a lot smarter, in my book.

Better yet – go take a look at my last post BEFORE this move in the EURUSD. I told you exactly what to expect and why while most other “pros” were scratching their heads trying to understand what was going on.

Let me ask you: were you Long the EURUSD prior to this move? If so, then you just made at least 129 pips. But, if you were sitting on the sidelines – you did not. Where were you, on EURUSD today?
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good work on diffusing a potentially explosive situation there jim.... 🙂

cut the red wire, no the green....

ahhhhhh, ********...
Bang on the nose, TV.

Been out for most of the day, just got back in front of comp and eur/usd touched 3430 a short while ago. Currently 3422. close enough for me.

Interestingly my criteria said long gb/usd from early last night. Stopped out a few hours later in thin market conditions. Entered long again and stopped out during the night. Hate it when you get the direction spot on and still lose in the market. That's trading though. Won't be the last time.

Answers. Either should have used a wider stop. (how deep are my pockets?) Or, and this is the true answer. My timing of entry into the trade was wrong. Going back over my set up. I wanted to get the trade on overnight or wake up to miss a great part of the move. As it turns out the major move happened with me watching it while trying something new with fibs. I knew where it was going to take off from and just sat and watched it. So this bears more watching and testing to see how it pans out.

Have switched back to eur/usd totally now. (They run much the same route in any case but are their own animals.)

Look forward to next signal TV. And remember what has been said about interference.
TradeVector said:
I noticed that you are a “Legendary Member” on this forum with more than 1,975 posts! That’s a lot of posts for any on-line forum. Do you post that much because you are a successful trader and your trading methodology, tactic, strategy, or system has the money pouring in without your need for monitoring the cash flow?
Yes. I get 24hours every day just like everybody else. But here's the trick. I subscribe to the mantra "The More, The More". Which means, the more I do, the more time I get to do more things. Doesn't make any logical sense, but it works for me. I tried doing less and 'keeping all my time just for trading' but there's simply TOO MUCH TIME and I ended up getting lazy and bored . So now I push myself to fill every second. The excessively wanton number of posts is a simple extension of my excessively wanton lifestyle.

TradeVector said:
1) I use “Tradevector” on most of the forums that I post on – unless my purpose for being on that forum is different. Why is that such “issue” in your book?
I don't have an issue with any of your aliases - none of my business - just your intent and purpose.

TradeVector said:
3) I’ve personally never had thread, or a journal, or a membership banned on any forum for any purpose.
I said: "(BTW why did the the ET mod shut your journal down? Seems it may have been for potential advertising abuse?)."

Based on...

=====================from ET site=============

Registered: May 2001
Posts: 2378

06-22-04 05:04 AM

Magna wrote to scoresomepips on 06-21-04:

Hi scoresomepips,

While your trading insights and contributions are welcome, the sale of a commercial product is not, either directly or by supplying links to a commercial website. I don't know if this is your (eventual) intention but I thought it best to explain that Elite Trader does not permit free promotion nor free advertising. If this is not your intention then you are welcome to maintain a journal of live trades. Thank you for your cooperation.


For those who were anticipating Live Trade Profiles.... I am sorry to report that after a private discussion with scoresomepips (initiated by the PM reprinted above), it's been requested by him that I remove the thread. Rather than doing so, as such a disappearance would simply raise questions, I've decided to close the thread.

=====================from ET site=============

TradeVector said:
5) I like your comments here when you said:

“For those t2w members and research traders (most of us?) that think I'm being a killjoy just remember, for every hour you spend following a wrong trail, it's not just an hour lost. You generally have to get back to where you started before you can set off again.”

Those are very poignant words, and they sound like the come from somebody who should know.
Damn right I do! I've been down just about every one of them. Ahh...the backwoods of trading...Nothing like it.

TradeVector said:
I suppose that you know where the right trail is located. If so, I am more than willing to demonstrate the inferiority of your Forex knowledge here on-line in full plain view if you like. YOU can post the profiles on EURUSD and I will provide "feedback" on your work product - how's that? Are you up for that?
No. And No. But then, I don't need an ego-massage....

TradeVector said:
Or, would I find several hundred aliases on you? People who throw stones typically have billions of aliases on-line because they are trying to hide something.
Pal, you should have been around here a few weeks ago... 😆

TradeVector said:
Why would I want to hide a trading system that I want feedback on? I find your post a bit irrational at best.
I wasn't suggesting you hide anything. I was suggesting you make your requirements even clearer by directing t2w members to your Yahoo group. Seemed a helpful suggestion, but I get a sense you're a bit niggled...

Post your live profiles, in a public forum and you'll get all the helpers you can handle (if they're as successful as you say). Or, you could take offence at me/my posts/my dogs and go off in a huff - I've provided you with that opportunity. Prove me wrong. 😎
Mmmm, the next call should be interesting. Looking at a monthly chart of eur/usd we are at what I would call heavy resistance and in my style of trading I would be looking for some short signals.
Can't wait to see what signal we get TV

Gone. And, a great example of how silliness can spoil the entire bunch. Another great example of ignoring the facts, and insisting on getting personal with someone you don't know, or slamming technology you do not understand.

Bramble (or, is that Ramble as in Ramble on),

I noticed you failed to address the Weekly Parameters & Test Trades – why is that? Why are you so bent on demonstrating your ability to fail to see what’s being put right in front of your eyes – yet pretending that it does not exist?

The only ego around here is yours. I never did anything to demonstrate an ego. I simply asked a simple question of the forum, and you flew off the handle. You cannot claim ego in someone else, when you are the one fostering the ego yourself. Try looking in the mirror. Where do you see ego in any one of my posts? Post facts that support your claim – if you can. I suggest that you cannot and therefore you will not.

There is no ego in asking for feedback on a trading model. However, there is a lot of ego when you attack something that you don’t know anything about – that’s real ego. It takes both ego and audacity to attack that which you don’t understand. It is also rather foolish.

Why don’t you focus on trading – if you can – instead of these childish rants? My Weekly Long Target is very near a strike point – I posted Long before it happened. Deal with that and stay on subject. Everything else you say outside of trading is totally moot.

Or, would you rather post your own profiles instead?
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tv, on what exactly are we meant to offer this feedback that you crave, sorry, request.

a few market calls? what do you expect us to say? "jolly good shot old bean", or "commiserations old fella, that one didnt work out. better luck next time"

feedback requires input of some description. some input as to where your signals are coming from..we dont need a full run-down of your method. just an explanation of why your system "took" these trades at these levels etc.

or otherwise this will end up as another of those threads, Garbage In , Garbage Out...

im just trying to mediate here, and its getting painful sitting on this picket fence...

Gone. But, will remain as another great example of where silliness gets you. Being insulted by someone you don't know when you did nothing to warrant it and when you really don't have to put up with it - is a bit much these days to endure.


Spare me the childish insults.

Everybody else gets it except you and Bramble. If you can’t understand the reason, requirements, need and sensibility in obtaining feedback for such a thing and if you cannot read a simple post where I clearly outlined the proposed feeback format and layout which clearly spelled out the very specific items to be included in the feedback itself, then I would suggest that you not participate – sit on the sidelines and watch.

I’m not here for you, or to appease you. The model speaks for itself – it does not need any approval from you nor does it need your praise. Read the posts provided and you would not ask such a silly question.

I don’t like repeating myself simply because you don’t read in context and would rather push a false premise through your insidious and irrational insinuations about my intentions.

The post is called: Weekly Parameters & Test Trades. You might want to read it carefully before you make posts like this one.
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Actually no, I wasn't paying attention. I am extremely busy at the moment and had not even noticed the 'weekly parameters & test trades' thread. I assumed (wrongly) that you would tell readers of this thread that you had actually started another thread with the trades on it.

Still I didn't criticize your method or your ability, I merely asked for some proof (which I can now see you have started to provide).

One thing to bear in mind as you near your magical $1,000,000 goal, all the riches in the world will not deliver happiness. You post with arrogance and an uncalled for venom against anyone who dares question anything you say. I suspect these personality traits have developed because of the time you have spent developing your system in isolation. You said that it had come at great personal cost.

I will monitor the trades but I won't be conversing with you again, you come across as a thoroughly unpleasant human being.


Are you actually paying attention to the Weekly Parameters & Test Trades, or are you like Bramble, interested in only making yourself look foolish.

It is not very smart to post something like this when the EURUSD just did exactly what I said it would do. Not very smart at all. Why don’t you just sit back and enjoy the ride – that would be a lot smarter, in my book.

Better yet – go take a look at my last post BEFORE this move in the EURUSD. I told you exactly what to expect and why while most other “pros” were scratching their heads trying to understand what was going on.

Let me ask you: were you Long the EURUSD prior to this move? If so, then you just made at least 129 pips. But, if you were sitting on the sidelines – you did not. Where were you, on EURUSD today?
Trading "beyond" the horizon...
No - Money Magnet - you are wrong.

You misstate the facts. What you ulterior motives are for misstating the facts is unknown to me – and I really don’t care.

You need to support your claims with fact and not innuendo and presupposition. You just said that I post with arrogance. PROVE IT. Demonstrate exactly WHERE you see arrogance in my post prior to the idiots taking over threads. Demonstrate that fact if you can.

I deal in hard core evidence – not presupposition, speculation, innuendo and wannabe reality. Just the facts. Post something factual to back up your claim of arrogance. Instead, what I detect on this board is a LOT of jealousy - to be honest with you.

If you can pull this rabbit out the hat – I’d be amazingly surprised. All I did was ask questions FIRST. You people began the personal attacks, innuendo, speculation, irrational comments, off-subject retorts, stupid meanderings and willful disregard for the RESULTS delivered.

So, please – get your facts straight before you walk in here calling someone arrogant. When somebody swings back at you after you take a pot shot at them FIRST – and then you call that person arrogant for slapping you back – YOU sir – have the problem. Not the person who simply asked questions, FIRST.

Get your timeline and your facts together before you post something like this in the future.
Bramble: I don't expect you to know how to read in context what you've just read. I have very low expectations when it comes to you.

I heard that you can get a money back guarantee from Hooked On Phonics – I don’t know if it is true or not, but you might check into it. Anything would help you at this point.