Aw come on Jon. That should have stayed up on humour grounds. 🙂
You guys fall for it every time doncha
🙂 HC hasn't even said how much he lost yet and you're up like a baying pack of wolves.
Just a reprise of the whole sorry saga so far:
1. HC starts a couple of threads and writes an article explaining in considerable detail an option strategy.
2. Several experienced traders regard that strategy as flawed and say so in no uncertain terms, but they do not explain why in any detail. Presumably just expecting people to accept their word that the strategy is seriously flawed.
3. HC appears to disregard the criticism, so the pack turn to insulting him. Again they offer no explanation of why they consider the strategy flawed.
4. It then transpires that HC is intending to teach this strategy.
5. The pack immediately conclude that all his posts are mere marketing ploys which may or may not be the case. In any event the pack are probably doing a better marketing job than HC by the way they go on about it.
6. Now for the pack it seems just a game as to who can get away withe the best insults or post the best lulz.
7. And now we get to the stage where this is all T2W's fault - how dare they let threads like this appear on the boards.
Well if you think ya-boo cuts it as constructive criticism and allows readers to exercise good judgement on the merits or otherwise of the strategy then so be it. If people really want to "protect the innocent" then for Goodness sake explain the flaws in the strategy in a way they can understand.