Now----talking about The Andrews Sisters.....
I didn't get that yesterday and had to look it up on youtube just now, that bugle song....LOL
That last girl doing the shoop shoooop in the final verse had a bit of soul
Now----talking about The Andrews Sisters.....
Heh heh, ok I'll to get it while its free right? 😉
triangle i think...if so 4283 was it's final hit before heading south
small poss of it being a falling wedge though which means 4271 support before heading north
short 4475 10 pt stop
hope i've not been suckered into this one
i was...ratz closed for 10 pt loss...turns out it was a falling wedge and i miscounted the final bounces.
anyway long 4285 target 4295
anyway long 4285 target 4295
lol lap blixey and SD re the the nolans etc..
nice call there on your first outing mr finley. +15
well having studied the GU for a a couple of weeks i traded on the GU for the first time today and netted +31 inc spread.
+15 with mr finley's call +15 on my one of my regular strategies.. been an nice day.. may it long continue
appologies for the aftertiming.. just wanted to share the news..
What was that signal on? skype, email...? read on twitter it was sent but didn't receive, but oh my technological savviness aint what it used to be...
short 4488 target 4277
EDIT: even as a bloke i'd probably look better in a red dress than them Nolans...not that i'd be prepared to test that theory.
target hit, but i'm leaving it run for 4270
stop moved to BE
long up to 4286