VS - Full Training Day


For Sale:

Vince Stanzione's Full Training Day video set bought in early 2004

6 x 90 minute videos and
270 page training manual

Please PM me with offers or feel free to take the mick in this thread! 😆

Remember, Vince charges a whopping £3521.47 for his latest seminar set.......
Hi Ben:
Last I heard, Bally35 had £4.99 to spend and no takers...perhaps u could pm him 😉
one would ask the question why are you selling this remarkable piece of work

i'll start the bidding

it's gotta be worth a tenner
TheBramble said:
Ben (seriously) have you tried ebay?

eBay is VERY slow at the moment for some reason. It is on there but I just thought someone who visits T2W may want it.......
ben_catt said:
eBay is VERY slow at the moment for some reason. It is on there but I just thought someone who visits T2W may want it.......
You're probably better off where nobody knows what it is....
Simple question for you Ben - was it worth it?...and did you learn much from it? (ok, two questions...). I was never tempted beyond his £100 introductory set, but always wondered what it was I was 'missing'.


I'm just a pure beginner in spread betting. Just started to trade with little money in July.

I recently watched the videos of VS and to be honest I think they are ok, not great, not bad. I have learned a bit of everything and was encouraged by the simple MA trading technique.

On the other hand there are some moments that he contradict himself.

Was it worth the money ? I would never have spend so much money on the videos alone. However if you are lazy and are not willing to spend time in researching then I can recommend the videos. You will get a lot of information bundled in 9 hours.
waverider said:
Simple question for you Ben - was it worth it?...and did you learn much from it?

It was worth what I paid for it (which was very little).

I learnt one or two things. If I'd have watched it towards the end of last year I would've saved myself some money on stupid trades.

However, I watched it a couple of weekends ago and started to get very annoyed by VS himself. I couldn't help but think he's a snivelling little smart-ar$e. He tripes on for half an hour explaining how to place a bet on betonmarkets.net and then has some idiot on trying to sell Omnitrader.

If I'd have paid £2000 to be there on the day I would've been VERY unhappy with the whole thing.
To everyone:

I hope you will be happy to hear that I sold my wonderful video set for a hefty profit. Excellent.....
ben_catt said:
To everyone:

I hope you will be happy to hear that I sold my wonderful video set for a hefty profit. Excellent.....
That's the first time anyone made a profit trading his system.... 😆