Tradewin (not to be confused with...)


I have an account in CMC and the bets are £1, £2, £3 or upwards per point, but how can you do pences? TradeWin trades are all showing they do.
They are slick businessmen out for your money nothing more, nothing less. Note there is no refund policy and not even a 10-day trial period. There is a reason for this!!!!!! They will take your money and if the product is useless, then tough! Note they don't give actual trading results in their brochure. They give potential results. It's money in pocket that matters, not fantasy-land. These are people who basically make money from gullible or desperate people's dreams.
Although cynical, not untrue

They are slick businessmen out for your money nothing more, nothing less. Note there is no refund policy and not even a 10-day trial period. There is a reason for this!!!!!! They will take your money and if the product is useless, then tough! Note they don't give actual trading results in their brochure. They give potential results. It's money in pocket that matters, not fantasy-land. These are people who basically make money from gullible or desperate people's dreams.

Although cynical, what you say is not untrue. However, they do provide the real results on their website. I was checking it yesterday and noticed they'd finally updated January's horrific results. But I was pleased they were being honest about it. There has hardly been an alert since. Maybe the software has passed its sellby date. I certainly hope not as I paid out £4,000 for it! I wish I could report great things about them. I can't. I can't see them having the nerve to try to charge me £500 for another year's worth of data after such a poor 12 months. Yes, they do make sure any buyer is aware of the risks but there is such a thing as bad publicity and I would make sure they got it if there was no goodwill reprieve for the following 12 months.

I'll let anyone interested know what happens.
I was told by someone who uses this system that he made 70% last year.

Did the system produce a 70% return?

How much has it made/lost this year?
I'm down £288 right now. There have been many times when I have wanted to exit a trade when it was in profit but I strictly kept to the alerts and a nice profit quickly turned into a full loss. Of course, another time when I took an early £75 profit it would have ended up over £210 profit (from memory) if I had waited for the TradeWin alert to close.

I started this system in June and the stock market since that time has been very difficult for spread betting, due to the volatility. Monday the FTSE was down almost 4% and then Tuesday up 3.5%. Its impossible for a system like TradeWin to work on days like that.

So after almost ten full months of the system I cannot say if it really works, only that it hasn't produced a consistent profit for me in this time. However, it is a time when everyone seems to be losing money on the stock market. If the markets calm down, and that could be later rather than sooner, and only then will I be able to properly test the system. But TradeWin charge £500 a year for the data they feed. I have no intention of paying another £500 to them - and would hope they waive it as a gesture of goodwill - unless April and May prove to be spectacular months.

The results they put on their site are the real results, of that you can be certain. Just look at 2008. Running at a loss.
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However, it is a time when everyone seems to be losing money on the stock market

This is not the case for those of us who are members of the T2W Technical Trader forum who have made large profits shorting US stocks.

How can these possibly be real results? How many spread betting companies allow you to trade-size to two decimal points. None!!!! Look closely guys, these are NOT actual results. Plus most of their trades are 'at market' trades rather than limit orders - what about slippage??? What about the time delays between getting a trade alert and placing or closing an order??? None of these things are shown in their supposed "results"! This is cloud cuckoo land as any full-time trader will know. Show me real screen shots of their actual trading account - which I can guarantee they never will do - and I'll believe it. Cmon guys, do your analysis. It's cleverly concocted marketing that's all. The only screen-shots that show money will be their bank accounts.
Bump... Having long since given up on using TradeWin - the results were appalling with the software unable to deal with market volatility (a bit of a fundamental flaw, eh 🙄) I received an email telling me that the software has been acquired by the same outfit which markets Concept FX.

I was invited to call up the new owners to get new log in details to give me access to an "improved" version of the software, which is now web based.

I was told that I'd be offered access gratis, in the hope that the firm's other products might be upsold.

When I asked what improvements had been made, I was told that "30 of the stocks which weren't performing have been removed".

I'll keep track of the new system and post performance results here periodically, but I'm not holding my breath when it comes to teaching an old dog new tricks.
I had the same invite and phoned for my password and log in details. This was a few months back. I've been testing the system using £200 risk per trade. So far I've had around 8 or 9 winner, 1 break even and 2 losses. Seems pretty good so far. More encouraging is that all trades have been a mix of longs and shorts so the trades arent purely based on the recent market uptrend.

Hi Steve, new member here. I also have Tradewin and I'm considering giving it another go. I wondered how you had been getting on with Tradewin since this last post?
I've personally had seven winners and five losses since my last post.

Hope this helps.
