What's the MAR ratio for this system?
I believe that the MAR ratio is the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) divided by Maximum Draw Down (MDD%).
For the 5 years from 2002 to end 2006 the compound annual growth rate for Tradewin was an impressive 132.23%pa.
There have been two major draw downs in that period.
In 2002 Q4 the running P&L fell from 6427 to 3565 (-44.5%).
In 2004 Q1 the running P&L fell from 32308 to 16284 (-49.6%).
So the MAR ratio = 132.23 / 49.6 = 2.67
I don’t use the system, but generated some statistics on the published results from 2002 to end 2006. Overall, the return for Tradewin from 2002 to end 2006 was +6654%. (2002=216%, 2003=334%, 2004=74%, 2005=93%, 2006=46%).
For the period 2002 to end 2006 :
Total Trades = 885
Buy / Long = 596 (67%).
Sell / Short = 289 (33%).
Note: The % ratio of Buy : Sell trades has shifted from 59:41 in 2002 to 92:8 in 2006.
(Long: 2002=82 2003=125 2004=140 2005=149 2006=100 )
(Short: 2002=56 2003=67 2004=77 2005=80 2006=9 )
Of these 885 trades, 391 (44%) were winners. 494 (56%) were losers or breakeven.
Winning Trades = 391 (44%)
Breakeven Trades = 63 (7%)
Losing Trades = 431 (49%)
(Win: 2002=69(50%) 2003=77(40%) 2004=95(44%) 2005=99(43%) 2006=51(47%) )
(Lose: 2002=60(43%) 2003=96(50%) 2004=113(52%) 2005=106(46%) 2006=56(51%) )
The average holding period on all trades was 11 days but winning trades were held twice as long as losing trades.
Average holding period on 391 winning trades = 15 days.
Average holding period on 63 breakeven trades = 9 days.
Average holding period on 431 losing trades = 7 days.
The average P&L %adjustment on all 885 trades was +0.6%
Average %P&L on winning trades = +5.0%
Average %P&L on losing trades = -3.3%
The average concurrent trades = 9. The peak was May/June 2005 when there were 22 trades active.
(Average concurrent trades: 2002=5, 2003=10, 2004=12, 2005=12, 2006=3)
(Maximum concurrent trades: 2002=9, 2003=18, 2004=20, 2005=22, 2006=9)
The system trades the FTSE, DOW and XETRA.
The breakdown of 885 trades by market :
FTSE = 700 ( Win = 314 (45%))
DOW = 185 ( Win = 77 (42%))
XETRA = 0 (Only started 2007)
Of the FTSE trading stocks, the most successful was BAA (now taken over) which had 14 trades and added a total of +66.6% to P&L. Next was ABF (P&L +42.5% in 11 trades). Other successful trading stocks for the system were HSBA, SPW, STAN.
The least successful trading stock was BA. (BAE Systems) which had 10 trades (4 Buy & 6 Sell) – all were losing trades which reduced the P&L by –37.7%. Other unsuccessful trading stocks for the system were IPR (6B&1S), BATS(6B&5S), GUS (4B&1S) where all trades were stopped out at a loss.
Summary: The system has more losing trades than winning trades, but still manages impressive results.