Vote Labour

Could always up sticks and off to China ?

Wouldn't have to decide between the parties to pick the least worst
but leave the hash behind or else

I concur with your point of view Split, I think everyone should vote. Otherwise damn politicians would have no incentive to deliver anything. One of the key values of a democratic system is change after set period.

As for that twit who got executed, once again I have no idea what the fuss is about. The guy (53) enters some shady deal with Poles to carry a suit case with 20kg of heroine which he says he has no idea about. He can hardly be said to be naive. Asians are street wise from the age of 6 upwards. To imagine he was conned is stupid. To suggest he was mentally deficient is legal clap trap.

We too should have capital punishment as well as corporate punishment in schools.

Same old human rights stick to bash China with. Oh my what a bad lot they are... :-0 I think not.

He has lived his life and if there was any injustice let it be a lesson to any other half brain druggies in for a quick buck.

So much fuss over one idiot no doubt guilty imo. Do you get to hear evidence or the case against him. NO! but lets save him because we are so good and nice people than the Chinese... :innocent: I don't think so! 😈

My dad, a London bus driver, told me that the known communists all turned up for a garage strike meeting. Sometimes there were as few as six there but they could bring a whole garage out!

Sometimes, I wonder if we deserve democracy.

Your example is the story of post-war GB industry (ETU, Red Robbo, printers etc etc).

Voter apathy is one of the biggest dangers to democracy - but it's not surprising (although very dangerous) how people feel when you see the politicians' disregard for integrity & their placing of Party interest above that of the nation.

We get the politicians & governments we deserve - some people even voted for the present lot 3 times - bit like lowering your stoploss eh?

When the revolution comes .................👍
If you agree with the statement:-

" reward effort, honesty and a profitable return " then don't vote Labour

they usually reward the people who won't or can't repay.
Moral - yes
Impracticable - yes
sensible - no

Socialism is a fatally flawed philosophy and leads to bankruptcy
Socialism is just, moral, compassionate, benevolent and no doubt green-oriented.

It has just one problem: it doesn't work.
Socialism is just, moral, compassionate, benevolent and no doubt green-oriented.

It has just one problem: it doesn't work.

If only the electorate wasn't so stupid. They keep voting in the losers, while the people who know what to do are forced to sit on the sidelines twiddling their fingers.
Socialism is just, moral, compassionate, benevolent and no doubt green-oriented.

It has just one problem: it doesn't work.

Neither does democracy

If only the electorate wasn't so stupid.

And that my friends is democracy's fatal flaw.

Too many dumb-asses allowed to vote.
The USA's system is even worse. Members votes are horse traded ( bought ) at great cost and compromised so much that most legislation is so watered down it's almost unrecognisable and near useless.
If only the electorate wasn't so stupid. They keep voting in the losers, while the people who know what to do are forced to sit on the sidelines twiddling their fingers.

One could argue if the elected leaders were not so much into spin and political deceit we could make better decisions based on the truth.

Balance should be the objective... Two sides to any arguement or multiple perspectives to any view if you like...

One could argue if the elected leaders were not so much into spin and political deceit we could make better decisions based on the truth.

Balance should be the objective... Two sides to any arguement or multiple perspectives to any view if you like...


Reading this pages makes me believe that electorate are more wiser than lot of people give them credit for. At least they hold their vote(if no one is deserving in their view),
or change the way they vote if they see it fit.

supposedly smart people; very clear from this pages that, always voted the same way and with near certainty you can say that, they always will. Political fanatics one may argue.
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When I was a student, I lived in a shared house with a bunch of friends. Making any sort of collective decision about where we should eat, or drink, or which clubs we should frequent, or which lectures we should attend, or which clothes to wear was generally an absolute nightmare.

To overcome these problems, we wrote a computer program, that selected choices at random, and everyone collectively agreed to abide by the computers decision. The quality of decisions made purely by random chance where no better or worse than a decisions agreed upon by debate and consensus, but the process was considerably quicker, and less fraught.

I reckon you could probably run a country along similar lines. Decide on a course of action purely at random, and then allow politicians to focus on implimenting and managing the outcome rather than petty political squabbling.

I am being serious
Neither does democracy

And that my friends is democracy's fatal flaw.

Too many dumb-asses allowed to vote.

I'd say that too many dumb asses vote and many more dumber asses don't bother. That is a terrible shame.

The political leaders say that it is a terrible threat to democracy that not enough people vote. That is one of the biggest lines of BS that politicians have. The Spanish ones say exactly the same. If we don't vote they get a better chance of winning and it doesn't matter if they do not win the election as long as they win the seat.
I reckon you could probably run a country along similar lines. Decide on a course of action purely at random, and then allow politicians to focus on implimenting and managing the outcome rather than petty political squabbling.

One of the key parts of my Masters Degree was a very heavy emphasis on the process of decision making and the techniques of how to do it. I have used this in a number of roles within companies and as a consultant to great effect. The fact that government and most companies and organizations are managed by those who have no understanding of the process or techniques of effective decision making does not mean that a random approach is the best way of doing it in my view.

One of the key parts of my Masters Degree was a very heavy emphasis on the process of decision making and the techniques of how to do it. I have used this in a number of roles within companies and as a consultant to great effect. The fact that government and most companies and organizations are managed by those who have no understanding of the process or techniques of effective decision making does not mean that a random approach is the best way of doing it in my view.


My experience has been that big companies like Marsh & McLennan call in the experts (Arthur Anderson's back then) who know nothing of Insurance Broking to determine whether they should do one thing or another. After couple of million £ consultancy fee they opt for one of those recommended options.

They then turn to the shareholders or the board whichever, and say we hired the best in the industry and after a lengthy consultation took the recommended course of action. Did as we were told to justify expense.

I'm in the Alan Sugar camp here. If people who run Britian's best companies need external consultancy - it can only mean one thing. Management haven't got a clue.

Personally - I use the Prince2 project management methodology in the management and decision making process - management by exception. You only escalate if tollerance limit is going to be exceeded. Then you present a report with some options and pass it up the food chain... Similar in some respects to the Gold, Silver and Bronze hierarchy of administration control used by emergency services.

As for the business case or justification for the actions well that has to come from the Stakeholders who ever is going to be paying for the bill.

Problem is there is no relationship between success and reward. It is all reward come what may... So the bigger the project or the mess up - bigger the rewards either way...

No accountability and no justice.

Tesco's stacker steals a pound of sugar or Selfridges floor staff walks out with scarf and they get sacked with a police record.

Leaders of industry walk away with millions and sink the firm and they get a golden hand shake.

Politicians fraud £100,000 expense claim and it becomes a lapse of judgement.

Where is the balance or scales of justice... ?

It all looks very random from here but the dice are loaded in favour of influential *******s in power running down the country.
....It's Multinationals, who call shots on our way existence.....and influence the Politicians decision making and indirectly using Parliament to implement them...........!

....Does not matter dicky bird who you will vote for...!
One of the key parts of my Masters Degree was a very heavy emphasis on the process of decision making and the techniques of how to do it. I have used this in a number of roles within companies and as a consultant to great effect. The fact that government and most companies and organizations are managed by those who have no understanding of the process or techniques of effective decision making does not mean that a random approach is the best way of doing it in my view.


...With MBA's and all Masters coming out in droves from all Universities in whole Planet..and with all decision making....UK, US and Europe still slid into bog hole....and no one was even aware of it three months before it happened.....!