Vote Conservative

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the 2 losers ( Libs & Socs ) got into bed togethor to form the weakest Govt known to mankind. " I say duckie pass my handbag dear would you ? "

I see your point Pat, but never the less there is a system outlined at the start and all participants take part in the democratic process as it stands. It needs tweaking but you don't make engine fixes, at mid-flight to improve flying performance.

Libs & Labs still between them have a greater share of the vote as well as common ground - what the people have voted for.

I wouldn't look down on a Lib Lab pact or a Lib Con one at that. I'm happy with the state of affairs. If they can't compromise then another election down the road and let the people decide. Based on outcome the public likely to punish the spoilers...

One other point Mrs raised - based on the popullar vote why not Labour and Conservatives form a government?

I think Brown has to go but I really liked his speech yesterday which stabilised the market to some extent - emphasising business as usual. I'm hearing good things from all three parties. Moderation and compromise sounds good to me.
- based on the popullar vote why not Labour and Conservatives form a government?

I think Brown has to go but I really liked his speech yesterday which stabilised the market to some extent - emphasising business as usual. I'm hearing good things from all three parties. Moderation and compromise sounds good to me.

Right again Brown has to go - whoever teams up. He would have to be No1 or nothing. Not even Blair could stand in the way of his ambition
Right again Brown has to go - whoever teams up. He would have to be No1 or nothing. Not even Blair could stand in the way of his ambition

I do agree Brown has to go but at least Brown was decisive yesterday..He still kept on doing the important Job of running the government...Plain and Simple

Clegg and Cameron are still playing with each other behind closed doors...(I thought both of them said they did not want to make deals behind closed doors 😕..)

It really just now boils down to a ego competition David and Nick, they are of the same breed and both just want to run the country without any regard for the country itself..

Don't think things will change for the better..
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One other point Mrs raised - based on the popullar vote why not Labour and Conservatives form a government?

They are more closely matched to each other on policy than either is to LibDem policy in my view.

They are more closely matched to each other on policy than either is to LibDem policy in my view.


Perhaps a naive question but what is stopping our parliamentary system from having Cameron as PM and allocating cabinet posts based on ratio of seats (and in some cases like the Swiss system rotating them in timely intervals)?

MPs can then vote on policies as they come up...

I would like to see proportional representation but I hardly think reform of the political system is the key priority facing the country. The economy is far more important. Liberals need to take a deep breath and step up to the mark.
I think that the two problems can be dealt with at once. The libs are, at last, in a position to do something that they feel strongly about. These guys have been arguing about what they would do about the economy for months, so they should have everything planned by now.

My view on Cameron and Clegg is that they can consider themselves lucky that they have not been in Brown's shoes over the last two years. If they had been, even if they had been following entirely different policies from New Labour, they would be the ones up the creek. It's a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Brown has to go, now, not in eighteen months, as I hear could be the case. Without him, and with the libs, New Labour may do a better job than the tories. A great pity that the libs did not get more seats.

In my own back yard, the UK is getting a lot of press but the real issue making the leaders **** themselves is the salvation of the euro and Germany's reluctance to put more into a lifeboat fund. I hear that the UK has declined to assist, as well. Good for them.

All this, plus America's Goldman Sachs, might make for an interesting week in the markets. 🙂
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Kind of off topic but in this article about Gordo selling off the gold:

End of april has been and past, anyone got the papers which were released?


EDIT: no sources 🙁

2nd Edit: No sources here either.

I am not defending Gordon here, but pointing out on par that this is not much different from Nigel Lawson trying to emulate the £ in the European Monetary System 3% snake band by manipulating interest rates or Norman Lamont insisting the £ was worth 2.95 DMs and selling reserves to support an unrealistic rate.

Norman Lamont fiasco cost the treasury a similar amount when post black Monday the £1 hit 2.22DM level. Interest rates touched 15% at the time if I recall correctly. Legendary Soros bet against the UK treasury and won hands down... It was pretty obvious to most people including the Bundesbank and the markets but not for the Tories in power at the time.

Benefit of hind sight and 20-20 vision is a brilliant thing if only... :whistling
Kind of off topic but in this article about Gordo selling off the gold:

End of april has been and past, anyone got the papers which were released?


EDIT: no sources 🙁

2nd Edit: No sources here either.

Yes, that will follow Gordon's reputation like a bad smell. I wonder why he did do that? He did not need the cash, then.
Yes, that will follow Gordon's reputation like a bad smell. I wonder why he did do that? He did not need the cash, then.

The man is complete clot
It just shows how stupid the electorate are for electing such a foolish fellow.
Even now most Labour supporters can't see through him.
One must question whether there might not be a better way of getting a Govt.
Clearly democracy is a load of balls
The Lib plan may well be to join whoever will give them their PR policies and then dump their partners so a new election has to be called

we shall see

the lying s*ds are pretending the national interest is THE important issue - rubbish they are out for themselves as usual
Oh believe me he will be in how he gets his mumy and daddy's money friends

..the unionists will eventually succumb to the amount of money he bribes them with and get the remaining seats...He might even clinch the deal with his little puppy dog, Nick clegg, who really is just a jumped up version of Davey boy..

Ahhem...One offensive comment against cameron...?!

That's one amongst the barrage of insults against gordon...e.g. Gordon should die etc.

This was your original post:

"Lol I love how you guys think David Cameron is going to a better job...

If a tory government gets in...well I just feel sorry for the working Class and besides..Cameron is a ****ing Faggot"

You can be as offensive as you like about David Cameron - he richly deserves it. However, it is not acceptable to do so by means of nasty and foolish terms of abuse like "faggot". This belongs in the same category as those well-known terms of racial abuse that are also not acceptable on a public forum.

You seem to have missed the point entirely, and so I have reported your post. I have highlighted the problematic part - see if you can spot it.

Having said that, plenty of others seem to have read your posts and found nothing to object to - you have even recieved a recommendation since, which I find strange, although I know that the person in question doesn't actually read what other people write, so perhaps he missed your bigotted rant.
This was your original post:

"Lol I love how you guys think David Cameron is going to a better job...

If a tory government gets in...well I just feel sorry for the working Class and besides..Cameron is a ****ing Faggot"

You can be as offensive as you like about David Cameron - he richly deserves it. However, it is not acceptable to do so by means of nasty and foolish terms of abuse like "faggot". This belongs in the same category as those well-known terms of racial abuse that are also not acceptable on a public forum.

You seem to have missed the point entirely, and so I have reported your post. I have highlighted the problematic part - see if you can spot it.

Having said that, plenty of others seem to have read your posts and found nothing to object to - you have even recieved a recommendation since, which I find strange, although I know that the person in question doesn't actually read what other people write, so perhaps he missed your bigotted rant.

I have read your post and I am sorry you feel this way...I shall insult Cameron using more subtle words.🙄

.. Sorry about how you felt about my post...

Not much of rant, was it though? Compared to 10 pages of the Gordon is a moron appreciation society...

But I can see your point...I can understand why you could be offended, You have also admitted that it seems you are the only one who has a problem with it...Just goes to show how much Cameron appeals to the public

..I would call it Karma....

Anyway I'll take your point onboard.
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This was your original post:

"Lol I love how you guys think David Cameron is going to a better job...

If a tory government gets in...well I just feel sorry for the working Class and besides..Cameron is a ****ing Faggot"

You can be as offensive as you like about David Cameron - he richly deserves it. However, it is not acceptable to do so by means of nasty and foolish terms of abuse like "faggot". This belongs in the same category as those well-known terms of racial abuse that are also not acceptable on a public forum.

You seem to have missed the point entirely, and so I have reported your post. I have highlighted the problematic part - see if you can spot it.

Having said that, plenty of others seem to have read your posts and found nothing to object to - you have even recieved a recommendation since, which I find strange, although I know that the person in question doesn't actually read what other people write, so perhaps he missed your bigotted rant.

I do read posts - simply that I make an exception to yours... :cheesy:

I find it strange you pick on this particular post - compared to all the name calling you applied to me ("Vile cretin who advocates murder" 😱 Shocked but not offended...) - not to mention all the other name calling that takes place on these blogs.

With sincerity - I reckon all the colourful characters makes the site interesting. Why dampen peoples expressions and high spirits?

Have you read the book "The world according to Garp!" by John Irwin? Good book on humour and people! No reflection on you other than the title... :cheesy:
This was your original post:

"Lol I love how you guys think David Cameron is going to a better job...

If a tory government gets in...well I just feel sorry for the working Class and besides..Cameron is a ****ing Faggot"

You can be as offensive as you like about David Cameron - he richly deserves it. However, it is not acceptable to do so by means of nasty and foolish terms of abuse like "faggot". This belongs in the same category as those well-known terms of racial abuse that are also not acceptable on a public forum.

You seem to have missed the point entirely, and so I have reported your post. I have highlighted the problematic part - see if you can spot it.

Having said that, plenty of others seem to have read your posts and found nothing to object to - you have even recieved a recommendation since, which I find strange, although I know that the person in question doesn't actually read what other people write, so perhaps he missed your bigotted rant.


My repu point was for Strtrada and not Maiden. Fat finger gave it to the wrong person. 😱

Let's hope markets don't tank tomorrow... :cheesy:

My repu point was for Strtrada and not Maiden. Fat finger gave it to the wrong person. 😱

Let's hope markets don't tank tomorrow... :cheesy:

HaHa...I was wondering..I thought you were turning into Clegg there for a Minute, wanting to be friends with everyone..

HaHa...I was wondering..I thought you were turning into Clegg there for a Minute, wanting to be friends with everyone..


Well I did vote for him but such is life. Both Worthing and Redbridge went Tory... 🙁

I thought Clegg wasn't friends with Brown or is that just political rumour started by Tories...

Dirty negotiation tactics or truth who knows?
I do read posts - simply that I make an exception to yours... :cheesy:

I find it strange you pick on this particular post - compared to all the name calling you applied to me ("Vile cretin who advocates murder" 😱 Shocked but not offended...) - not to mention all the other name calling that takes place on these blogs.

Frankly, I am not surprised that you cannot distinguish between the two, as your grasp of English is poor and your intelligence low. Nonetheless, I will endeavour to explain.

"Vile cretin who advocates murder" (I know I've still got one of your posts to respond to) falls into the category of a judgement based upon your actions, words, opinions and so on. These are legitimate targets. You can dispute the terms I have used, I can then defend them, and so on.

"Faggot" is simply a term of prejudiced abuse - it is no different from p**f, p*ki, n*gger and all those other terms that attack what a person happens to be. You are quite at liberty to call me an idiot for example -that is a matter of opinion. However, if you were to call me a "d*go" that would simply be mindless racist abuse.
With sincerity - I reckon all the colourful characters makes the site interesting. Why dampen peoples expressions and high spirits?

Nobody needs to use expressions such as that. If they do, they should not post anything. If you are the kind of person that thinks that using the term "faggot" is a legitimate way to criticise someone, you are probably going to be a small loss anyway.

Using terms like "faggot" or similar terms of abuse such as "n*gger" are evidence of biggotry, idiocy or both.