Vote Conservative

Money should be invested where it will do the most good.

Unfortunately many of the poor waste it on binge drinking, the betting shop ( not so bad if they had any talent for winning ) , unhealthy food (just take another look at the fatties wobbling down our streets ) , drugs etc.
Mostly don't want a job and if Labour/Limp Dumps insist on giving them taxpayer's hard earned then they waste most of it.

So the dole is just enough to live on ( humanitarian reasons ), not enough to retire on

Indeed a sorry state of affairs but true in too many cases

If any youngsters have an ounce of energy left and able to avoid the abusive lifestyle then I suggest they contact the Prince's Trust and try and be a success in life

In my area (which is deprived) seems to me Labour made the right choice.

You can have your taxes pay for either:
a) a criminal to eat junk food, drink cheap ale all day and couch it all day in comfotable stupor until he meets an early end. He suffers with possibly his own family if they do not leave.

b) incompentent uniformed baffoon NOT to catch aforementioned criminal who has reverted to burglary, breaking and entering and petty theft to make up his weekly paycheck despite employing the latest DNA technology, specialist teams etc. The families of all of his victims suffer whilst he does well.

c) Same as b except they catch the criminal, pay for legal aid, a fat judge + jury expenses. Conviction and then pay for his jail before the whole cycle starts again with a worsened criminial.

Costs are as follows:




What choice do you make? Do base your decision purely on cash flow? Do you consider opportunity cost? Moral cost? Cost of voters?

At the end of the day its all experimentation so no party knows whe the F to do? Only think that governments ever do correctly that benefits the country is pillage. Whether you pillage trade like china or pillage oil like the US thats the only way to make money.
Why does the article say "clashing"? Looked very one sided to me.
That big asian breh got toasted, his mate ran away and the spitter had heart but couldn't cut the mustard.
no doubt it will be seen as aload of racists battering some ethnics, but fair play **** spat in his face
I can hear the talk in the pubs already.


Generic BNP supporter 2: Yeh like the way they spit at their wives and all that

(rounds of laughter followed by drinking)

and so forth...
I would like to speak on behalf of the indians...These disgraceful asians are NOT indian...

Lol the Feckin Tubby can't fight for Sh!t

what a prick the guy that spat in his if he thought he was so tough then why did he get f*cked up by a middle aged man...

I ain't defending the BNP here but can't say I blame them for this...
I thought you could not sink much lower than you already have over our exchanges in the past but I'm afraid you've just dropped another few notches on my esteem of your good self.

Does this mean he has had a drop in "Class" ?

Well what a washout of an election !!

Nothing decided

1000s stuck in the queues and unable to vote !! Even a half wit would have had the sense to put polling day on Sat and Sunday
No good.

Everybody is p1ssed at the weekend.

That's why the election is traditionally on a Thursday.

Pay day for the plebs used to be on Friday so they had to get the elections in before everyone got hammered.

Those people stuck in queues should blame themselves for turning up so fricking late. They had 15 hours to vote and the ars*eholes couldn't even manage to vote within that time-frame. They were all probably well oiled with booze anyway.
No good.

Everybody is p1ssed at the weekend.

That's why the election is traditionally on a Thursday.

Pay day for the plebs used to be on Friday so they had to get the elections in before everyone got hammered.

Those people stuck in queues should blame themselves for turning up so fricking late. They had 15 hours to vote and the ars*eholes couldn't even manage to vote within that time-frame. They were all probably well oiled with booze anyway.

Even more reason to be held over the weekend.
Filters out the boozers
Clegg seems to be intimating giving cons a chance.

He's a bit smarter than i thought. 😆

Not just smart. He is good.

He did say before the election that it is about the people and the vote. Labour should not assume a deal as if they come third that would not be the case.

Good man who is following his principals and Pro.Rep. Honesty and integrity are hard to come by.

I also like what he just said that it depends on the national interest. Not party or pockets of rich people like the Goldsmiths in Richmond - who are not domiciled in the UK get to be elected in one of the safest seats in the country. This is what disturbs me about the Tories.

Anyhow - I feel we have nothing to fear from a hung parliament. It could be good for the Tories to have some social heart moderating their excessive policies.

I remain optimistic about the future... 🙂
Well, I don't think the Libs can expect too much from any working arrangement....Cameron does not need to give very much at all....he could just wait and watch ....the country has after all given it's verdict...anti Labour and no break through for Libs.
I wonder whether Nick Clegg is being cute in suggesting that Tories should have 1st crack at forming a govt, (despite the constitutional precedent that incumbant pm has 1st crack in this eventuality) knowing that a deal will not be done with them because the tories won't yield on electoral reform, trident etc....and then he can legitametly form a coalition with labour part, haing honoiured his campaign pledge that the largest party should have 1st crack,...and in so doing and get the electoral reform commitment etc..and possibly even a commitment to a 2yr term of the colation with an election after the electoral reform referendum which will doubtless go thru with the public...If this were the outcome I would guess that Clegg would insist on a new PM, ie not Brown to further 'legitimise' the coalition and in that case Milliband and johnson have already positioned themselves, with Alan Johnson the probable winner and next Pm in this scenario ??
Clegg is in a very precarious position IMO ...the public has delivered it's verdict so he would be wise to keep it simple and true...if the public perceives he is up to monkey business at any stage...they will punish or reward the next time around....absolutely guaranteed.
if brown stays as PM im going to riot. that will be the death of democracy imo. might aswell go live in a dictatorship. two terms of some **** no one voted for.