Flex, seems like you've caught bit of flak, but to be honest, you have learned an important lesson through your casual look at this forum - very few people make money on here and those that do often make small amounts. Generally trading is not a +ve endeavour and often a very humbling one - some people have been around for very many years and you will still see them posting that they're struggling. You will find it difficult to locate many journals at all that have anything like decent compounded returns (a phrase you will read a lot of in books and posts about retail trading) anywhere on the internet. However, the lure of big money and a better life does not stop people trying. I can tell you're mathematically inclined and from a purely quantitative point of view, yes, you'd be slightly mad to waste multiple years doing this as your likely return is in the low five figures.
In the majority of cases here, a paper round would have literally been the better option. However, for some of us, the lure was irresistible.
Can I thank you massively for your honest viewpoint, this is a rare and beautiful thing, you have my complete respect and attention for life.
When I first launched a biz, I did a simple thing, in approached people in my area who were wealthy businessmen, told them exactly what I was doing and asked them what lessons and help they can teach me.
They told me some amazing lessons, some become partners, some passed me work, one completely stole my concept and launched a better business than mine, as he could throw money at good staff.
The point is, you learn the most from people who are successful, it's as simple as asking, people know you are deadly serious. I guess it only really works in person.
I guess by body language etc, here in forums it just doesn't work that way.
For example on internet marketing forums some admit they make $5000 -$10k a month, but they won't tell you anything at all how they it. I some rare cases by nifty research I've been able to learn what they were doing, but no one would ever say.
So unless someone is ultra comfortable in their situation, nobody is going to tell you jack on web forums as far as I can tell, if they are making Serious money, they aren't going to tell you jack ****, especially sell you a course.
The rule still applies though in any endeavour find someone successful in it and simply ask them how they did it, either way what you will get will be pure gold.
As far as I can tell, you are only going to make money in this if you trade large amounts, are emotionless and get money out when you are +ve then rinse and repeat.
Which is what my research is showing me, the real winners are people who are using software algorithms to do their trading, many at high speed.
So the real winners are highly mathematical programmer computer scientist types.
Being a computer science background (a degree in it) I know this type, they will not tell you jack **** about their cool algorithms they code, the most protective type there is.
I just find it fascinating how this shift is happening, the only people that are making real profits are computer programs....cold emotionless algorithms that don't make much profit each trade, actually tiny profit per trade, but by making thousands of trades a day, it all adds up to a lot.
I feel the days if the individual trader making large profits in short term trades is over.
Like in any thing it's only the really shady people who make serious money on a leading edge