The guy is a waste of space. Many years ago my work colleague bought his service -simply moving average crosses. He complained that Vince kept sending him sales letters for more "systems." Vince replied that he is a salesman and that is what he does.
WE always get someone raising his name here, some are Vince "plants" and some are genuine people seeking advice. For you genuine guys -don't send your money to Vince! There is plenty of FREE advice on this and other web sites -you just have to spend the time reading.
But stay away from Vince and his ilk and keep your money in your pocket. There are other Vendors on this site who sell knowledge re how to approach the market which some may benefit from BUT they do not sell Vince type holy grails and, even then, you still have to find and manage your own trades.
Think on this -if you had Vince's crystal ball or golden goose; would you sell it for a few quid and bring the market crashing down?
I know I am wasting my time writing this because the "Vince plants" will continue to sing his praises and some people are too stupid to help. But if just a few are deterred from parting with their hard earned money for advice that is freely available on the web then I will be happy.
If you are a genuine student of the market then peruse some of the threads by "TIMSK" which relate to trading related questions from aspiring traders.
Your NOT wasting your time as folks today do searches regarding biz opps on the net, and when you goggle SlimBallScammerZione and what a review of his scheme's you'll see T2W on the first page.
REMEMBER Newbies: If trading was EASY every tom dick & harry would be doing it...ASK any long time successful trader and they will tell YOU...IT TAKES YEARS & YEARS to learn the craft:-0
AND read what I bolded in Neil's post👍