Wanted To Purchase VS Video Seminar



I am new to spread betting and would like to purchase the videos and book of the Vince Stanzione Seminar - not the introductory course but the Financial Trading Day product. I am based in Australia and can't go to his seminars but am interested in hearing, reading and seeing what he has to say.

If you have been to his seminar and would like to get some of your money back I would like to hear from you.

Please send me an email (coder at customcoder dot com) or a PM to discuss.

Thank you

Bush Ranger
Hi T2Lose,
I did actually purchase the video series from ebay. It was still darned expensive but I am actually pretty happy with it. Whilst it is not television quality, some of the information he shares is great for the beginner or even a more experienced trader. He gives a perspective on trading and that is always good to know about. Having watched and absorbed the video's I am happy to sell them again if anyone is interested.

I did also buy the Principles of Profit book and that was great (much cheaper too). By putting the information from both of these together I am trading pretty well at this early stage. The failing of Stanzione (moneymanagement) is picked up by Bernardi. Stanzione talks more about shares while Bernardi deals more with commodities. Overall I am happy with them both.


Hiya again Bushranger,

I have VS spread betting too and was thinking I could tell you a few things. OK it doesn't tell you the secrets of how to become a millionaire over night, but there is some good stuff in there. I've had it about a month now and will start paper trading soon. Its a good basic system that works on good trends. Have you traded using his principles?