Being a total n00b I came across VS and was taken in by the whole marketing strategy and was close to pulling the trigger on buying it. Then the sceptic in me found so many alarm bells it was unreal.
Does Vince Stanzione System Honestly Work? - YouTube
would you really buy it if this guy with his poorly tied tie and has tried everything including "candlesticks" and nothing has worked? Even I know candlesticks are a pretty important thing on a technical chart!!
alarm bell 2..
Vince Stanzione system really works. - YouTube
why? "it definitely works" and "it isn't a scam" hmmm and if you actually check out this womans website why is she so keen to contact him all the time? Also she writes his full name instead of just Vince, anyone else just find that odd? I wonder if that has anything to do with it showing up on google
alarm bell 3..
Making Money From Financial Markets Vince Stanzione Interview Part 1 or 2 - YouTube
ok so looks like a regular interview, but who is it for? Oh yes, just vince himself. Who's this Chelsey chick? Hmm she was employed by vince a few years back on his failed tv station.
then there was a question on yahoo questions, is VS system a scam? There seemed to be a lot of people signed up on the same day with 1 post to proclaim how good a system it is.
Then one of the so called amazon reviews...
1 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars Poor tactic by Vince!!, 11 Dec 2011
Harvey85 - See all my reviews
This review is from: Making Money From Financial Spread Trading 2012 edition (Ring-bound)
I would take most of these recent reviews with a big pinch of salt I'm afraid! I received an email on the 10th from Vince saying if I spent 5 minutes to review his product (that I did actually buy and currently testing) then he would give me a bonus trade and a Trading ebook! I'm sorry to say I won't be bribed into putting a fake review so soon in the hope he gives me a golden trade! Very low tactic in my opinion Vince to sell more books! And hand on heart I would say most recent reviews are just made up, you choose what you think is truth.
On the plus side I do find his book very easy to read and understand, to a complete beginner I would say there's some great info in it. I'm 2 months into following every single rule and am -26% my bankroll but put this mainly down to bad short term luck in the current markets.
I will edit this review in due course, when I'm happy I have a good enough sample from his system but for now I just wanted to view my negative feelings that I got from opening his email.
Something smells a little fishy...