Vince Stanzione Financial Spread Betting System

There are no shortcuts. Either be prepared to spend 2 to 5 years learning or forget about it. These guys are selling you a dream, just like any get rich quick scheme.
dino: if you had a method of trading profitably and consistently, why would you go to the trouble of writing and flogging courses for a few quid?
do not buy, a load of rubbish.

Hi guys,

My name is dean and im new to the spread betting

I have bought a book called the naked traders guide to spread betting which is a starting point for me.

I have just read almost all of the threads on this Vince Stanzione Financial Spread Betting System .

I was thinking to buy one of vince's course for £197 on amazon

He has 44 five star reviews out of 49.
Are these reviews made up or are they genuine?

There is an awful lot of conflicting opinions on vince stanzione.
He is either ''Brilliant'' or a ''Scam artist''

Should or buy his course?
I know a lot of you will say no.
I would like to hear from the people who have ACTUALLY bought his course, and get there opinions on this and to rate his course.

If not what is the best course of action for me to take? and which books or courses shall i invest in ??

opinions and advice will be greatly appreciated.

What are the successful ingredients that the 10% use??

The first rule is to watch out for the many many many many many snakeoil salesmen in this business. You can spot them easily as their focus is always more on marketing than trading.

Another rule is to realise that successful trading for well over 90% takes years to perfect and get really good. Very few exceptions to the rule, just like being a successful lawyer or Surgeon.
Being a total n00b I came across VS and was taken in by the whole marketing strategy and was close to pulling the trigger on buying it. Then the sceptic in me found so many alarm bells it was unreal.

Does Vince Stanzione System Honestly Work? - YouTube

would you really buy it if this guy with his poorly tied tie and has tried everything including "candlesticks" and nothing has worked? Even I know candlesticks are a pretty important thing on a technical chart!!

alarm bell 2..

Vince Stanzione system really works. - YouTube

why? "it definitely works" and "it isn't a scam" hmmm and if you actually check out this womans website why is she so keen to contact him all the time? Also she writes his full name instead of just Vince, anyone else just find that odd? I wonder if that has anything to do with it showing up on google 😉

alarm bell 3..

Making Money From Financial Markets Vince Stanzione Interview Part 1 or 2 - YouTube

ok so looks like a regular interview, but who is it for? Oh yes, just vince himself. Who's this Chelsey chick? Hmm she was employed by vince a few years back on his failed tv station.

then there was a question on yahoo questions, is VS system a scam? There seemed to be a lot of people signed up on the same day with 1 post to proclaim how good a system it is.

Then one of the so called amazon reviews...

1 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars Poor tactic by Vince!!, 11 Dec 2011
Harvey85 - See all my reviews
This review is from: Making Money From Financial Spread Trading 2012 edition (Ring-bound)
I would take most of these recent reviews with a big pinch of salt I'm afraid! I received an email on the 10th from Vince saying if I spent 5 minutes to review his product (that I did actually buy and currently testing) then he would give me a bonus trade and a Trading ebook! I'm sorry to say I won't be bribed into putting a fake review so soon in the hope he gives me a golden trade! Very low tactic in my opinion Vince to sell more books! And hand on heart I would say most recent reviews are just made up, you choose what you think is truth.

On the plus side I do find his book very easy to read and understand, to a complete beginner I would say there's some great info in it. I'm 2 months into following every single rule and am -26% my bankroll but put this mainly down to bad short term luck in the current markets.

I will edit this review in due course, when I'm happy I have a good enough sample from his system but for now I just wanted to view my negative feelings that I got from opening his email.

Something smells a little fishy...
I havnt read your entire post but these guys are all the same. If they weren't selling trading courses theyd be selling slimming tablets or stuff that cures baldness. In other words they sell crap products by using misleading marketing. Vince is something of a laughing stock here due to his persistence. Stay well clear of anyone selling any trading related product, they are all out to rip you off.
Being a total n00b I came across VS and was taken in by the whole marketing strategy and was close to pulling the trigger on buying it. Then the sceptic in me found so many alarm bells it was unreal.

Does Vince Stanzione System Honestly Work? - YouTube

would you really buy it if this guy with his poorly tied tie and has tried everything including "candlesticks" and nothing has worked? Even I know candlesticks are a pretty important thing on a technical chart!!

alarm bell 2..

Vince Stanzione system really works. - YouTube

why? "it definitely works" and "it isn't a scam" hmmm and if you actually check out this womans website why is she so keen to contact him all the time? Also she writes his full name instead of just Vince, anyone else just find that odd? I wonder if that has anything to do with it showing up on google 😉

alarm bell 3..

Making Money From Financial Markets Vince Stanzione Interview Part 1 or 2 - YouTube

ok so looks like a regular interview, but who is it for? Oh yes, just vince himself. Who's this Chelsey chick? Hmm she was employed by vince a few years back on his failed tv station.

then there was a question on yahoo questions, is VS system a scam? There seemed to be a lot of people signed up on the same day with 1 post to proclaim how good a system it is.

Then one of the so called amazon reviews...

1 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars Poor tactic by Vince!!, 11 Dec 2011
Harvey85 - See all my reviews
This review is from: Making Money From Financial Spread Trading 2012 edition (Ring-bound)
I would take most of these recent reviews with a big pinch of salt I'm afraid! I received an email on the 10th from Vince saying if I spent 5 minutes to review his product (that I did actually buy and currently testing) then he would give me a bonus trade and a Trading ebook! I'm sorry to say I won't be bribed into putting a fake review so soon in the hope he gives me a golden trade! Very low tactic in my opinion Vince to sell more books! And hand on heart I would say most recent reviews are just made up, you choose what you think is truth.

On the plus side I do find his book very easy to read and understand, to a complete beginner I would say there's some great info in it. I'm 2 months into following every single rule and am -26% my bankroll but put this mainly down to bad short term luck in the current markets.

I will edit this review in due course, when I'm happy I have a good enough sample from his system but for now I just wanted to view my negative feelings that I got from opening his email.

Something smells a little fishy...

How much would you have been in for overall, if you'd gone ahead with VS?
If they weren't selling trading courses theyd be selling slimming tablets or stuff that cures baldness.

😆 Hahaha, very true.

I don't think paying for education should be rejected outright per se. The problem is that the marketing techniques and advertising that accompany a lot of these "systems" is criminally overhyped with the obvious objective of increasing sales. The potential trader wants to believe the hype, purchases whatever it is, and then is disappointed when they realise that you can't really be a billionaire by giving this smooth talker €99.99 and then spending 10 minutes a day sitting at your computer in your underpants.

That's not to say that the material they are selling doesn't "work". From what I know Vince Stanzione's approach relies on basic technical entries and riding a trend. In the right hands that obviously can be a very robust strategy. But there is more to it than forking out the purchase price and waiting for the cash to roll in.

If a trader purchases one of these systems, for example one that relies on moving averages, and it doesn't work out for him, he cannot proclaim that moving averages don't work. Likewise he can't really proclaim that the system doesn't "work". What he can say however is that in all likelihood he has been misled by outrageous promotional claims which raised his expectations to vastly unrealistic levels and thus he was disappointed. Therein lies the scam.

To sum up, if someone comes to you and says they can turn your PC into an ATM machine and you can withdraw whatever you want (underpants optional of course), all you have to do is paypal him a few sponds, run for the hills. If someone comes to you and says that they will teach you to trade, but that it will likely require blood, sweat, money and tears from you and probably a few years of your life, and you still might give up after that anyway, I would consider him possibly to be serious. There aren't very many courses like that around though, because they don't sell very well.

I spent a lot of time and money going through university and post graduate qualifications to qualify into a particular profession. When I eventually started to work in this profession I found that I didn't really enjoy it, found it tedious and consequently I wasn't very good at it. Was the university a big scam?

There are a lot of variables that come together to make someone successful in their field, be it work, sport, whatever. Regular components in this mix are usually dedication, aptitude, persistence, possibly talent, time, luck, enjoying what they are doing, etc. The profession of market trading is no different and no amount of €99.99 "systems" will change that.

Good trading in 2012 👍
is Vince still around peddling training ?

jees he deserves praise for endurance......I bought a trading intro book from him in the 90's .......nothing you cannot learn for free these days though 😉

Bless him.....
" simple a 12-year old could understand it" Mis-quote! He must have meant "it was written by a 12-year old!

Just try to take him up on his offer to "send your money right back if your don't make money." Send it to where? Nowhere does he list an address to send it to. The phone number he leaves on the credit card statement is bogus. There's no way to contact him. If you go to his website, you just get another pitch for the system. I am going to file a complaint with the FTC.

" simple a 12-year old could understand it" Mis-quote! He must have meant "it was written by a 12-year old!

Just try to take him up on his offer to "send your money right back if your don't make money." Send it to where? Nowhere does he list an address to send it to. The phone number he leaves on the credit card statement is bogus. There's no way to contact him. If you go to his website, you just get another pitch for the system. I am going to file a complaint with the FTC.


You guys must be bored! Do something constructive please!
I bought it and I can say it is best presented scam on the web, see what other people say- I dont mean his affiliets🙂

I can't comment really having never seen his material...IG did confirm tho that he had an account with them so that much is true. Maybe the handshake pic the one where IG is handing him a cheque for a large amount of money is real! who knows?

I have traded for twenty five years quite successfully. I'm not saying I have made a lot of money but I do know how to trade (Swing Trade) and for me the secret is knowing whereabouts in the game you fit in and that depends on how much capital you have! simple as that.
And buying his workbook is just the start of a vicious campaign.
Next you will get an invitation for a bootcamp...the bill only £5000.
And then your name will be passed on to a data base of suckers...and then you will get mail from all sort of low lives..AR, T name it and you will get it...
Stay away...ask your local library for good trading books and you will get better quality info for even free
Originally Posted by lampost66 View Post
And buying his workbook is just the start of a vicious campaign.
Next you will get an invitation for a bootcamp...the bill only £5000.
And then your name will be passed on to a data base of suckers...and then you will get mail from all sort of low lives..AR, T name it and you will get it...
Stay away...ask your local library for good trading books and you will get better quality info for even free

I did buy his workbook many years ago when it was offered half price - but the deal was no refund otherwise i would of sent it back! what i do remember was that it was sold via Manhattan direct aka Andrew Reynolds! These guys are NOTHING but marketers. Since VS workbook, i have read close to a 100 trading books over the years.(i am fortunate enough to live near a very good library)

In the last few years i have been making progress, however i only trade a small account.

This is the common theme studying those books '' TRADING is FU*king Hard - 0ne of the most DIFFICULT of human endeavors''

Most folks here will know that, yet this Muppet VS says trading is EASY and he makes millions?
If he does make all this begs the question why does he put on these seminars ect, also...does Jim Rogers really believe his claims?
I bought that seminar on ebay featuring Jim Rogers i think it was around 2007 for 20 quid and after watching i just felt so sorry for the mugs that paid the wasn't even worth 20 quid!

Have folks seen his latest offering...?
Check out:

Only £2,497 and £147 per month support fee:whistling

What a rip off! Yet people will fall for this crap!👎

I Agree with most everything you have said. My trading spans two and a half decades.

Now this next statement is probably gonna generate a few heated replies however I am gonna say it anyway because I think I've earned the right to...

I don't personally find trading hard! Being disciplined is hard but then be disciplined and trading is simple. The execution is certainly not hard and opening an account now-a-days is not a problem. I understand the point you make but for me, yes, the first ten years or so were not hard but actually sheer hell until slowly things started to get a little better. I'll rephrase that: I was becoming a little less dumb....Then a wake up call and now-a-days boy am I disciplined and boy do I understand all too painfully well some of the absolute must do's and the definitely don't do's...The point I make is this: I think we can read all we like but at the end of the day only a few people will get it and the rest will only think they get it. I'll give you an example - I know for a fact that early on I would read something simple like say some hard and fast rule like the 3% or 5% account rule and it would make absolute and complete sense whilst I was reading it, until I started trading a few positions and maybe they turned sour. I thought I knew better! - I can guarantee that 90% of T2W members will break simple rules like money management or maybe some other common sense rule, maybe they'll move their stop and chase a loser, or maybe they won't capitalize and pyramid when they should and when the risk is 'correct' . Whatever it might be there are some key rules and common themes which crop up in different books and articles time and time again and they are absolutely not to be ignored if you want to trade successfully. Discipline!
Hi to all,

Yes Vince is a complete over hyped piece of marketing . Do not buy his products.

Everything can be learned for free right here, eg SMAs , supp/res lines , basic chart patterns, and candles stick graphs etc......

I admit his writing style is interesting as you dont fall asleep because some NASA type nerd is trying to explain it, but its not worth the money - simples.

This guy can market till the cows come home, but you wont learn to trade from him , the biggest laugh comes from this beauty of a snippet from his manual in the preface :

"My name which is not that common , can move a share price in London or New York just by the fact that I am a buyer or seller."
