Vince Stanzione Financial Spread Betting System

You might think that what you engaging in is very fine and dandy but realise that the ego, one’s futuristic aspect oka aggression/cruelty, lacks conscience. It completely lacks awareness of self. You will continue in this vein until you have broken every imagined barrier and chinashop but when you are egotistical, oka barking in company, you will need relief in the manner of howling in solitude. Ego always thinks that because thoughts cannot be read that they can do this and that but when you are in your moment of howling, that’s when all the problems of the “right” comes to bear, the “left” being of the heart and the “right” being of the liver. This is why there are almost no heart problems in lunatic asylums because they are over-hearted, oka under-minded.

When you are over-minded like you are now, your heart will develop problems, oka cardiovascular illnesses. In addition, when the mind [or the intellect, the futuristic mind to be precise] is over-used, your memory will suffer, memory being of the left/past and illnesses like Alzheimer begins. As blood pressure, oka anger, rises and as the blood courses through a “deserted”/unfeeling heart, it will pick up all the problems of the heart and spread it throughout the body. Be aware then that “Repeat Prescription” is not the answer but realising how you are truly constructed is, the solution to a problem being at its root and not at its consequences. Be aware too that Quackery & Handler has yet to realise the wider picture, being of the ego too and using what they are able to see as the end-all, be-all.

Take care and realise that this is all imagination, oka of religiosity. Nothing has changed - yet. You do not know me from Adam and yet you have revealed much of your “situation”. The “right”/ego/futuristic tendencies is about mastering others, oka Ownership Issues and the attempt at owning others’ imaginary problems usually perceived as “winning” means you will absorb others’ imaginary or real problems when in reality nothing has happened - yet. Realise one’s Security and do not probe further into one’sy Insecurity. There is nothing there of true value/benevolence to anyone. It only furthers the illlusion generated by one’s ego/futuristic imagination. Apart from direct physical confrontation, one’s insanity is one’s real enemy and is the one who should not only be kept the closest, it normally is the closest without us realising so. Realise too that words like “insanity”, “insecurity” or “stupidity” are just words and has no emotional/past nor egoistical/futuristic attachments in reality. Through one’s relative/unbalanced reactions, however, they miraculously come alive but that is just one’s myth. Turning myths into reality is the duty/job of The Bookie, the One who profits through Disagreement - if we let Him by buying into His myths - the favourite pastime of juveniles aged 9 to 90. Here the engagement ends.
Vinny and the other get-rich-quick-and-easy marketers (just 20 mins a day) love these types of moves so get ready for the marketing blitz everyone.

You see if you'd have followed his lessons and bought his course (and then the next one, and the one after that then the 'super power traders' module and then perhaps even the 'Pro Traders Workout' manual) you'd have turned £1,578 into £5,875 in just 48 hours!

Look at the testimonials and you'll find people just like you getting rich (and easily so)!

Don't forget we offer a 30 day iron glad no questions asked money back guarantee so you've got nothing to lose, apart from getting rich, creating a second income and (always my favourite) getting to spend more time with your loved ones............
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Did it take from 2003 until now to think that up?

You might think that what you engaging in is very fine and dandy but realise that the ego, one’s futuristic aspect oka aggression/cruelty, lacks conscience. It completely lacks awareness of self. You will continue in this vein until you have broken every imagined barrier and chinashop but when you are egotistical, oka barking in company, you will need relief in the manner of howling in solitude. Ego always thinks that because thoughts cannot be read that they can do this and that but when you are in your moment of howling, that’s when all the problems of the “right” comes to bear, the “left” being of the heart and the “right” being of the liver. This is why there are almost no heart problems in lunatic asylums because they are over-hearted, oka under-minded.

When you are over-minded like you are now, your heart will develop problems, oka cardiovascular illnesses. In addition, when the mind [or the intellect, the futuristic mind to be precise] is over-used, your memory will suffer, memory being of the left/past and illnesses like Alzheimer begins. As blood pressure, oka anger, rises and as the blood courses through a “deserted”/unfeeling heart, it will pick up all the problems of the heart and spread it throughout the body. Be aware then that “Repeat Prescription” is not the answer but realising how you are truly constructed is, the solution to a problem being at its root and not at its consequences. Be aware too that Quackery & Handler has yet to realise the wider picture, being of the ego too and using what they are able to see as the end-all, be-all.

Take care and realise that this is all imagination, oka of religiosity. Nothing has changed - yet. You do not know me from Adam and yet you have revealed much of your “situation”. The “right”/ego/futuristic tendencies is about mastering others, oka Ownership Issues and the attempt at owning others’ imaginary problems usually perceived as “winning” means you will absorb others’ imaginary or real problems when in reality nothing has happened - yet. Realise one’s Security and do not probe further into one’sy Insecurity. There is nothing there of true value/benevolence to anyone. It only furthers the illlusion generated by one’s ego/futuristic imagination. Apart from direct physical confrontation, one’s insanity is one’s real enemy and is the one who should not only be kept the closest, it normally is the closest without us realising so. Realise too that words like “insanity”, “insecurity” or “stupidity” are just words and has no emotional/past nor egoistical/futuristic attachments in reality. Through one’s relative/unbalanced reactions, however, they miraculously come alive but that is just one’s myth. Turning myths into reality is the duty/job of The Bookie, the One who profits through Disagreement - if we let Him by buying into His myths - the favourite pastime of juveniles aged 9 to 90. Here the engagement ends.
Gob****e of the year winner 2011.

**** poor spelling award winner 2011.

Nominated for Jonathan Miller special Mindless Drivel Trophy for services to the meaningless pretentious bull**** industry.

Congratulations regtdr, words fail me.

Yes I know, it's not clever to take the p155 out of the mentally ill.

I think you've forgotten to take your medication again haven't you?

Remember what the Doctor said, 3 of the pink ones in the morning and 2 at night. Plus, 1 of the blue ones at lunchtime.
The guy is 100% a scam artist. He has even had one of his companies fined for ripping people off. There is no evidence to man has ever made a bean from spreadbetting but plenty that he goes on from one scam to another.

Have a read of this then decide if you really think he is a trading wizard whos advice will make you a millionaire overnight.

Seems they were ripping people off by using premium phone lines and then keeping them hanging on as long as possible.
Surely that viewpoint is not the only investment your guardians are albe to realised. Trying to master others through the use of discrimination, in this case, from the past or delusion, which meant that the discrimination from the future, oka illusion, was in ascendent. If c**p was scented, this is most likely it. Was it of excrement because it is or because it could not be ascertained. Realise for mere knowledge is insufficient, that those seeking knowledge/some-truth has yet to become the knowledge/truth, should one be even aware of this basic fundamental about knowledge/truth. Truth is not for owning but for becoming.

Those who have yet to become are always seeking and when in such a mesmeric state, seeking turns into imagination - fanaticism - or religiosity. Do not be religious for that means one has yet to become other than to regurgitate the information as if one owns it. Nobody owns anything or else there would have been no need for death. Got eet? Sure you do but it just happens to be c**p. It is just an imagination. It is not real. You had better get it or “Repeat Prescription” will be the only outcome and for that, Quackery & Handler will always at your service, their dream being to have many like you forever and a day, not learning but always judging - begging to be taught the same lesson over and over again. The fact that one can become calm and impervious to name calling tells what? It says that behaviours are a series of change of state. And what state are you in now? Of knowledge or just knowledgable.

Only a tiny minority realise the true infrastructure of a human being and these entities have the option to exact benevolence or malevolence with the latter being a myth. Myth as in Darkness being only when Light does not exist. When 2 energy levels meet, the lower energy will always try to redress the balance. Benevolence gives whilst Malevolence takes. One is the living and the other the non-living with the middle being the living-but-dead. People are in the middle for the simple reason that we are alive but have no realisation as to what or why we were born/exist for.

Learning how to “trade” is merely learning how to become Security and for that, one needs to realise what Security and Insecurity are. When we take, we are insecure and should we give, we are secure with those giving but expecting being of insecurity too. Security is to surrender your insanity whereas insecurity is to accept insanity. To gain from trading, one must learn how to surrender one’s insanities. Should your cup always be brimming to the full, first ensure that it is not filled with insanity. Better stop now before the bog gets bogged down with more waste.

Should your cup always be brimming to the full, first ensure that it is not filled with insanity.

You said it.
Vince will claim after today's stock performances that he made the biggest killing today.

However, he will never show you his bookie account( if I can call IGN that).

If I knew how to control the future or predict it, why would I waste time advertising it !!

The answer is obvious...innit!

2 to 2.01 that regtdr is Incy vincy trying hard sell !!
2 to 2.02 that this idiot is just a joint venture sucker !!!

Touch with a barge pole and you will get seeds
If you want free seeds[ not a bad idea though] subscribe to his nonsense
If you do not want the free seeds....thank your stars you have been saved

If you want his course free..look around...there are people giving it for free...but it is not me!
Whilst I have not seen Vince's FTS course its difficult to comment. I have lots of books by various authors. My favourite being Dr Alexander Elders Come into my trading room. Why do I like that one the most? Because it shows you how to trade using a system!

Whilst I feel I have a good grasp on fundamental and technical trading, usually combining both, I have to say that I always consult the charts before pulling the trigger. I usually (not always) trade the main indices and commodities because I find the Macroeconomic information easier to handle.

Getting back to the thread, I think obviously any kind of knowledge costs money. Vince's system might not be the be all and end all, I don't know but then neither are any of the many books I have read. All I would say is don't dismiss anything without good reason. He's been in the industry a long time and you might just be able to take something useful from the course. If you find just one single thing contained in there useful you could say is worth paying for and it probably still costs a lot less than that losing trade you place on that bank that you thought was cheap.

If you were to break trading down into a set of rules or steps then it would probably run something like this: 1) Economy, the big picture (what phase are we in) 2) Which sectors 3) Ideas 4) Analysis, both fundamental and technical 5) Risk management/Money management

Not sure if I'm alone on this but I have found over the years that steps 1 to 4 sometimes give me an edge and other times not really!. Even when you get everything correlated and its all moving in the right direction it can break down at any point even as soon as you put the trade on. Which leads me to step 5. As long as you have sound money management then your 80% there.
All the other stuff is important but its amazing how many people there are out there with some truly fantastic trading ideas, but then they undo it all with poor risk management.

I'm re-iterating what has already been said in most good trading books but it really can't be said enough. Risk management is the simplest thing to calculate but the hardest to implement.
Miss this step out and trade long enough and lose enough and eventually if your not a nervous wreck after a few years you will certainly be disciplined enough in this area. 20 years ago when I first started using these leverage products I was like a kid in a candy shop and saw everything only going in one direction. Now-days I always look for my exit point, my stop, before I even consider the trade. I learned the hard way and that knowledge cost money. It's never for free and it's never all in the same place.
I think maybe we have to lay off Vince just a little!
I mean that's his 'system' and it works for him therefore 'it works'

We have all probably read the Turtle Traders book and from memory I recall that for some traders it worked and for others it failed. Why? Well because some of the traders were DISCIPLINED' enough to rigidly follow the rules and the poorer results came from those who only loosely applied the rules.

It takes a certain kind to coldly follow a system which might initially be hurting them!

Whatever you do though.....just make sure you do have a system....even if it is your own!
I think maybe we have to lay off Vince just a little!
I mean that's his 'system' and it works for him therefore 'it works'

We have all probably read the Turtle Traders book and from memory I recall that for some traders it worked and for others it failed. Why? Well because some of the traders were DISCIPLINED' enough to rigidly follow the rules and the poorer results came from those who only loosely applied the rules.

It takes a certain kind to coldly follow a system which might initially be hurting them!

Whatever you do though.....just make sure you do have a system....even if it is your own!

It will always 'work for him' because there will always be people gullible and greedy enough to fall for it.
Obviously you do though, don't you? We know this because you are wasting money on gibberish like trading systems.

You need all the help you can get, as you will one day discover.

Hmmmm.....How do you know it's a 'Trading System' ??...Strategies and ideas of something which works for a seasoned professional trader seems quite intriguing!
Hes not a seasoned professional trader, he's a guy that sells get rich quick schemes to gullible people over the Internet. Yes he may say he's a professional trader and of course you're desperate to believe that, that doesn't mean he is.

I wouldn't say I am desperate to believe anything. However having not even read his material and ignoring the fact that I know absolutely nothing about Vince Stanzione I still don't tend to dismiss anything without good reason. What are your reasons for being so adamant that he's a fake? You obviously know more about it than anyone else! So enlighten us please, what is wrong with his 'winning system' ?
I wouldn't say I am desperate to believe anything. However having not even read his material and ignoring the fact that I know absolutely nothing about Vince Stanzione I still don't tend to dismiss anything without good reason. What are your reasons for being so adamant that he's a fake? You obviously know more about it than anyone else! So enlighten us please, what is wrong with his 'winning system' ?

Just look at his marketing, and if you can't work it out for yourself then go buy one of his products and see if you get rich, quick 🙂
Maybe you should just go and buy it and learn the hard way. There's no point asking here, you will only get answers you don't want to hear.
Anley and pboyles are right. Buy these courses and all you'll accomplish is to lighten your wallet.

There is ZERO value in going anywhere near them.

We all know that there is no holy grail of trading. If there is at least, it has more to do with sound money management principles than anything else. However the only negative comments Hear on here are all from those who have never read his course.
The wallet would be lighter but then with knowledge comes a cost! If it didn't then we wouldn't have all these student protests.
Are you saying you have read his course and it is not worth the paper it's printed on?
We all know that there is no holy grail of trading. If there is at least, it has more to do with sound money management principles than anything else. However the only negative comments Hear on here are all from those who have never read his course.
The wallet would be lighter but then with knowledge comes a cost! If it didn't then we wouldn't have all these student protests.
Are you saying you have read his course and it is not worth the paper it's printed on?

Also just to add; are we saying systems don't work? I beg to differ!