I like your quotes from Philip the Greek.
“The Philippines must be half empty - you’re all here running the NHS.”
- Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh
'"Well, you'll never fly in it, you're too fat to be an astronaut.". Philip was speaking to a 13-year-old boy whose dream it was to travel into space.
- Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh
"If you stay here much longer you'll all be slitty-eyed."
- Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh
Obviously were stuck with him because the greatest ambassador the world has ever known Her Mag. (Gawd bless her cotton socks) married him over 50 years ago.
But heres a few quotes from someone you guys chose to be your leader, good old George dubbya.
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"Do you have blacks, too?" --to Brazilian President Fernando Cardoso, Washington, D.C., Nov. 8, 2001
"They misunderestimated me." --Bentonville, Ark., Nov. 6, 2000
He even wades in on the gun debate, this 'non fatal shooting' has to stop.
"For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three non-fatal shootings. And, folks, this is unacceptable in America. It's just unacceptable. And we're going to do something about it." --Philadelphia, Penn., May 14, 2001
"See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." --Greece, N.Y., May 24, 2005
"Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter." --in parting words to world leaders at his final G-8 Summit, punching the air and grinning widely as those present looked on in shock, Rusutsu, Japan, July 10, 2008
"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him." --Washington, D.C., Sept. 13, 2001
"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority." --Washington, D.C., March 13, 2002
"I'll be long gone before some smart person ever figures out what happened inside this Oval Office." --Washington, D.C., May 12, 2008
Even your presidents are a joke.
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