Ultimate Forex Predictor

"Out of frustration comes desperation. Out of desperation, comes hope."

There are settings in the Members Area of TUFXP - Jack Manners settings, I believe.

Also the Cash Master blog publishes his settings which are knowN as Golden Graham's [GG].

And I have been known to help users refine their own settings when they present them to me via PM.

Sometimes you can just be looking in the wrong place at the wrong time!

Have a good weekend!
Hi Jamnewt

Thanks for the reply but I couldn't find any settings in the members area of TUFXP and although I have heard of Cash master's settings it doesn't change the fact that to pay 2K for some software and then be told that there are no actual settings that anyone can use to at least make a few quid to experiment then the software is useless.

What I am saying is that when I purchased the software and used the default settings I expected some degree of success but was told by support that the default setting of intensity of 8 was too low so I, like any normal (I think I am) person suggested that if the intensity of 8 was too low then why not raise the default to 10 or more. Stony silence and a scowl confirmed that they didn't like anyone questioning their ideas.

Now what I am saying is that I got the software and read all of these stories about people making money but no settings anywhere (apart from cash masters which are his own) so why not?

After all, my 50p or a quid per pip is hardly going to bother George is it?

When I got this my idea was that I would slowly work off the capital I paid and then with a few profits have enough to take the kids on holiday each year. Not a lot to ask for I don't think.

As I said, the software is easy to use but once you start changing settings it is quite complex and the default settings will only ever make anything when the market goes one way for a long period.

I notice that you say that you help people refine their settings but TBH i don't even know where I a with this anymore.

Different people say different charts, different currencies, different time frames, different intensity etc. but from the actual support or Keith....zilch.

Got the PM thanks
Don't get me wrong, I understand the frustration - been there myself which is why I am spending time to help others.

My guess is that TUFXP can't/won't tell people what settings they use because it could in some legal way be an endorsement. And as with any FSA regulated industry nonsense they are concerned they'd get sued. I have not been told this by anyone...but I assume it to be the case because of the silence. (and also the disclaimer surrounding the Jack Manners settinsg in the TUFXP Members Area)

The problem this causes is a vacuum of knowledge which allows some unscrupulous folks to decide to sell their settings for a handsome fee - and then go all quiet when the returns are not quite as promised. I name no names.

The default settings are nothing but an average - but the problem is, you can't trade in an average market. You need volatility.
Hi Jamnewt

TBH I hadn't thought of what you say here but I suppose that makes sense with the FSA but can't they just tell us this or like you say Jack Manners does, put a disclaimer there. After all they have one every time you start the software.

Do the JM settings work?

Like I say I don't mind trying different settings if I make a few quid and test using winning money but when you test using the bank you have and it goes against you it kind of sucks more.

Got a PM from someone you helped with the settings and they dumped theirs for yours so I would say you are doing something right.

I registered so hopefully will be there Monday although that is my busiest day after the weekend I have to see.

Thanks again
There's something very wrong with the Ultimate Forex Predictor. Bulletin boards like t2w are not exactly over-flowing with endorsements from satisfied customers. The fact that the 'UFX Masters' have proclaimed that they've found a way to make it work – and charge over £1k for the privilege of their knowledge – says quite a lot. Jamnewt says he has found a way to make the XXX system work - and gets inundated with requests to let on. Well, if it's possible to make any money out of TUFXP, shouldn't the people behind the product be telling us how - just a few clues perhaps!

To suggest that TUFXP will not tell us because of FSA restraints is not believable. They give us settings on the original CDs, in the booklet, on the overviews (when they were published), and now on the most recent CDs explaining the XXX indicators. If it were possible to make successful trades using TUFXP, the producers would be telling us.

I've had successful runs with TUFXP, and I've had unsuccessful runs. But, invariably, the system more often than not puts you into losing trades. That's why I'm sure that most people who have used TUFXP are in fact ex-users.

I've spent the last few months studying everything I can get my hands on. Ultimately, to get anywhere with trading, I would suggest that we must have a thorough understanding and knowledge of the markets and how they work. The best thing I've done is download Metatrader. This opens up a whole new world. With the help of people on the t2w, forexfactory.com and other bulletin boards, I'm finding, slowly, a lot of things falling into place. I've actually started making some money!

I suppose that some people who have been tricked by the 'make easy money' schemes will probably give up. But I hope that some will persevere and find that it is possible to get somewhere with trading forex/commodities.
Most people probably got in to forex trading after being taken in by the wild claims of easy riches. There are so many faux gurus out there, each telling the unsuspecting they're only a few clicks away from untold wealth. However, once you've shelled out your cash the promises fade in to the background at roughly the same speed as the guru running away with your money.

It's as wise to remember that someone as successful as Warren Buffet plainly states that he hasn't found the golden fleece yet. So the chances of an unheard of internet chancer succeeding when no other financial institution with all the world's financial resources and access to the greatest minds on the planet are nil, zitch, zero, nought......

I got in to forex over a year ago and have devoted hundreds, maybe thousands, of hours to it. It's often frustrating, rarely easy and in the beginning ludicrously complex, stressful and costly. I've said it before, TUFXP is as guilty as the rest of them for their fanciful marketing claims, but when you've seen as many trading systems as I have you'll start to understand it's better than most of them, albeit hugely more expensive than the majority. The new back testing facility is a fantastic addition and will help you tweak your settings with great effect.

The vast majority of newbie forex traders give up, perhaps deterred by the reality that forex trading isn't as easy as the first impressions given. Some of us have stuck in there, persevered, gone on to Forex Trading: Online Currency Trading in the Foreign Exchange Market and done their (superb) training course (it's free), learned by bitter experience and now make money from forex. It's essential that you immerse yourself in the forums - www.forexfactory is in my opinion the best. Forum members are often incredibly generous with their time and advice. And there are hundreds of trading systems on the forums, all offered for free, usually with the system owner willingly providing support and assistance.

I use TUFXP every day, and make money from it. But my biggest and best "system" is one I've developed myself - for free. After studying for what seems like an eternity it just popped out off the screen at me. Thing is, and this is the frustrating part of forex trading, what works for one person doesn't work for another. I've explained it to a colleague, who then went on to trade it. We used the same pairings, the same time frames and the same trading MetaTrader platform. I made money, he didn't. It suited my personal psychology, but not his. My system is based on a combination of Bollinger Bands and Parabolic SAR's - I assess the entry and exit points myself. So it's not possible to "teach" how to use it, it's all down to the individual.

Here are my potted suggestions for newbies trying to find your way around forex:
1. Do the Forex Trading: Online Currency Trading in the Foreign Exchange Market course;
2. Surf the forums;
3. Learn one system at a time, but look to develop maybe 3 methods so you can spread your risk in case a system stops working or is banned (don't laugh, the US authorities banned a certain type of hedge trading this week);
4. Sign up for a free MetaTrader demo account (in my opinion Alpari provide the best MetaTrader platform in the UK);
5. Play around with the currencies, timeframes, indicators and settings. If nothing else, you'll learn more about forex than you knew before.
6. Think long and hard whether you're most suited to short term scalping, day trading, position trading over 2-5 days, hedging or long term trading.
7. Use the demo account briefly, but quickly start to trade real money (at the lowest possible stakes). This goes against what most people will tell you but I honestly don't believe you'll react in the same way when trading fake money and real money.
8. Never, never, never trade if you can't afford to lose your trading bank. Quite aside from the fact it's financial suicide you'll find it unbearably stressful and you won't trade rationally.

Hope this helps.
Darren62 / Greenfield...

I’m not a TUFXP subscriber but I do follow the thread from time to time since I did receive a rather colourful mail-shot when they first launched the system which has kept me interested – I wanted to see if their system was as good as they imply.

I sense a lot of frustration in your recent posts.

The first thing that I would say is that if the £2,000 fee for the software is a lot of money to you then you might well be better off exercising your rights and returning the system and claiming the full refund. In my opinion if people want to advertise in the manner which this system is advertised then they have to expect that clients will regularly claim refunds. Ultimately trading is NOT an easy business to just wander into and make regular profits using some fancy piece of software which tells you when and what to trade. Advertising which claims otherwise is just asking for trouble. In essence people selling systems like this always use the ‘holy grail’ approach combined with a photo of someone sat by a swimming pool placing trades.

With regard to the system itself – If you’re paying over £2k for the privilege then you’ve every right to expect a system which at least shows you some kind of positive results in terms or profits. Of course using the system should also build your confidence. In both cases you seem to be suffering the opposite!

I’m a follower of Graham Laurie’s ‘Cash Master’ blogging website and have regularly visited his site for several years. I’ve exchange quite a few emails with Graham in that time and have always found him to be quite genuine but of course I always bear in mind that he also makes an income from commissions gained from referrals on other people’s system sales. It’s fair to say that when Graham reviews a system or service then he really gets to grips with it and he doesn’t mind saying if something’s not worth the paper it’s written on. In the case of TUFXP he claims to have made almost £50,000 in the last 12 months of testing. He trades at £10 per pip and seems to stick to the EUR/USD and GBP/USD pairs. In his latest blog posting he states that he is considering doubling his position sizing and aiming for £100K in the next 12 months which at face value implies that he is very confident in his abilities whilst following this system. Graham has a page on his website where he clearly sets out his settings and also how he decides whether trade signals are valid. In order to test a system properly you are going to need to decide what settings to use and then stick with it. Can I suggest that if you are going to keep this system then you might try Graham’s settings for the next month or so. In all trading you need to accept that you are going to have good days and bad.

Good luck.


PS If you currently have some settings that are consistently losing money then have you considered trading the reverse of these signals?
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"There's something very wrong with the Ultimate Forex Predictor" = ********.

Thank you Stevespray and TradeToGo - some acutely sensible comments here.

The reason I respond to comments on here is twofold. Firstly, I make my living from using TUFXP. It's my job, it's what pays the mortgage. And like anyone who works for a living and is not unhappy doing it - it irks me when someone comes along and tries to rubbish the job I do and the tools I use. Secondly, I can't abide profiteering by the likes of some folks who sell their settings.

So I try to reason with everyone. This may not be for you. TUFXP is not a one-click system. This is not the Holy Grail. [This can't exist as it was a prop in a fictional story]

I can't repeat this enough: "There is not one set of settings to use."
Personally I trade 3 GBPUSD charts - each one with completely different settings.
I also trade a EURUSD chart and that again has completely different settings.
I have a daily GBPUSD chart that uses xxx and has 100% success rate at scalping 40pips
(but you may not like the risk that goes with it. I've shown this to others who get excited at first and after a few weeks I've asked how they got on and without exception they have all said; they are not using it as they don't like the risk. But I don't mind it. It's 100% success rate since July 06)

Golden Graham - uses completely different settings to me.
Masters, uses a completely different approach again.
they are all different!

Finding the settings is a personal approach - what's your risk appetite?
What time of day do you want to trade?
How many unqualified signals can you bear before you get a "live" one?
Do you mind lots of little losses as you wait for the big move?
Can you work under pressure - as with Golden Graham's when you get 9 alarms all going off at once?
Do you want to scalp a fixed amount each time?
Do you want to carefully select each trade with Bollinger and MACD?
No software is going to be able to answer all those questions for you out of the box. You're a fool to think it will.

I share my information with anyone who asks - as long as they give me something in return. And this is usually their own settings which they may feel, aren't really working for them. I will then go through their settings to see if I can help to improve them - I have this down to a fine art now. At the end of this, I usually pass on my settings to them - once I even adopted someone's settings (after we tweaked them) as my own.

This is my final call on this thread - as I feel I'm repeating myself already.

If you want help with TUFXP settings, PM me. I will try, time permitting, to help you. The least I will do, is show you another forum where we work together and don't bitch about this-that-and-the-other and we share our settings with each other and we even test things out together, which saves a hell of a lot of time. We've paid our money and now we just get on with it, investing the time to make it work for us.

If you are only interested in rubbishing the system because you couldn't get it to work for you - then feel free. But a bad workman always blames his tools. And I won't be responding on here again.

parting is always such sweet sorrow.
I have not posted on this blog before, as I have never really felt I had anything positve to say, as I am relatively new to FX, and still learning
I now feel I need to say how really sad it is that someone as obviously dedicated to helping others and who is prepared to spend time for no reward as JAMNEWT has done in the past, should be disheartend by gloom and doom merchants. I for one say THANK YOU to him and all others like him who try to encourage us newbies. We all want to succeed, lets have more postive mental attitude. Please don't go jamnewt
jamnewt, hi, did you get my PM???

"There's something very wrong with the Ultimate Forex Predictor" = ********.

Thank you Stevespray and TradeToGo - some acutely sensible comments here.

The reason I respond to comments on here is twofold. Firstly, I make my living from using TUFXP. It's my job, it's what pays the mortgage. And like anyone who works for a living and is not unhappy doing it - it irks me when someone comes along and tries to rubbish the job I do and the tools I use. Secondly, I can't abide profiteering by the likes of some folks who sell their settings.

So I try to reason with everyone. This may not be for you. TUFXP is not a one-click system. This is not the Holy Grail. [This can't exist as it was a prop in a fictional story]

I can't repeat this enough: "There is not one set of settings to use."
Personally I trade 3 GBPUSD charts - each one with completely different settings.
I also trade a EURUSD chart and that again has completely different settings.
I have a daily GBPUSD chart that uses xxx and has 100% success rate at scalping 40pips
(but you may not like the risk that goes with it. I've shown this to others who get excited at first and after a few weeks I've asked how they got on and without exception they have all said; they are not using it as they don't like the risk. But I don't mind it. It's 100% success rate since July 06)

Golden Graham - uses completely different settings to me.
Masters, uses a completely different approach again.
they are all different!

Finding the settings is a personal approach - what's your risk appetite?
What time of day do you want to trade?
How many unqualified signals can you bear before you get a "live" one?
Do you mind lots of little losses as you wait for the big move?
Can you work under pressure - as with Golden Graham's when you get 9 alarms all going off at once?
Do you want to scalp a fixed amount each time?
Do you want to carefully select each trade with Bollinger and MACD?
No software is going to be able to answer all those questions for you out of the box. You're a fool to think it will.

I share my information with anyone who asks - as long as they give me something in return. And this is usually their own settings which they may feel, aren't really working for them. I will then go through their settings to see if I can help to improve them - I have this down to a fine art now. At the end of this, I usually pass on my settings to them - once I even adopted someone's settings (after we tweaked them) as my own.

This is my final call on this thread - as I feel I'm repeating myself already.

If you want help with TUFXP settings, PM me. I will try, time permitting, to help you. The least I will do, is show you another forum where we work together and don't bitch about this-that-and-the-other and we share our settings with each other and we even test things out together, which saves a hell of a lot of time. We've paid our money and now we just get on with it, investing the time to make it work for us.

If you are only interested in rubbishing the system because you couldn't get it to work for you - then feel free. But a bad workman always blames his tools. And I won't be responding on here again.

parting is always such sweet sorrow.
This morning I received an email about this system, so impressive the sales pitch given as with many other systems. First of all, I believe that all should read jamnewt's words with care, he has done a great job in saying exactly what I think anone who purchases the system should expect, there is no one size fits all approach to any settings for a profitable system. You must all do your own due diligence to trade what is comfortable for you. You can give 100 people the same software, and the results will all be different always. jamnewt may be abale to tolerate a drawdown based upon his capital, and meanwhile your account may not be able to sustain such a loss or you cannot psychologically deal with it. If he gave you his settings, then I am sure someone wil be blaming him if it fails....

Take the product and play with the settings to find something which you are comfortable with. Anyone who takes a product and just trade blindly is due for disappointment. By the way, there are many free systems out there also, but YOU must tweak it to your tolerance. No system is the Holy Grail.
Ur post was excellent.

Pm me please, tell me about your experience, as I am in talks with the masters about a new way of trading.
Forget expensive programs that claim to give you major profits - these people would have their own systematic hedge funds, and not be sharing their strategies if they worked so well. Use free forums and communicate with other traders to get a feel for the market - that is my best advice.
Hi Everyone.
I have just purchased TUFXP. I am trying to work out a scalping method for the early morning (7:am-10:30 am) period on the USD/GBP and EUR/ USD. Can anyone offer any advice on settings and also what is the best period of back data to use ? I have been trying various settings on 10,000 bars- bit slow but it seems to offer more security than just using the 300 bar default setting. Any help and advice would be deeply appreciated.
Most people probably got in to forex trading after being taken in by the wild claims of easy riches. There are so many faux gurus out there, each telling the unsuspecting they're only a few clicks away from untold wealth. However, once you've shelled out your cash the promises fade in to the background at roughly the same speed as the guru running away with your money.

It's as wise to remember that someone as successful as Warren Buffet plainly states that he hasn't found the golden fleece yet. So the chances of an unheard of internet chancer succeeding when no other financial institution with all the world's financial resources and access to the greatest minds on the planet are nil, zitch, zero, nought......

I got in to forex over a year ago and have devoted hundreds, maybe thousands, of hours to it. It's often frustrating, rarely easy and in the beginning ludicrously complex, stressful and costly. I've said it before, TUFXP is as guilty as the rest of them for their fanciful marketing claims, but when you've seen as many trading systems as I have you'll start to understand it's better than most of them, albeit hugely more expensive than the majority. The new back testing facility is a fantastic addition and will help you tweak your settings with great effect.

The vast majority of newbie forex traders give up, perhaps deterred by the reality that forex trading isn't as easy as the first impressions given. Some of us have stuck in there, persevered, gone on to Forex Trading: Online Currency Trading in the Foreign Exchange Market and done their (superb) training course (it's free), learned by bitter experience and now make money from forex. It's essential that you immerse yourself in the forums - www.forexfactory is in my opinion the best. Forum members are often incredibly generous with their time and advice. And there are hundreds of trading systems on the forums, all offered for free, usually with the system owner willingly providing support and assistance.

I use TUFXP every day, and make money from it. But my biggest and best "system" is one I've developed myself - for free. After studying for what seems like an eternity it just popped out off the screen at me. Thing is, and this is the frustrating part of forex trading, what works for one person doesn't work for another. I've explained it to a colleague, who then went on to trade it. We used the same pairings, the same time frames and the same trading MetaTrader platform. I made money, he didn't. It suited my personal psychology, but not his. My system is based on a combination of Bollinger Bands and Parabolic SAR's - I assess the entry and exit points myself. So it's not possible to "teach" how to use it, it's all down to the individual.

Here are my potted suggestions for newbies trying to find your way around forex:
1. Do the Forex Trading: Online Currency Trading in the Foreign Exchange Market course;
2. Surf the forums;
3. Learn one system at a time, but look to develop maybe 3 methods so you can spread your risk in case a system stops working or is banned (don't laugh, the US authorities banned a certain type of hedge trading this week);
4. Sign up for a free MetaTrader demo account (in my opinion Alpari provide the best MetaTrader platform in the UK);
5. Play around with the currencies, timeframes, indicators and settings. If nothing else, you'll learn more about forex than you knew before.
6. Think long and hard whether you're most suited to short term scalping, day trading, position trading over 2-5 days, hedging or long term trading.
7. Use the demo account briefly, but quickly start to trade real money (at the lowest possible stakes). This goes against what most people will tell you but I honestly don't believe you'll react in the same way when trading fake money and real money.
8. Never, never, never trade if you can't afford to lose your trading bank. Quite aside from the fact it's financial suicide you'll find it unbearably stressful and you won't trade rationally.

Hope this helps.
very helpful and very accurate, thanks for sharing 😉
i'd be interested if you could PM me your bollinger/sars settings
i don't have the software but i like working with good ideas
i got into trading/forex about a year now
i haven't had much time to focus but i hope that will change soon
and i'd to see the average time one goes from rookie to intermediate to advanced
and how many books they read too 🙄:cheesy:
Has anybody purchased the TUFXP Masters settings ?

Kenb, I suggest you look back at previous messages on this thread. There's a whole clutch of people talking about them. But in summary: yes people have bought the TUFXP Masters settings. No, they're nowhere as successful as they claim. And yes, with a bit of graft you can work out your own settings without shelling out whatsit, £1200 for their ideas. Remember, TUFXP Masters do not offer a money back guarantee.

I suggest you save the £1200 or so and put it in your trading bank. Look at your trading style (short term 5 minutes, 1 day or long term, etc.). Play around with the settings and use the Test facility on TUFXP. That way you'll find the settings you're comfortable with, rather than someone else's system that may not suit your own trading style.

Just because they say they're successful doesn't mean they've got the only successful method. There are plenty of people out there who claim they have the magic formula. But most of them want you to shell out your hard earned cash first. That's true in forex more than anywhere else.

Good luck.
Just another post for people who are thinking of purchasing TUFXP.

As a user of the software I think that the best comment about it is made earlier where the post mentions the 30 day money back guarantee and the fact that it isn't enough.

I totally agree with this post because as a user of the software there is one major major problem with anyone who wants the software to help them trade.

It will work one week or two weeks or maybe a month (the 30 day money back period) but once the market changes tack then all of the settings you used for that particular week, month or what ever will be virtually useless and trust me I have experienced this.

In short, the previous poster is, in my opinion, spot on when they say that some people will win over the 30 days and some will lose and the vendors know that this is going to happen but like so many system sellers they will take the refunds for when people like me make the purchase as they went through the 30 days winning.

Trust me any settings that win will also help you lose once there is a sea of change in the market and they have your 2K.
Just another post for people who are thinking of purchasing TUFXP.

As a user of the software I think that the best comment about it is made earlier where the post mentions the 30 day money back guarantee and the fact that it isn't enough.

I totally agree with this post because as a user of the software there is one major major problem with anyone who wants the software to help them trade.

It will work one week or two weeks or maybe a month (the 30 day money back period) but once the market changes tack then all of the settings you used for that particular week, month or what ever will be virtually useless and trust me I have experienced this.

In short, the previous poster is, in my opinion, spot on when they say that some people will win over the 30 days and some will lose and the vendors know that this is going to happen but like so many system sellers they will take the refunds for when people like me make the purchase as they went through the 30 days winning.

Trust me any settings that win will also help you lose once there is a sea of change in the market and they have your 2K.

I am also a user of the software and It is soon to be how I earn my living

I think the software will not suit everyone and it does require some work there is no such thing as a piece of software that will do all the work and make you rich, the market does change but if you are using the software everyday and watching the markets then you can adapt as the changes happen and continue to make the software profitable.

I do think it is over priced but if you are willing to put the effort it you could easily make the money back in a matter of months.