Ultimate Forex Predictor

Hi everyone
I'm very new to this and have had very limited success to date with trading. I keep getting emails regarding 'The Ultimate Forex Predictor' software by Keith Cotterill. At over £2K, it's either worth every penny or a rip-off. Has anyone had any experience of this software?



I bought the software about 6 months ago followed the "no brainer" and lost lost lost, I went on a one to one at £400 and lost more, it is no where near as simple as the sales letter makes out there is agreat deal to learn about various indicators.

In the last ten days I took £34 to £700 and back to zero again, I thought I had cracked it
but obviously not, its taken me this long and its only now Im begining to identify a trade
but not as often as I would like.

I reckon I have lost about £2000 with this so called no brainer, simple to use easy as pie
forex trading system. I will stick with it as I am hopeful I have made most of my mistakes but it really is a learning curve, at least it has been for me.

I havent yet met anyone other than the TUFX staff who regularly make money with this, although it is offered with a 30 day trial period, I should have sent mine back after 30 days, but like many, keen to make "easy £500 per week" I persevered and blamed myself for not getting it right as the sales letter claims its so simple.

Its easy to see retrospectively which trades you should have been on and which you should have avoided but like everything else in life hindsight is a great thing.

I would advise you to trial it for 30 days and when you have lost your money in real or pretend terms then send it back because its NOT as the sales letter claims, however there is potential to make money if you know what you are doing but it does take a fair bit of learning all the different indicators of what makes a good/bad trade.

I dont doubt the pros make money but its easy to be baffled by them when you ask questions, I have consistently asked for a trading plan that is as simple as the sales letter suggests but as yet to no avail.

If any other readers have had any experience of this tufx I would be glad to hear from you in particular if you making a regular profit.

s dorans

Hi there,

I wouldnt of said i was an experienced trader no, I understand the markets and general economics, but never really new how to apply this to the Forex Market and still to this day dont have the same understanding thati do of Indicies and Stocks etc

Seems we have to completely different results, for my test over 7 weeks i traded every single signal - SUPER PTP's with a low intensity of 5 and trailing stop of 1, and as peviously mentioned after spreads i was up around 2000 points ( this was over 8 major currencies )

I dont keep this sheet running any longer but as mentioned anyone is welcome to see it

With regards to trading now, i concentrate on 2 currencies currently on a Intensity of 10 and a 3 trailing stop, but i do now have a slightly better understanding and so choose when to get out of trades myself and not purely rely on the software but look for selling / buying pressure and tests etc ( all of which i learnt mainly from this course )

I do however use the software for ALL my entry points always, and, well my results continue to be consistent

I suppose its each to there own and what works for one might now work for another.

All the Best in trading


Hi Dan

Glad to hear of someone making money from this, I have made and lost again but genuinely feel if I get it right, I could show consistent profits, Ive been trading the cable and eur/usd with an intensity of 8 (maybe thats my problem) and trailing stop at 4 and looking for 2 simultaneous signals with one at high volume, preferably on the 10 or 15min chart as I feel the 5 min is too volatile, if there was a super on one or the other I would trade that chart.

I have also been keeping an eye on the stochastics cross hairs chart as I beleive this indicator gives extra strenght to the trade, I understand some of the dif bars but not enough of them ven although if you left click an explanation appears.

Do you reckon trading supers at intensity of 10 to be successful, interestingly is your trading plan STILL successful in FEB 09 I will look back over some of these charts, but would be keen to hear from you on a private level.

Hi guys
Read through the posts from start to finish (nothing better to do). It seems there are three sides out on tufxp - difinitely a no no - ummmm maybe - and give it a go if you think your hard enough. I am now in the latter so must come out fighting. I have noticed that as time went on the negativity started to dwindle as more pro tufxp views came on board. It is working for some people and not for others. Some have successful systems of their own so why bother with tufxp at 2k a pop. The thing is those of us who have bought it want to give it our best shot. Those who bought it as a point and click system have been somewhat misled because to make a success of this takes some tutoring - and the programme does require some tweaking and back testing. That is where fellow tufxp users on this blog can help each other out. The guy on cash-master has been running a blog for some time on his tufxp method and posting his results daily. I followed this up to the present date and gained some interesting tips. He now claims some other guys have been in contact with him about a tufxp method they are using which brings in 4K a week (£10 a pip) and his mates are bringing in 8-10K a day by upping their stakes - yes you read that right. These guys were going to give him their method to try out - which they did and - hey presto! - he to made 4.5K in his first week. Now we all wait for him to reveal this Holy Grail to his readers - but guess what - it seems these guys think they deserve some kind of remuneration for their efforts. You are asked to click a link which takes you to a web site called tufxpmasters which cash-master is no doubt affiliated to. The price for this knowledge is £1,195 - no trial period - no money back guarantee. Were these people in it all along? Is cash-master affiliated to them? Was this all a slick advertising campaign? Who was that masked man?
Anyway my point is that all you tufxp owners out there should band together and help each other out with tales of daring do - successful or not. Post your experiences and more importantly your settings and exit and entry stategies so we all benefit. Can't post mine yet - still trying to figure them out - can anyone help.
Happy hunting - pip pip hooray!
CashMaster is most certainly affiliated to Tufxpmasters. You were offered a discount code to enter from Cashmaster to ensure he got his affiliate fee. The unregulated monster known as Forex has become a giant spider's web of affiliates. You are the flies...
come fly with me lets fly just fly away . . .

Thanks for that scanjet,
Your dead right there is one born every minute and I suppose at one time or other we have all been sucked in by something. Fortunately there is something else that flies can detect from miles away . . . have ya guest what it is yet!
Bear in mind, also, that the Distance Selling Regulations state very clearly that any item bought over the internet must have a minimum 7 day cooling-off period, which means anything bought over the internet must have a minimum 7 day guarantee period, or they're breaking the law. If they're trying to tell you there's no refund available they're a) not to be trusted, b) breaking the law. Avoid at all costs.
I heard from elsewhere that those who tried to pay by credit card were contacted by phone and told the credit card machine had broken and could they send a cheque or direct bank transfer instead. Now, I wonder why that was....?
Further back on this thread I read that the guy who created UFP had stopped posting his evening roundup whilst they worked on new signals for the software. The Tufxpmasters site states they have no connection with the UFP company. Such a pity for the members that UFP have been pipped at the post by guys charging £1200 for new signals. Tufxpmasters website at the weekend stated it will shortly be selling complete systems that include UFP.
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Have you noticed that the same style of website is used for all these guru's offering the holy grail of trading. ie looks like its been constructed using Notepad. If the guy is earning so much, surely he should have a decent webpage.
So has anyone actually signed up to be a member of tufxpmasters?

I hate to state the obvious but if you guys insist on ruthlessly burying Tufxpmasters, it is hardly the sort of climate to encourage anyone who has subscribed, to post their honest experience with it.
I hate to state the obvious but if you guys insist on ruthlessly burying Tufxpmasters, it is hardly the sort of climate to encourage anyone who has subscribed, to post their honest experience with it.

Fare comment hicks
But something is not right with this set up. I have been informed that Messers Cotteril and Laight have had words with cash-master and tufxpmasters. Now the link has been dropped from cash-master and the masters are not taking any more orders - due to an overwhelming response - ooooooooooooo scary stuff. I smell a smoke screen - cough - cough!
I hate to state the obvious but if you guys insist on ruthlessly burying Tufxpmasters, it is hardly the sort of climate to encourage anyone who has subscribed, to post their honest experience with it.

Fair comment, although I've no interest in slagging off for slagging off's sake. If they've found a great way to trade TUFXP and they can prove it works they're obviously free to sell it.

My concern is:
1. They've come up from nowhere;
2. Made a big fanfare of how successful they are;
3. Not demonstrated any track record;
4. They're asking for a big wedge of cash for what appears to be simply an entry and exit trading plan.
5. Not offered any guarantee.
6. Made claims of success and wealth that seem too good to be true.

So (ha, repeat after me...) if it seems too good to be true it usually is.

If they've got a good system let them sell it - if it's as good as they claim I'm certainly interested! However, if it's so good they shouldn't need to worry about people returning it. They shouldn't be at all concerned about giving a 30 day money back guarantee.

And one other thing. If you're looking for a trading system, have a look on this T2W forum, or go to Forex Factory. There are hundreds of systems available - all freely offered by people who genuinely want to share what works for them, and who are 100% willing to help if you don't understand a point. They're not touting them for cash, they're busy trading their own systems and they want to help others succeed. Perhaps the successful forex traders don't need to generate their income by flogging systems for cash.

And while I'm at it, why is it that the so-called gurus and those who flog their trading systems for cash claim you can easily make huge amounts of money almost overnight? Whereas the hundreds of people who offer their knowledge and expertise for free on the forums will all tell you that trading forex is difficult, risky, fraught with emotional ups and downs and very often loss-making? (That's a rhetorical question by the way - no need for anyone to actually answer it!)
Okay, I'm a new member and I have just purchased the Ultimate FX Predictor. I did some Internet searches on Keith and found another forum (not this one) which the senior members there thought his system was worth every penny and the support from the company is top notch (which it is in my experience).

My experience with the software is limited to the GBPUSD, which the program recommends beginners start with. Over the last two or three weeks I've had the software, I've noted several things. A.) The signals, especially the SELL signals are very accurate. When you look at the charts at the end of the day, where the signals show up and then at what the market did directly following the signal, you'd have made money 75% of the time at a minimum. The software has a neat function that lets you overlay a trading plan right on top of the buy or sell signal. This will tell you your entrance (which you can customize) what level to scalp at (again, you can set this to pip level you want) where your trailing stops will be, intial stops, etc. There are two sets of indicators now in the latest version of TESS: the PTP and the XXX. I've turned off the XXX. It isn't as dead on as the PTPs are.

I'll keep those on this board updated as my experience expands.
That's interesting LibernatiTrader. In the main I only use the xxx settings as I have found them to be better than the PTP's. Been using the system for 6 months now.
A fresh approach after all the dissent we've been reading here.
I would be interested to know the website you refer to in your post. Just a couple of points on your observations - the markets tend to fall faster than they climb - so shorts would be more profitable if scalping I suppose and the pound has been taking a battering over the last few weeks. But hey, I'm no expert, it's something I heard or read somewhere. I'll be following your obsevations and experiences and see what happens as I am still in the observational stage at present.
The new back test feature sure saves a lot of work and lets you play about with the settings much more. If you are scalping, the new xxx indicators get you in a trade earler and do appear before most of the ptp signals - not tried them yet - I will carry on observing for a while. I think to start with scalping is the best way to go and that is what I will be doing when I pluck up the courage to trade and hopefully find a good method to trade with.
Here's to your success

Okay, I'm a new member and I have just purchased the Ultimate FX Predictor. I did some Internet searches on Keith and found another forum (not this one) which the senior members there thought his system was worth every penny and the support from the company is top notch (which it is in my experience).

My experience with the software is limited to the GBPUSD, which the program recommends beginners start with. Over the last two or three weeks I've had the software, I've noted several things. A.) The signals, especially the SELL signals are very accurate. When you look at the charts at the end of the day, where the signals show up and then at what the market did directly following the signal, you'd have made money 75% of the time at a minimum. The software has a neat function that lets you overlay a trading plan right on top of the buy or sell signal. This will tell you your entrance (which you can customize) what level to scalp at (again, you can set this to pip level you want) where your trailing stops will be, intial stops, etc. There are two sets of indicators now in the latest version of TESS: the PTP and the XXX. I've turned off the XXX. It isn't as dead on as the PTPs are.

I'll keep those on this board updated as my experience expands.
That's interesting LibernatiTrader. In the main I only use the xxx settings as I have found them to be better than the PTP's. Been using the system for 6 months now.

I've had the software for almost a month. My observation comes from looking at the GBPUSD (the pair Keith recommends to start with) and seeing the XXX indicators that failed or that became confirmed on a move that was quickly reversed. Pure eyeballing of the charts seeing that the PTPs that formed and became confirmed seemed to preceed better moves up or down.

All purely subjective (as I said, looking at the signals that became confirmed and then seeing what the market did following the confirmation).