The Ultimate FX Predictor


I received an email today from Nightingale-Conant advertising a program called The Ultimate FX Predictor by Keith Cotterill. The program sounds like one of those "too good to be true" programs. The program is a bit pricey. My question is, has anyone made money using this program. Is this program legit or a program to stay away from?

Hi Skylar

Yes we have it - we only got it about 6 weeks ago (4 week free trail) it is pretty good.
The hardest part is not thinking about it - just put the trade on and leave it to do its thing. We kept trying to use indicators and support & resistance to get us out of the trades (which in normal trading we would be right to do) but for this system you are best just to do as it says.
The stops can be huge & the risk reward is terrible - however if you use trailing stops the gains can be great. We are just at breakeven now that we have gone through the learning curve.
We had a 4 week trail period - if they are not offering that then I would ask them for it, so you can at least see what you are buying.
The support is good and helpful reviews, you do have a $85 monthly subscription after your 4 wks are up.
We are keeping it - if you do get let me know & I will happily share what I have found

Hi Skylar

I purchased this system June 2008 and from then to February 2009 eight month period did not manage to make any money at all. It could be that it was not for me, however as the quote most often used in forex 'There is no such thing as the holy grail' comes to mind I really do believe your money could be better spent elsewhere. I conclude with a quote from an experienced trader. 'If you approach this business without a business plan and the willingness to follow it, you are almost certainly doomed to failure. A doctor spends ten plus years in a gruelling learning curve to be successful and earn a six figure income; anyone who thinks that their pot of gold in this business is a couple of months down the road is in for a rude awakening. A well thought-out business plan, common sense and hard work is required for anyone who wants a chance at success.'

Hope this helps

I received an email today from Nightingale-Conant advertising a program called The Ultimate FX Predictor by Keith Cotterill. The program sounds like one of those "too good to be true" programs. The program is a bit pricey. My question is, has anyone made money using this program. Is this program legit or a program to stay away from?

I refer the right honourable gentleman [ or lady ] to the following thread -


I've had this for 12 months now. It's not necessarily for the newbie to FX. But if you can learn quickly and/or are experienced with FX trading then you will be fine.

PM me for details of somewhere else - other than amongst the negativity here - where you can share your experiences/settings with over 80 other tufxp users.

Hi Skylar

Yes we have it - we only got it about 6 weeks ago (4 week free trail) it is pretty good.
The hardest part is not thinking about it - just put the trade on and leave it to do its thing. We kept trying to use indicators and support & resistance to get us out of the trades (which in normal trading we would be right to do) but for this system you are best just to do as it says.
The stops can be huge & the risk reward is terrible - however if you use trailing stops the gains can be great. We are just at breakeven now that we have gone through the learning curve.
We had a 4 week trail period - if they are not offering that then I would ask them for it, so you can at least see what you are buying.
The support is good and helpful reviews, you do have a $85 monthly subscription after your 4 wks are up.
We are keeping it - if you do get let me know & I will happily share what I have found


Hi there!
I have recently purchased TUFXP and can see the huge potential it offers, although as you say, rather a steep learning curve for a novice! Just wondered how you are getting on a few months down the line and wonder if you want to share experiences?
I received an email today from Nightingale-Conant advertising a program called The Ultimate FX Predictor by Keith Cotterill. The program sounds like one of those "too good to be true" programs. The program is a bit pricey. My question is, has anyone made money using this program. Is this program legit or a program to stay away from?


Cheaper Price...
Not sure how they expect to sell it given that TUFXP have stopped license transfers between ownership..