what is your ultimate aim in forex???

hello guys,

I want to ask a few questions from you that basically and ultimately what are your aims in the forex???
To what xtent you want to go in this business??? which is the last limit for you???
what is your destination in the field of forex trading??? a profit continuously or the knowlege or the experience??? 😎
Strange question and on the surface of it seems a no-brainer surely ? I do it for the money, period. I neither love it nor hate it. You need all that knowledge and experience to make the money but that's not the aim just the objective that needs to be achieved to fulfil the aim. If I ever found anything anything' better' I would give it up without a second thought - it is not a labour of love or what I want my life to be about. To date I haven't but this doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

My ultimate aim in forex is to gain knowledge and experience that help me to make continue profit.
hello guys,

I want to ask a few questions from you that basically and ultimately what are your aims in the forex???
To what xtent you want to go in this business??? which is the last limit for you???
what is your destination in the field of forex trading??? a profit continuously or the knowlege or the experience??? 😎

what's your angle ? what do you really want ?

some sort of encouragement ? support ? motivation ? inspiration ?
my main purpose is to get more and more experience from trades. because its very helpful for me in futures.thank you so much
hello guys,

I want to ask a few questions from you that basically and ultimately what are your aims in the forex???
To what xtent you want to go in this business??? which is the last limit for you???
what is your destination in the field of forex trading??? a profit continuously or the knowlege or the experience??? 😎

Good question

Sometimes i wonder.....sometimes i wonder .......😆

The main goal in Forex or any other financial market for that matter is to increase your assets though sophistication.
hello guys,

I want to ask a few questions from you that basically and ultimately what are your aims in the forex???
To what xtent you want to go in this business??? which is the last limit for you???
what is your destination in the field of forex trading??? a profit continuously or the knowlege or the experience??? 😎

my target is to make constant profits that will cover 20-30% of my total income. I don't expect it be my main and only income. I put 2 hours a day in forex trading and expect to get about 1000 a month.
My ultimate goal is to make money out of forex and buy one of the Brokerages relax and earn money on traders' commission....
my target is to make constant profits that will cover 20-30% of my total income. I don't expect it be my main and only income. I put 2 hours a day in forex trading and expect to get about 1000 a month.

Great expectations. Does it work? Have you ever meet the target of 1000 a month.