Ukraine invasion

Russia is losing troops and equipment faster than Ukraine, it is the price for their conquests in Donbas.
The point is that it is an artillery war and Russia have 10 times more.
Yes, it's an artillery war, and Russia has more than Ukraine. We're agreed on that. Yet, in spite of this, you think Russia is losing troops and kit faster than Ukraine, all the while making steady advances westwards? Think it through - the two statements completely negate one another!
For Russia we have soviet equipment replaced with older soviet equipment.
They have state of the art equipment with soldiers who are trained to use it and the logistic support required to keep the advance moving forward. Ukraine has lost most of its kit. We know this not least because Zelensky is asking every Tom, Dick and Harry to send him more. Do you see Putin begging China or India for equipment. No you don't.
For Ukraine we have soviet equipment replaced with Nato equipment that is getting better with time and training.
This is true. However, it's almost completely useless. The new kit is highly sophisticated and requires professional soldiers who are trained to use it. Zelensky is fast running out of those and the few he has left can't take time out to go on a month's residential course in Kiev (or whatever) to learn how to use fancy new kit. Additionally, you need IT experts (who are also trained soldiers) and the logistic support to ensure the weapons have ammo and fuel etc. He hasn't got it and can't provide it. Most of this kit will be taken out by Russian air strikes and artillery before it even gets to the battlefield. I'm not joking when I say that the west would do better to give Zelensky ten million pitchforks as they're cheap, require no training, anyone can use them, can be used time and time again and they're easy to transport and distribute etc., etc., etc.
Ukraine has won phase 1 in March.
Russia is winning phase 2.
Phase 3 will begin in the second half of July with Ukraine fully equipped.
Unless you're willing to engage with reality and accept what is actually going on - as opposed to what you wish was going on - then there's little point in us debating this topic any further.
Economics & Geopolitics in one lesson, delivered by Putin himself.
If you want to know the real reason why Western governments hate Putin, you need to watch this short video which has condensed his speech into about 1.5 pages starting at 7:27

The best our "leaders" can do is schoolboy insults like "little man syndrome" utterly pathetic!
Some people thinking asking what the West is doing?

Good read to catch up on events...
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Snake Island is back to Ukraine.
Russians left as a "gesture of goodwill" after a huge missile attack. 😏
I predict more goodwill gestures from russians this summer in southern Ukraine.

I think Lysichansk will fall to russians in a couple of weeks, then Putin will be able to claim full control of Luhansk region.
The goal of Ukraine is to buy time and inflict max damage to russians.
Reconquering ruins is not their priority, south is less defended and has more strategic value than Donbas.
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NATO Scribes vs. Russian Artillery and Rockets

". . . Those of realistic and compassionate bent can but harbor hope that, before there is only a cadaver of Ukraine left to defend, Kyiv sees the handwriting on the wall and cries Uncle, despite what they are hearing from an Uncle Sam. He seems to have a remarkable tolerance for carnage – in Ukraine. . ."

Richard Branson met Zelensky this week, supposedly to discuss how big business and billionaires like him can help Ukraine. Not reported is is how Branson and Virgin Atlantic can help get Zelensky and his family out of Ukraine to safety - possibly within the coming months - and which luxury villa Zelensky wants to live in on Necker Island. Talking of islands . . .

Brian at the New Atlas provides another reality check about what's happening in the conflict, especially with regard to Snake Island. Enjoy . . .

The burning question about the Kremenchuk attack is "Which Russian propaganda are we supposed to buy into?" Is it
  • The attack never happened?
  • The cement factory next to the mall was a weapons depot?
  • Ukraine did it to make Russia look bad?
  • The mall was closed?
  • The fire accidentally spread to the mall?
  • It was a "gesture of goodwill?" (thought of this one myself just now 😉)

Not sure but “Let any one of NATO countries who has never killed innocent civilians in a war be the first to throw a stone at Russia.”

US-led airstrikes have ‘killed at least 22,000 civilians’ in Middle East and Africa over past 20 years​


Civilian casualties in the war in Afghanistan (2001–2021)​

The burning question about the Kremenchuk attack is "Which Russian propaganda are we supposed to buy into?"
Hi R_L,
This cuts both ways. I'm more than happy not to buy into any Russian propaganda just as readily as I don't buy into Ukraine's and the west's. Furthermore, I'll join in the outrage at a war crime for which those responsible should be prosecuted if . . .
  • It can be proven that the missile hit the shopping mall and not the neighbouring factory.
  • It can be proven that said factory wasn't being used for military purposes.
  • If a reasonable explanation can be provided as to why there were hardly any cars parked outside the mall and yet, apparently, 1,000+ shoppers were alleged to have been inside it.
  • If a reasonable explanation can be provided as to why CCTV footage clearly shows flying debris in the park next to the machine factory, indicating that was the target and not the shopping mall.
  • If a reasonable explanation can be provided as to why there are hardly any women and children (that you'd surely expect to see at a shopping mall) but, instead, almost all men, including a fair few wearing service informs.
  • If a reasonable explanation can be provided as to why Russia would deliberately target innocent civilians knowing full well that the optics would be disastrous and result in a propaganda coup for Ukraine and a massive hole in the foot for them?
  • Lastly, if a reasonable explanation can be provided as to why anyone should believe Zelensky's and the west's account of what happened (given their track record of 'false flags') until a thorough independent investigation has been conducted and these questions (among others) have been answered?
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Hi R_L,
This cuts both ways. I'm more than happy not to buy into any Russian propaganda just as readily as I don't buy into Ukraine's and the west's. Furthermore, I'll join in the outrage at a war crime for which those responsible should be prosecuted if . . .
  • It can be proven that the missile hit the shopping mall and not the neighbouring factory.
  • It can be proven that said factory wasn't being used for military purposes.
  • If a reasonable explanation can be provided as to why there were hardly any cars parked outside the mall and yet, apparently, 1,000+ shoppers were alleged to have been inside it.
  • If a reasonable explanation can be provided as to why CCTV footage clearly shows flying debris in the park next to the machine factory, indicating that was the target and not the shopping mall.
  • If a reasonable explanation can be provided as to why there are hardly any women and children (that you'd surely expect to see at a shopping mall) but, instead, almost all men, including a fair few wearing service informs.
  • If a reasonable explanation can be provided as to why Russia would deliberately target innocent civilians knowing full well that the optics would be disastrous and result in a propaganda coup for Ukraine and a massive hole in the foot for them?
  • Lastly, if a reasonable explanation can be provided as to why anyone should believe Zelensky's and the west's account of what happened until a thorough independent investigation has been conducted and these questions (among others) have been answered?

"If a reasonable explanation can be provided as to why Russia would deliberately target innocent civilians "

This question alone should have anyone with an ounce of intelligence questioning Zelensky's and the west's account of what happened... people can't possibly be stupid and gullible enough to believe that Russia did it just because they are bad and Putin has small man syndrome?

This is a fairly MSM publication that seems to support the Russian narrative
Hi R_L,
This cuts both ways. I'm more than happy not to buy into any Russian propaganda just as readily as I don't buy into Ukraine's and the west's. Furthermore, I'll join in the outrage at a war crime for which those responsible should be prosecuted if . . .
  • It can be proven that the missile hit the shopping mall and not the neighbouring factory.
  • It can be proven that said factory wasn't being used for military purposes.
  • If a reasonable explanation can be provided as to why there were hardly any cars parked outside the mall and yet, apparently, 1,000+ shoppers were alleged to have been inside it.
  • If a reasonable explanation can be provided as to why CCTV footage clearly shows flying debris in the park next to the machine factory, indicating that was the target and not the shopping mall.
  • If a reasonable explanation can be provided as to why there are hardly any women and children (that you'd surely expect to see at a shopping mall) but, instead, almost all men, including a fair few wearing service informs.
  • If a reasonable explanation can be provided as to why Russia would deliberately target innocent civilians knowing full well that the optics would be disastrous and result in a propaganda coup for Ukraine and a massive hole in the foot for them?
  • Lastly, if a reasonable explanation can be provided as to why anyone should believe Zelensky's and the west's account of what happened (given their track record of 'false flags') until a thorough independent investigation has been conducted and these questions (among others) have been answered?
This video
shows evidence
  • The cement factory was not a weapons depot.
  • There was no burn path from the cement factory to the mall.

Here is more evidence the mall was hit.
in one of the videos, a heavy column of smoke can be seen rising behind the plant from the approximate location of the mall.

About cars in parking lots and women and children ... Imagine you and your family drove to the mall and were inside when a random missile hits in another part of the mall. You might stay and see if any shops were having a fire sale, or you might want to get your family to your car get out of there as fast as possible.

About targeting civilians (in this case it might be faulty intelligence combined with inaccurate missiles) ...

Yes, you can't believe everything Zelensky says, but my post before was asking how can one tell which of several Russian explanations to believe. A reasonable person might think they are just making things up like a six-year-old might do.
Yes, you can't believe everything Zelensky says, but my post before was asking how can one tell which of several Russian explanations to believe. A reasonable person might think they are just making things up like a six-year-old might do.
You make good points and I'm certainly not ruling out a deliberate attack by Russia on the shopping mall. That said, this is a propaganda war as much as anything else with the stakes very high on both sides. The side that loses that will likely lose the physical battle, IMO. Like I say, it cuts both ways, so it's just as valid to ask which - if any - of the pro-Ukrainian MSM accounts can we believe? Without an independent investigation to establish exactly what happened, I think it's too soon and unwise to just assume the Ukrainian version of events. Once the facts are known, then a judgement can be made. Until then, I think it's best to keep an open mind. In the event that it's proven to be a Russian atrocity - as western media would have us all believe - then I assure you that along with all reasonable people I absolutely condemn the attack and demand those responsible are held to account. IF it's true, it's completely unacceptable - no question about it.
This video
shows evidence
  • The cement factory was not a weapons depot.
  • There was no burn path from the cement factory to the mall.
I don't know in which direction CBS was going for the distance lie, but on Google Maps you see the shopping center and above (north) you see the depot less than 100m away.

You also see rails into the factory.

You see how people are parking directly in front of it if the center is open and on other pictures you see that the debris is spread regularly on the ground. If there were a car, it would take the debris and it would not be spread on the ground this way. Or do you think the SBU staged the debris after the cars were removed?

Just use your own eyes and your own (!) brain - and the help of google maps.
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Whether they have been brainwashed or coerced to follow a script, the accounts given by these POW's seem to align with what is actually happening in Ukraine, more than any account by the MSM.

The ONLY way these POW accounts will be debunked (along with the comment below from RealityOfWar) is if Ukraine wins the war against Russia without direct NATO intervention. Nothing else.

Comment by: RealityOfWar
"The west is the empire of lies, Z-elensky is just a drugged up TV ‘star’ comedian. He and his wife are just using Ukraine and its people for a career and wealth enhancement. Money is indeed the root of all evil, and Z-elensky and his wife are pure evil – they are simply chasing western fame and money regardless if they throw Ukraine and its people under a bus. Russia will grind down Ukraine until it stops, but Z-elensky does not care about that, he is never pressing the stop button – his western paymasters have made a condition of his bright future, that he never stops, regardless the damage to Ukraine or the mounting death toll of Ukrainians."