tomorton said:
I'm very happy that Russia has got itself into a mess. I hope that Putin and his cabal of supporters lose all credibility within the country and are deposed and dealt with according to the rule of law. They are kleptocratic gangsters after all.
The west's response to the Ukraine war is not a US initiative, it is a broad coalition of support coordinated by the United Nations. It should be no surprise that the US and the UK are on the same side as each other and the UN, and that Putin's autocracy is on the other side. Whereas the war is not ours to fight, nor the UN's, we would be failing in our own commitments to democratic principles if we did not support Ukraine in its bid for survival and hopefully development into a much more democratic nation state than the poor effort they have achieved so far.
The future global implications of Russian military annexation of a neighbouring sovereign state would be horrendous.
But what would you prefer the outcome in Ukraine to be?