Ukraine invasion

Candace Owens: Zelensky is a criminal. (Video in the link 'original sound').

Washington siding with terrorism – Moscow

Moscow summons US ambassador over civilian deaths in Sevastopol attack

US lawmaker condemns attack on Crimea

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I have this wonderful image in my head of c_v and his family all sitting in their living room watching Nick Robinson's interview with Nigel Farage the other night when Farage dropped the truth bomb that he had been arguing since the 1990s that "the ever eastward expansion" of the NATO military alliance and the EU was giving President Putin "a reason to [give to] his Russian people to say they're coming for us again and to go to war". Adding: "We provoked this war. Of course, it's [President Putin's] fault." Oh how I'd love to have been a fly on the wall when he said that and seen the look of absolute shock and horror on c_v's face! Just too funny for words, makes me smile every time I think of it.

So @counter_violent - assuming Nigel Farage and Reform UK have blown it for you - who are you going to vote for now? Actually, perhaps I can help you out here, because of course Farage isn't a Putin apologist or any of the ridiculous things he's accused of - he's just adopting a logical position based on fact with a ton of evidence to support it. Here's an excellent article from UnHerd which will put your mind at rest and do wonders to restore your faith in Mr. Farage. . .

Nigel Farage’s Ukraine comments aren’t ‘disgraceful’

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Julian Assange released: What we know so far


Absolutely CRAZY that no one is talking about peace for Ukraine.

Ukrainian leaders should see by now that,

NATO => means => WAR

It is not a defensive alliance. This is pretty clear to most.
Absolutely CRAZY that no one is talking about peace for Ukraine.

Ukrainian leaders should see by now that,

NATO => means => WAR

It is not a defensive alliance. This is pretty clear to most.
Indeed At', and becoming clearer by the day.
I expect the Biden administration are going nuts after U.S. Atacms missiles were used against civilian sunbathers - including children - on a beach in Crimea last weekend. That's unacceptable, regardless of whose side one is on (the side of peace in my case) but will, hopefully, cause those who are awake to question why Zelensky would target a territory who he claims is Ukrainian and inhabited by Ukrainians. He's so lost the plot that I wouldn't be surprised if he starts to shell residential areas of Kiev next.

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I have this wonderful image in my head of c_v and his family all sitting in their living room watching Nick Robinson's interview with Nigel Farage the other night when Farage dropped the truth bomb that he had been arguing since the 1990s that "the ever eastward expansion" of the NATO military alliance and the EU was giving President Putin "a reason to [give to] his Russian people to say they're coming for us again and to go to war". Adding: "We provoked this war. Of course, it's [President Putin's] fault." Oh how I'd love to have been a fly on the wall when he said that and seen the look of absolute shock and horror on c_v's face! Just too funny for words, makes me smile every time I think of it.

So @counter_violent - assuming Nigel Farage and Reform UK have blown it for you - who are you going to vote for now? Actually, perhaps I can help you out here, because of course Farage isn't a Putin apologist or any of the ridiculous things he's accused of - he's just adopting a logical position based on fact with a ton of evidence to support it. Here's an excellent article from UnHerd which will put your mind at rest and do wonders to restore your faith in Mr. Farage. . .

Nigel Farage’s Ukraine comments aren’t ‘disgraceful’

I'd actually written to him 3 days previous warning about too close an alignment with Trump and of course the Russia Ukraine situation.

Makes no diffs to me what any of them say, the establishment call the shots and the template for the Russia Ukraine situation is set. Russia will not be allowed to win in Ukraine. 3 yrs in and Russia is making 0 progress. So , you can bleat on all you like, nobody is listening 🤣

Russia strikes Ukrainian airfields set to house Western-supplied jets

"Only the US Congress is authorized to declare war, the politician highlighted. Lawmakers should stop the “unaccountable and reckless hawks” directing US President Joe Biden, Kennedy insisted."

Moscow takes measures to respond to USA for Sevastopol attack
See more at

Several Ukrainian drones attack factory that makes unique products for Russian aviation
See more at

Mysterious incident: Russian MiG-31 interceptor flies near RQ-4B Global Hawk over Black Sea
See more at

Russian authorities send over 10,000 migrants to special operation zone
See more at

I'd actually written to him 3 days previous warning about too close an alignment with Trump and of course the Russia Ukraine situation.

Makes no diffs to me what any of them say, the establishment call the shots and the template for the Russia Ukraine situation is set. Russia will not be allowed to win in Ukraine. 3 yrs in and Russia is making 0 progress. So , you can bleat on all you like, nobody is listening 🤣

It's not about winning or losing and that is a wrong approach to how you frame events.

It is about establishing peace and getting on with the work of living a good life.

US has weaponised the international trade and payment system and shot it's self in the foot with the impending demise of the dollar standard.

US has weaponised NATO the defensive alliance since WWII and it been expanding aggressively since 1990s.

US is also de-humanising war ignoring all other countries in the UN with attrocities committed against other civilians. In fact it is complicit in those attorocities as per events of the Gaza attacks.

To say Russia will not be allowed to win in Ukraine is like cowboy talk to me. So simplified it's more sketchy than a cartoon.
I'd actually written to him 3 days previous warning about too close an alignment with Trump and of course the Russia Ukraine situation.
Just what Farage needs - advice from you!
Makes no diffs to me what any of them say, the establishment call the shots and the template for the Russia Ukraine situation is set. Russia will not be allowed to win in Ukraine.
Who's going to stop Russia, exactly? The U.S.? NATO? Nope - they're completely powerless to do anything other than have an all out nuclear war - in which case everyone loses.
3 yrs in and Russia is making 0 progress. So , you can bleat on all you like, nobody is listening 🤣
This just shows how much you understand about what's happening on the battlefield; sadly nothing. Let explain it to you in simple terms a five year old could understand. Two armies - A and B. Army B has five times the manpower of army A, five times the hardware (tanks, planes and armoured vehicles etc.) of army A and five times the amount of ammo as army A. All army B has to do is be patient (which you mistakenly think means making no progress) and army A will eventually use up all of its troops, kit and ammo. It's that simple - as any good analyst will tell you. As I've told you 100 times - it's as good as over - Russia have already won and there's sweet FA Ukraine and the west can do about it. To use a tennis match analogy where the top No. 1 seed is playing a wild card no one's ever heard of in the opening round of a major tournament and is currently winning 6:3, 6:2 and is 4:0 up in the 3rd set. That's where the war's at. It could be over by Christmas or, failing that, by this time next year at the latest.
PS In case you're still trying to work it out - army A is Ukraine and army B is Russia!
Just what Farage needs - advice from you!

Who's going to stop Russia, exactly? The U.S.? NATO? Nope - they're completely powerless to do anything other than have an all out nuclear war - in which case everyone loses.

This just shows how much you understand about what's happening on the battlefield; sadly nothing. Let explain it to you in simple terms a five year old could understand. Two armies - A and B. Army B has five times the manpower of army A, five times the hardware (tanks, planes and armoured vehicles etc.) of army A and five times the amount of ammo as army A. All army B has to do is be patient (which you mistakenly think means making no progress) and army A will eventually use up all of its troops, kit and ammo. It's that simple - as any good analyst will tell you. As I've told you 100 times - it's as good as over - Russia have already won and there's sweet FA Ukraine and the west can do about it. To use a tennis match analogy where the top No. 1 seed is playing a wild card no one's ever heard of in the opening round of a major tournament and is currently winning 6:3, 6:2 and is 4:0 up in the 3rd set. That's where the war's at. It could be over by Christmas or, failing that, by this time next year at the latest.
PS In case you're still trying to work it out - army A is Ukraine and army B is Russia!
Russia will fall apart. Everyone knows this apart from you it seems . Ukraine simply needs to carry on, supported by all the sane countries by continuing to supply whatever is needed to contain Russia until such times as the inevitable uprising unseats Putler. China patiently sitting on the sidelines making their own plans to take advantage of the situation as it unfolds. Just sit back and enjoy the spectacle. Everything I say will come true. Just be patient. 🤣
I'd actually written to him 3 days previous warning about too close an alignment with Trump and of course the Russia Ukraine situation.
Hands up all those who'd like to read c_v's letter to Nigel Farage - hit this post with a 'like' if you do!
C'mon c_v, don't be shy - at least a few people will get to read it. I mean, let's face it, Nigel Farage almost certainly didn't!
Russia will fall apart. Everyone knows this apart from you it seems . Ukraine simply needs to carry on, supported by all the sane countries by continuing to supply whatever is needed to contain Russia until such times as the inevitable uprising unseats Putler. China patiently sitting on the sidelines making their own plans to take advantage of the situation as it unfolds. Just sit back and enjoy the spectacle. Everything I say will come true. Just be patient. 🤣
Oh dear c_v, you've really no idea what's going on have you! Your level of delusion is off the Richter scale. Of course, if you truly believed the nonsense you write you'd bite my arm off at the ankle and accept my bet - but you won't do that because you know you're talking complete bollox. By all means prove me wrong: my offer remains open and you can still accept it any time you want. (Click here to remind yourself of the terms and feel free to propose any changes.) Time to man up and put your silver where your mouth is c_v!
China patiently sitting on the sidelines making their own plans to take advantage of the situation as it unfolds.

China already has taken advantage of the situation, US has delivered to it on a silver platter. BRICS countries already have an alaternative to SWIFT and Saudi Arabia now able to sell oil in other currencies other than dollar.

What other advantages were you thinking of that have not been already captured?
Hands up all those who'd like to read c_v's letter to Nigel Farage - hit this post with a 'like' if you do!
C'mon c_v, don't be shy - at least a few people will get to read it. I mean, let's face it, Nigel Farage almost certainly didn't!

That was his mistake then. Btw, I also wrote him again, spelling out that Reform had peak polled and would drift backwards. This appears to be happening right now.

All he had to do was stay on track, but no, he just couldn't resist another rant. A rant too far in this case.
A non-partisan research post - London
Stupid is as stupid does - Forest Gump
History will be what history will be - Phylo
“The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.”

― Omar Khayyám

Moment Putin's forces obliterate Ukrainian town using thermobaric 'flamethrower' bombs with entire multi-storey buildings 'wiped off the face of the earth'​

A non-partisan research post - London
UK Time: 2 - 5 am.

CNN Presidential Debate: President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump​

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. . . All he had to do was stay on track, but no, he just couldn't resist another rant. A rant too far in this case.
You and other hawks on the side of the argument that wants to promote a forever war and shun all talk of peace, like to paint me, At' and Histo' et al on this thread as 'Putin apologists'. And Farage too, I suspect. In doing this, you're making two massive - as in gargantuan - mistakes.

The first of these is to fail to understand and/or accept that most of those who claim that Russia was provoked into the war with Ukraine are not supporters of Putin and do not think his invasion was justified. This is my view. It's certainly that of Profs. Sachs, Mearsheimer and, as I understand it, that of Nigel Farage. Accusing critics like them (and us on this thread) as Putin apologist is just a crude slur to avoid addressing uncomfortable truths and questions for which you have no answers. You will remember very well how, back in 2016, and the years following the referendum, leave voters like us were cast into the 'basket of deplorables' (to borrow Hillary Clinton's infamous phrase to describe Trump voters). We were - and, arguably, still are - dumped into the basket of 'racists and zenophobes'. There have been many other examples since - a handful of which include:
  • Those who questioned the merits of lockdowns and masks during the pandemic were dumped into the basket of 'granny killers'.
  • Those who question whether Covid 'vaccines' are safe and effective are dumped into the basket of 'anti-vaxxers'.
  • Those who question whether climate change is man made are dumped into the basket of 'climate change deniers'.
I don't know about you but, to my mind, writing people off in this way smacks of authoritarian tyranny rather than a healthy democracy where open debate can flourish, the mainstream narrative can be questioned and a wide range of views can be expressed. All of these ridiculous accusations are palpably false: something you know only too well having been on the receiving end of at least one of them. So, kindly desist with the 'Putin apologist' slur. This leads to the second big mistake that you're making - either knowingly or otherwise. . .

'Realists' like Profs. Sachs & Mearsheimer, military men like Col. Douglas McGregor & Scott Ritter and CIA analysts like Ray McGovern & Larry Johnson (to name but a few), are all U.S. citizens who have sworn on oath to serve and protect their country. And get this; they all STILL (note emphasis) stand by that oath. How can this be: oil and water don't mix, right? The answer to this conundrum is simple. They absolutely are not - I repeat are NOT - Putin apologists. Instead, what they actually are are fierce critics of U.S. foreign policy. Big difference; not the same thing at all. Massive. Huge. Kindly take note!

If you make the effort to take on board these two critical points - then you might start to see the light and appreciate what's really going on. However, if you insist on keeping the blinkers on and shouting from the rooftops what you so desperately hope, want and wish for (which you must surely realise will never happen) - then there's no hope for you and, ultimately, I guarantee you will be bitterly, bitterly disappointed.

I hope you take this post in the spirit it is intended - which is to be constructive and helpful.
You and other hawks on the side of the argument that wants to promote a forever war and shun all talk of peace, like to paint me, At' and Histo' et al on this thread as 'Putin apologists'. And Farage too, I suspect. In doing this, you're making two massive - as in gargantuan - mistakes.

The first of these is to fail to understand and/or accept that most of those who claim that Russia was provoked into the war with Ukraine are not supporters of Putin and do not think his invasion was justified. This is my view. It's certainly that of Profs. Sachs, Mearsheimer and, as I understand it, that of Nigel Farage. Accusing critics like them (and us on this thread) as Putin apologist is just a crude slur to avoid addressing uncomfortable truths and questions for which you have no answers. You will remember very well how, back in 2016, and the years following the referendum, leave voters like us were cast into the 'basket of deplorables' (to borrow Hillary Clinton's infamous phrase to describe Trump voters). We were - and, arguably, still are - dumped into the basket of 'racists and zenophobes'. There have been many other examples since - a handful of which include:
  • Those who questioned the merits of lockdowns and masks during the pandemic were dumped into the basket of 'granny killers'.
  • Those who question whether Covid 'vaccines' are safe and effective are dumped into the basket of 'anti-vaxxers'.
  • Those who question whether climate change is man made are dumped into the basket of 'climate change deniers'.
I don't know about you but, to my mind, writing people off in this way smacks of authoritarian tyranny rather than a healthy democracy where open debate can flourish, the mainstream narrative can be questioned and a wide range of views can be expressed. All of these ridiculous accusations are palpably false: something you know only too well having been on the receiving end of at least one of them. So, kindly desist with the 'Putin apologist' slur. This leads to the second big mistake that you're making - either knowingly or otherwise. . .

'Realists' like Profs. Sachs & Mearsheimer, military men like Col. Douglas McGregor & Scott Ritter and CIA analysts like Ray McGovern & Larry Johnson (to name but a few), are all U.S. citizens who have sworn on oath to serve and protect their country. And get this; they all STILL (note emphasis) stand by that oath. How can this be: oil and water don't mix, right? The answer to this conundrum is simple. They absolutely are not - I repeat are NOT - Putin apologists. Instead, what they actually are are fierce critics of U.S. foreign policy. Big difference; not the same thing at all. Massive. Huge. Kindly take note!

If you make the effort to take on board these two critical points - then you might start to see the light and appreciate what's really going on. However, if you insist on keeping the blinkers on and shouting from the rooftops what you so desperately hope, want and wish for (which you must surely realise will never happen) - then there's no hope for you and, ultimately, I guarantee you will be bitterly, bitterly disappointed.

I hope you take this post in the spirit it is intended - which is to be constructive and helpful.

Very well written and agree 100% Tim.

As per many articles, commentators and reports as well as signed documents, Gorbachov opened up Russia, Europe benefited greatly and now both the US and EU have made Russia their bogey man to replace the communists, Latin American geurillas, Osama Bin Laden and terrorists, justifying expenditure on the military death machines, whilst real threat is likely to be ever growing Chinese desire to swallow up neighbouring countries.

Why is that? Because Ukraine believes joining NATO will take it closer to acquiring Crimea and Sevastapol, Russia's main naval port. What is the probability of that happening. Nil. Nuclear war is the more likely scenario imho.

Foreign governments adn people can't be that stupid. This is simply a proxy war, US playing shitty games in the notion they'll slow Russian influence on the international stage and justify military and NATO spending.