Ukraine invasion

. . . All he had to do was stay on track, but no, he just couldn't resist another rant. A rant too far in this case.
You and other hawks on the side of the argument that wants to promote a forever war and shun all talk of peace, like to paint me, At' and Histo' et al on this thread as 'Putin apologists'. And Farage too, I suspect. In doing this, you're making two massive - as in gargantuan - mistakes.

The first of these is to fail to understand and/or accept that most of those who claim that Russia was provoked into the war with Ukraine are not supporters of Putin and do not think his invasion was justified. This is my view. It's certainly that of Profs. Sachs, Mearsheimer and, as I understand it, that of Nigel Farage. Accusing critics like them (and us on this thread) as Putin apologist is just a crude slur to avoid addressing uncomfortable truths and questions for which you have no answers. You will remember very well how, back in 2016, and the years following the referendum, leave voters like us were cast into the 'basket of deplorables' (to borrow Hillary Clinton's infamous phrase to describe Trump voters). We were - and, arguably, still are - dumped into the basket of 'racists and zenophobes'. There have been many other examples since - a handful of which include:
  • Those who questioned the merits of lockdowns and masks during the pandemic were dumped into the basket of 'granny killers'.
  • Those who question whether Covid 'vaccines' are safe and effective are dumped into the basket of 'anti-vaxxers'.
  • Those who question whether climate change is man made are dumped into the basket of 'climate change deniers'.
I don't know about you but, to my mind, writing people off in this way smacks of authoritarian tyranny rather than a healthy democracy where open debate can flourish, the mainstream narrative can be questioned and a wide range of views can be expressed. All of these ridiculous accusations are palpably false: something you know only too well having been on the receiving end of at least one of them. So, kindly desist with the 'Putin apologist' slur. This leads to the second big mistake that you're making - either knowingly or otherwise. . .

'Realists' like Profs. Sachs & Mearsheimer, military men like Col. Douglas McGregor & Scott Ritter and CIA analysts like Ray McGovern & Larry Johnson (to name but a few), are all U.S. citizens who have sworn on oath to serve and protect their country. And get this; they all STILL (note emphasis) stand by that oath. How can this be: oil and water don't mix, right? The answer to this conundrum is simple. They absolutely are not - I repeat are NOT - Putin apologists. Instead, what they actually are are fierce critics of U.S. foreign policy. Big difference; not the same thing at all. Massive. Huge. Kindly take note!

If you make the effort to take on board these two critical points - then you might start to see the light and appreciate what's really going on. However, if you insist on keeping the blinkers on and shouting from the rooftops what you so desperately hope, want and wish for (which you must surely realise will never happen) - then there's no hope for you and, ultimately, I guarantee you will be bitterly, bitterly disappointed.

I hope you take this post in the spirit it is intended - which is to be constructive and helpful.
You and other hawks on the side of the argument that wants to promote a forever war and shun all talk of peace, like to paint me, At' and Histo' et al on this thread as 'Putin apologists'. And Farage too, I suspect. In doing this, you're making two massive - as in gargantuan - mistakes.

The first of these is to fail to understand and/or accept that most of those who claim that Russia was provoked into the war with Ukraine are not supporters of Putin and do not think his invasion was justified. This is my view. It's certainly that of Profs. Sachs, Mearsheimer and, as I understand it, that of Nigel Farage. Accusing critics like them (and us on this thread) as Putin apologist is just a crude slur to avoid addressing uncomfortable truths and questions for which you have no answers. You will remember very well how, back in 2016, and the years following the referendum, leave voters like us were cast into the 'basket of deplorables' (to borrow Hillary Clinton's infamous phrase to describe Trump voters). We were - and, arguably, still are - dumped into the basket of 'racists and zenophobes'. There have been many other examples since - a handful of which include:
  • Those who questioned the merits of lockdowns and masks during the pandemic were dumped into the basket of 'granny killers'.
  • Those who question whether Covid 'vaccines' are safe and effective are dumped into the basket of 'anti-vaxxers'.
  • Those who question whether climate change is man made are dumped into the basket of 'climate change deniers'.
I don't know about you but, to my mind, writing people off in this way smacks of authoritarian tyranny rather than a healthy democracy where open debate can flourish, the mainstream narrative can be questioned and a wide range of views can be expressed. All of these ridiculous accusations are palpably false: something you know only too well having been on the receiving end of at least one of them. So, kindly desist with the 'Putin apologist' slur. This leads to the second big mistake that you're making - either knowingly or otherwise. . .

'Realists' like Profs. Sachs & Mearsheimer, military men like Col. Douglas McGregor & Scott Ritter and CIA analysts like Ray McGovern & Larry Johnson (to name but a few), are all U.S. citizens who have sworn on oath to serve and protect their country. And get this; they all STILL (note emphasis) stand by that oath. How can this be: oil and water don't mix, right? The answer to this conundrum is simple. They absolutely are not - I repeat are NOT - Putin apologists. Instead, what they actually are are fierce critics of U.S. foreign policy. Big difference; not the same thing at all. Massive. Huge. Kindly take note!

If you make the effort to take on board these two critical points - then you might start to see the light and appreciate what's really going on. However, if you insist on keeping the blinkers on and shouting from the rooftops what you so desperately hope, want and wish for (which you must surely realise will never happen) - then there's no hope for you and, ultimately, I guarantee you will be bitterly, bitterly disappointed.

I hope you take this post in the spirit it is intended - which is to be constructive and helpful.

Very well written and agree 100% Tim.

As per many articles, commentators and reports as well as signed documents, Gorbachov opened up Russia, Europe benefited greatly and now both the US and EU have made Russia their bogey man to replace the communists, Latin American geurillas, Osama Bin Laden and terrorists, justifying expenditure on the military death machines, whilst real threat is likely to be ever growing Chinese desire to swallow up neighbouring countries.

Why is that? Because Ukraine believes joining NATO will take it closer to acquiring Crimea and Sevastapol, Russia's main naval port. What is the probability of that happening. Nil. Nuclear war is the more likely scenario imho.

Foreign governments adn people can't be that stupid. This is simply a proxy war, US playing shitty games in the notion they'll slow Russian influence on the international stage and justify military and NATO spending.

US can’t trace $62 million of military aid sent to Ukraine

USA staged coup in Bolivia to seize lithium reserves
See more at

EU nominates Russia hawk for next top diplomat

Who is Kaja Kallas, the EU’s next foreign policy chief who ‘eats Russians for breakfast’?

Moscow issues warning over US spy drones

Ukrainian troops withdraw from some important areas near Toretsk

Trump vows to end Ukraine conflict even before he assumes office if elected US president


US can’t trace $62 million of military aid sent to Ukraine

USA staged coup in Bolivia to seize lithium reserves
See more at

EU nominates Russia hawk for next top diplomat

Who is Kaja Kallas, the EU’s next foreign policy chief who ‘eats Russians for breakfast’?

Moscow issues warning over US spy drones

Ukrainian troops withdraw from some important areas near Toretsk

Trump vows to end Ukraine conflict even before he assumes office if elected US president

Interesting to see what Biden does next.

Democrats hoping he'll step down voluntarily and appoint some new successor.

I reckon this man is the best hope for US but the media and the establishment don't like him.
I reckon this man is the best hope for US but the media and the establishment don't like him.
Agreed At' - I'd vote for RFK if I was a U.S. citizen. Mrs timsk doesn't like him - not because of his appearance, views or policies - but because of his voice. Even when I explain to her that he suffers from a medical condition and there's nothing he can do about it - although understanding and sympathetic - she still wouldn't vote for him for that reason alone. I wonder how many U.S. citizens feel the same way and think his voice is too big a handicap to become President.
Agreed At' - I'd vote for RFK if I was a U.S. citizen. Mrs timsk doesn't like him - not because of his appearance, views or policies - but because of his voice. Even when I explain to her that he suffers from a medical condition and there's nothing he can do about it - although understanding and sympathetic - she still wouldn't vote for him for that reason alone. I wonder how many U.S. citizens feel the same way and think his voice is too big a handicap to become President.
A worm allegedly ate part of his brain and died (maybe from malnutrition;)). He still has more brains than what's left in Biden and lies less than Trump.
A worm allegedly ate part of his brain and died (maybe from malnutrition;)). He still has more brains than what's left in Biden and lies less than Trump.
Hi R_L,
I don't know for sure, but my guess is that you're a Democrat and, if that's the case, I'm curious to know what you think your party should do in light of yesterdays Presidential debate? Surely Biden can't be allowed to continue in office - let alone stand for a second term - can he?
A non-partisan research post - London

How Ukraine's US-made 'battlefield taxis' destroyed Russia's best tank: Experts explain how Bradley troop transporter was able to annihilate Putin's best war machine in new battlefield humiliation​

Hi R_L,
I don't know for sure, but my guess is that you're a Democrat and, if that's the case, I'm curious to know what you think your party should do in light of yesterdays Presidential debate? Surely Biden can't be allowed to continue in office - let alone stand for a second term - can he?
I don't think I've voted for a Democrat in a general election since 1980, but this time, I was planning to vote for Biden. Trump is too unhinged and vengeful for me, and he shows signs of dementia too. But after Biden's "senior moments" yesterday, I'm not so sure anymore.

Biden's party should let Biden serve out his term and run someone else (and not Vice President Kamala Harris -- her only skill seems to be creating word salads:)). This would give them the best chance of winning. That likely requires the cooperation of Biden though, and he hasn't publicly changed his plans yet.
That likely requires the cooperation of Biden though, and he hasn't publicly changed his plans yet.
Recently, I heard someone describe Kamala Harris as a 'nothingburger' and an empty suit who's no more up to the job than Biden. Be that as it may, surely there's a mechanism for removing a sitting President from office when it's clear s/he's not capable of doing the job? And that poses the obvious question which surely every American is asking: 'If Biden's not running the country - then who is?' If choosing between Biden and Trump is a case of voting for the least bad option - why not sidestep the issue and go for RFK?

Poll shows 60% of Americans want Biden replaced as presidential candidate

Recently, I heard someone describe Kamala Harris as a 'nothingburger' and an empty suit who's no more up to the job than Biden. Be that as it may, surely there's a mechanism for removing a sitting President from office when it's clear s/he's not capable of doing the job?
It's part of the 25th amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
But it has never been used to remove a sitting President from office and requires a lot of cooperation. In my opinion, this would be too hard to get done. And then, Kamala Harris would become President which is not something too many people want.

And that poses the obvious question which surely every American is asking: 'If Biden's not running the country - then who is?'
If I told you, I'd have to have you killed.;) The public doesn't know who is really in control, of course.

If choosing between Biden and Trump is a case of voting for the least bad option - why not sidestep the issue and go for RFK?
RFK jr might not be on enough states' ballots to win a majority of electoral college votes.
So it might not be possible for him to win.

And he has some controversial opinions that might make a lot of people uncomfortable with him in charge.

Putin did not set alarm clock to see disastrous Biden-Trump debate
See more at

Biden and Trump prefer to call each other names rather than discuss Ukraine and Middle East
See more at

Russian Defence Minister orders General Staff to respond to US drone provocations
See more at

Russian Defence Minister orders General Staff to respond to US drone provocations
See more at

Putin announces production of ground-based missile systems to counter US threat
See more at

. . . If I told you, I'd have to have you killed.;) The public doesn't know who is really in control, of course.
Thanks for the comprehensive reply R_L.

It's a sorry state of affairs if Biden is the best person the country can come up with to be its President and, in the eyes of the rest of the world, makes the U.S. look weak, inept and rudderless. Heaven forbid he gets re-elected but, if he does, I think the consequences for the U.S. will be disastrous. It's influence on the world stage is already contracting and I suspect even hardcore European allies may start to distance themselves.

As you know, I'm not a conspiracy theorist ;) - but I do monitor some YouTube channels that are regarded as such by the mainstream, to get a feel for where the outer boundaries lie for any one topic. Of these, when it comes to Biden, some are suggesting that if he can't be removed before the election, then the serving administration will engineer something that'll give them the excuse to call it off. The (conspiracy) theory being that they (Democrats) know they would lose if the election takes place, and anything - literally anything - is preferable to another four years of Trump. Needless to say, the obvious circumstances under which the election could 'legitimately' (cough!) be cancelled is if the U.S. is officially at war with Russia. It's a scary thought and I really hope that those who are suggesting this are very, very wrong.
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. .. Heaven forbid he gets re-elected but, if he does, I think the consequences for the U.S. will be disastrous. It's influence on the world stage is already contracting and I suspect even hardcore European allies may start to distance themselves. . .
Apologies for quoting my own post, but just in case anyone is wondering what I had in mind or what I'm referring to - this GBNews interview with Andy Schechtman explains all. Enjoy . . .


Russia opens criminal probe in last night’s terrorist attack on Kursk Region village

US analyst says Biden, Trump misinformed about situation in Ukraine

Ukrainian MP demands Supreme Court oblige parliament to call presidential election

A non-partisan research post - London
Screenshot from 2024-06-30 11-20-09.png

Screenshot from 2024-06-30 11-33-48.png

A victory is twice itself when the achiever brings home full numbers. : The Bard of Avon
  • I am disappointed - 'as anology' - that the ghost of Davey Joneys' Locker has not implemented my advise and solicited Russel and other celebs in the noble cause of preventing the show going nuclear but chooses to expend it's enegy on old man discourses on an unknown village forum.
  • On the other hand, the ghost has refound it's comfy corner to excercise discourse and argument on it's pet subject.
  • Hey, it's great entertainment for old men and keeps loneliness at bay.
Keep up the good works lads ..... the free research and opinions are much appreciated
  1. history will be what history will be .....
  2. the show's not over until the lady sings
Singing Lady.jpg

I understand ya empty pockets .... yikes! must be tough.

Ukraine children
Typo error - correction: Offer closed - Case closed (another case of the empty pockets guru trader)


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‘It all came from the West’: Who is behind the golden age of terrorism in the Middle East?

West forging ‘Asian version of NATO’ – North Korea

Why does a NATO member suddenly want to join BRICS?

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