Ukraine invasion

. . . It's the west that's falling apart with its dysfunctional leaders and obsession with net zero policies that are ruinous for economic growth. . .
The G7. . .


Only 79 out of 92 present out of 160 invited nations signed the Zelensky wish list - that is not even real 50% of the invited nations.
UN should start thinking if they want to represent the whole world.


A non-partisan research post - London
One for the Putin and Kim fan club. Boys & gals get giddy ! ... the latest scoop on da heroes together. Bromance is in the air ! Oink, Oink, Nuke, Nuke !

Fiends reunited! Axis of Evil pals Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un beam as Russian despot arrives for State visit to North Korea​

  • Vladimir Putin is visiting North Korea for the first time in 24 years
  • Kim Jong-Un has denied supplying weapons to Russia to use against Ukraine
  • But Putin praised the North Korean dictator for backing his invasion

Put's Allies
Russian Allies.jpg
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In any peace negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, EU must maintain a neutral stance and most importantly without United States "interference".

EU is now facing the prospect of losing credibility and economic influence siding with the Cowboys. This surely must be clear to most.

As international blocks and taking sides go, the West and in particular Europe has made some disastrous steps, levying embargoes and weaponising the international payment system. The arrogance of the Western Alliance, their greed, and trumped up US National interest over-riding all humanitarian and violation of equalatarian and democracy considerations are clear to be seen.

Where there is any sound of reason as from Hungary, by implementing further sanctions and threatening Hungary by throwing it out of the EU is just making a bad situation worse. What a load of tyrants the West has become. They talk of democracy and walk like fascists supressing any fresh new and imho correct ideas on how to resolve a sh!tty situation like the enlargement of NATO.

I suspect once the West has bankrupted her self morally and "financially" (financially being the main driver), it will then seek real peace.
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A non-partisan research post - London
The world's most democratic - NO BRAINWSHING HERE, NO SIR ! 😁

Bromance pic for the fan club


The free independent young thinkers - no brainwashing here, no sir !


The free independent adult thinkers - no brainwashing here, no sir !
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Germany to refrain from reckless ventures around conflict in Ukraine


Germany to refrain from reckless ventures around conflict in Ukraine

Lesson EU draws from this fluffed up ultra biased Swiss advenventure is that the rest of the world doesn't give a hoot about US/UK and the EU anymore.

EU doesn't give a hoot about the UK either.

All that money spent feeding these non-elected pampered and bribed leaders for a few news headline grabbing blurb about how fantastic we are and how bad Russia is - falling on death ears with the Joe public trying to get by whilst fleeced by the 1-3% elite pocketeers from Warfare.

I feel EU will wake up to their blunders leaving US/UK further isolated on the international stage.
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Raisi, Robert Fico, Prigozhin and Gaza: double standards in the international press
See more at

Russia will ‘never’ withdraw troops – Putin

French PM warns election result could undermine support for Ukraine

100% agree with Nigel Farage when he says NATO expansion provoked Russian's intervention in Ukraine to defend her borders.

Worth watching that clip below. 👍

And to repeat again, it's not about EU expansion, it is NATO expansion. At the Istanbul peace conference shortly after invasion, Russia accepted Ukraine joining EU but insisted on Ukraine removing membership of NATO from constitution so it remained neutral. That was rejected by Zelensky on the advice (we can probably say insistence) of the US and UK.
A non-partisan research post - London

Historian warns America could face destruction because of controversial policy that both Biden and Trump have backed​


NATO expansion provoked the Urkainian conflict – Farage

Fyodor Lukyanov: This is the only way to end confrontation between Russia and the West

Elite US university rehabilitates Ukrainian neo-Nazis

US may have secretly trained Ukrainian neo-Nazis

A non-partisan research post - London

Austrian Federal Army: The Russian Momentum is back​


Ukrainians must work

Two children killed in Ukrainian attack on Crimea


Orthodox priest, officers killed in terror attacks in Dagestan

1 police officer killed, 6 more wounded in 2 separate shootings in Dagestan region


Ukraine’s deadly attack on Sevastopol: As it happened

A non-partisan research post - London
Bottom of class genius

BRUTAL: Resurfaced Video of Joe Biden Should Destroy His Campaign​
