Ukraine invasion

West uses ex-Ukrainian army chief to pressure Zelensky

Zelensky bitterly disappointed with Сhina – Spiegel

Zelensky asks Ukrainians abroad to ‘come home’

‘We are so proud’: Bidens react to Hunter verdict

A non-partisan research post - London
  • Nothing to see here - normal MSM pro-western propaganda - move on. move on
  • Like you gonna see this level of criticism / critique against rUSSIAN equipment in rUSSIAN CONTROLLED MEDIA - No sir, not back in the USSR !
  • Why have so many US-made Abrams tanks been destroyed in Ukraine?​

  • Expert asks whether tank warfare still has a place on the battlefield after Russia knocks out several of the £3.3 million war machines​


Some countries back out of plans to attend Swiss-hosted Ukraine conference

What's left to call Zelensky a dictator?
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Why do Egomaniac Leaders Wage War on Humanity?
See more at

NATO and Kyiv prepare 'second front' for September, but everything will collapse much earlier
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Comedic videos/podcasts like this work best in a short, punchy, to-the-point format; 5 minutes max'. But, at almost 25 minutes long - this is waaaaaay too long! Still, I suppose it's a step up from the last video you posted by the clearly insane historian - so I'll give you some credit for that.
It's useful, IMO, to remind ourselves what this war is really all about and, just as importantly, what it's not about. Regarding the latter, we know for certain that it's not about freedom, democracy and sovereignty. That's a stale old crock of BS that even war hawks like Sen. Lindsey Graham don't bother with anymore. Here are the real reasons . . .

A non-partisan research post - London
Putin's noble men

Russian soldier 'rapists' - including one 'who told a pregnant 16-year-old he'd force her to have sex with TWENTY men if she refused him' are unmasked by Ukraine - as victims describe horrifying assaults​

  • Nadbit Dabaev, 23, and Nikolai Senenko, 37, were accused of heinous rapes
  • Cases contribute to huge dossier being compiled by Ukrainian investigators

A non-partisan research post - London
Putin's going to be p........ wait for it,,,,,,,'here a nuke, there a nuke, everwhere a nuke, ol Mac Putin .....'

G7 agrees $50bn loan for Ukraine from Russian assets​

CV if you look at the Russian index although the guy says it is going through the floor, the drop was only 1.26%.

Europe has been experiencing 1 - 2% in the last week and US is the only one up marginally, because they are the ones profitting from all this fiasco selling expensive gas along with weapons to Europe.

As per link now there are two nuclear submarines floating around Cuba. Let's see how the US market responds to some weapons been located in Cuba, pointing towards the US of A. Cuba is a sovereign country, so let's see if like Kennedy the US allow it or get hot under the collar.

This can all head South along with the markets very quickly. 😱
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A non-partisan research post - London

BRICS IS EXPANDING: Turkiye, a NATO Member, Announces Plans to Join BRICS Bloc in 2024​

Turkey Just Changed the Entire Future of Europe with THIS One Move!​

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The idea that Russia is some third world country where nothing works, no one has access to modern conveniences and the supermarket shelves are all empty may have been valid thirty years ago - but it's a very different story today. The economy is booming and ordinary Russians credit Putin with the transformation. Yes, the sanctions create some issues for westerners traveling to Russia and for Russians wanting to go west but, for ordinary folk going about their daily lives, life is good. It's the west that's falling apart with its dysfunctional leaders and obsession with net zero policies that are ruinous for economic growth. Meanwhile, Russia goes from strength to strength and, according to this site, is the 8th largest in the world by GDP. Even you must admit that's impressive given that it's the most heavily sanctioned country on the planet!

If you're remotely interested in the reality about life in Russia - rather than the wildly inaccurate propaganda that supports the narrative that you so desperately hope, wish and pray was true - watch this . . .


Swiss government says 100 delegations to attend Ukraine conference

We'll see - as 160 delegations were invited and obviously at least 60 (including China) will not attend it