Ukraine invasion

Power in Ukraine usurped, Russia ready to look for who to negotiate with — Putin

Still attacking the messenger and ignoring the message. That's all you can do as your entire argument - flimsy as it was from the outset - now lies in tatters. Truly pathetic.
I listened to the first part of the video, and the message I heard was Scott Ritter was about to board a flight but was removed from the flight and had his passport confiscated.

I wrote an explanation on why this happened (with some humor, of course). Personally, I think the law that allowed this is stupid. He was convicted of a crime and served his time, but now he finds, it's harder to climb (okay, a little more humor).

For whatever reason, the U.S. government decided U.S. citizens convicted of sex crimes against minors who want to travel internationally need extra wording on their passport. "International Megan's Law" was updated to include the wording on passports in 2017
That's enough time for Scott Ritter to have prepared for it by getting a new passport. But for whatever reason (e.g., willful violation or ignorance), he didn't follow the law, got caught, and now is inconvenienced.

EU could stop Ukraine conflict in 24 hours

Macron building ‘coalition’ to send troops into Ukraine

I listened to the first part of the video, and the message I heard was Scott Ritter was about to board a flight but was removed from the flight and had his passport confiscated.

I wrote an explanation on why this happened (with some humor, of course). Personally, I think the law that allowed this is stupid. He was convicted of a crime and served his time, but now he finds, it's harder to climb (okay, a little more humor).

For whatever reason, the U.S. government decided U.S. citizens convicted of sex crimes against minors who want to travel internationally need extra wording on their passport. "International Megan's Law" was updated to include the wording on passports in 2017
That's enough time for Scott Ritter to have prepared for it by getting a new passport. But for whatever reason (e.g., willful violation or ignorance), he didn't follow the law, got caught, and now is inconvenienced.
We both know - indeed everyone knows - that his conviction has absolutely nothing to do with him being prevented from traveling. He's a thorn in the side of the U.S. administration - pointing out obvious truths - and they don't like it. Just like Julian Assange, his only 'crime' is to expose the real crimes of U.S. politicians (and U.K. ones as well) and the lamentable failings of their foreign policy. But that's by the bye - the real point of the video which you are so conveniently ignoring - are his comments about U.S., British and French missiles being used to hit targets inside Russia and how such mind numbing stupidity could quickly lead to nuclear war.

Russian company announces bonus of about $170,000 for first F-16 jet shot down in Ukraine

Still attacking the messenger and ignoring the message. That's all you can do as your entire argument - flimsy as it was from the outset - now lies in tatters. Truly pathetic.
A non-partisan research post - London
some quick notes - no doubt the above stements have merits - but so does the other side of the coin.
Ritter claimed in court that he was doing naughty things due to depression. Well, what other motivations are a result of depresion ?
Ah look ….. it’s timsky-titanic calling from Davie Jones Locker.

Bit rich from someone who's posts are testiment to attacking anyone with an opposing view as rank idiots and idealizing self as genius.

And then there is the scuppering off to Davy Jones Locker when the delusion of preventing the show going nuclear by posting on an unknown trading forum was exposed for what it was - one giagantic delusion. Wait, we must not forget the single convert. So Important.

Anyhoo...🙂....... one has to wonder …..
  • How close to the bone is the defence of the messenger …..
Scott Ritter Is A Twice Convicted Child Sex Offender

Paula Brust, a member of the Pennsylvania sexual offenders assessment board testified for the prosecution that based on Ritter’s history he is at risk of offending again. He is not able to manage his offending within the community, despite offender treatment, she said

** Ritter testified live at his trial as part of his defence that he did not believe he was really talking to a 15 year old but instead an adult pretending to be a minor.

Comment Phylo: The ** Ritter testimony is the first and top get-out-card-bs learnt at pedo school and used by every paedophile from one end of the earth to the other.

Take a gander at – To Catch a Predator series

  • case after case after case, this is the #1 bs-get-out-card comes up time and time again as if it is the magic silver bullet of plausible deniability.
  • Its the de facto last resourt at the end of the noose when caught red handed.
  • its a well pre-versed / pre-rehearsed - 'if caught' - last resourt strategy.
WILLIAM SCOTT RITTER, JR.: Appellant No. 975 EDA 2012


Scott Ritter - 1.jpg

Scott Ritter - 2.jpg

Classic .......😂👇
Scott Ritter - 3.jpg


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A non-partisan research post - London
some quick notes - no doubt the above stements have merits - but so does the other side of the coin.
Ritter claimed in court that he was doing naughty things due to depression. Well, what other motivations are a result of depresion ?
Ah look ….. it’s timsky-titanic calling from Davie Jones Locker.

Bit rich from someone who's posts are testiment to attacking anyone with an opposing view as rank idiots and idealizing self as genius.

And then there is the scuppering off to Davy Jones Locker when the delusion of preventing the show going nuclear by posting on an unknown trading forum was exposed for what it was - one giagantic delusion. Wait, we must not forget the single convert. So Important.

Anyhoo...🙂....... one has to wonder …..
  • How close to the bone is the defence of the messenger …..
Scott Ritter Is A Twice Convicted Child Sex Offender

Paula Brust, a member of the Pennsylvania sexual offenders assessment board testified for the prosecution that based on Ritter’s history he is at risk of offending again. He is not able to manage his offending within the community, despite offender treatment, she said

** Ritter testified live at his trial as part of his defence that he did not believe he was really talking to a 15 year old but instead an adult pretending to be a minor.

Comment Phylo: The ** Ritter testimony is the first and top get-out-card-bs learnt at pedo school and used by every paedophile from one end of the earth to the other.

Take a gander at – To Catch a Predator.

  • This bs-get-out-card comes up time and time again as if it is the magic silver bullet of plausible deniability.
  • Its the de facto last resourt at the end of the noose when caught red handed.
  • its a well pre-versed - if caught - last resourt strategy.
WILLIAM SCOTT RITTER, JR.: Appellant No. 975 EDA 2012

View attachment 335832
View attachment 335833
Classic .......😂👇
View attachment 335834
Nobody wants to know this.

He was convicted and served his sentence, so it must be done now.

THINK! Your are not a judge in this case.

Otherwise, resocialization makes no sense.
If resocialization makes no sense, society needs an immediate change as such behavior is against the judgment.
Stupid people never think about that until it is made a punishable offense.

What you're doing is trying to devaluate the content because of the messenger's past.
That does not change the truth or the value of the content.

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Is this is all you've got c_v - really? No counter argument, nothing left in the tank - just shooting the messenger and now this. The irony is that you couldn't even accuse me of being deluded directly because you can't back it up with a single shred of evidence - so you have to do it indirectly via a meme. As I say, truly pathetic.

Even our hopeless, utterly useless, outgoing Prime Minister at least has the courage to hold up his hands and admit he'd made a bad mistake - a serious lack of judgement - in leaving the D-Day commemorations early. So, how about you take a leaf out of his book and admit that you've got just about everything regarding this war completely wrong. C'mon c_v, step up and at least put yourself on a par with Rishi Sunak: it's a very low bar and very easy to attain.
There's so much this man says that is provable nonsense - I'll just pick out his most extreme comment to highlight the insanity of his position. This one, perhaps: "They [Russia] are winning the war for 2.5 years, now they know they're going to lose this war" - an obvious oxymoron, but no, that's not it. How about advocating regime change in Belarus? No, insane as this is - that's not it, either. The comment I'll focus on is this one: "We have to give Ukrainians weapons to strike Moscow . . . this is the only chance to stop the war". He then goes on to say: ". . .otherwise this [i.e. the war] will escalate". At the risk of stating the blindingly obvious, the inference here is that the war will escalate if Ukraine does not strike Moscow.

I've no idea what discipline Dr. Felshtinsky holds his doctorate in but, based on this interview, it's reasonable to assume it's in ignorance and stupidity. If there's anyone here who actually believes that striking Moscow is a good idea (I so hope there isn't), please explain how this is going to prevent the war from escalating - let alone stop it?

And I'm supposed to be the deluded one - Lord give me strength!
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As an aside, this is a good opportunity to give those of you - e.g. c_v - some tips on how to distinguish between MSM propaganda and half decent journalism.

This video is published by Times Radio, i.e. from The Times and The Sunday Times newspapers. They claim their content is:
"Balanced. Trusted. Insightful. We present perspectives from different sides of the debate to help you shape your opinions." Yeah, right!

To live up to this statement, the so called journalist interviewing Dr. Yuri Felshtinsky would surely challenge his most extreme remarks. But he doesn't do that - not once. So, referring to my last post, as an absolute bare minimum, the interviewer should have asked questions along these lines. . .

1. 'Dr. Felshtinsky, you say that Russia has been winning the war for 2.5 years but now they know they're going to lose it. Surely the only way they can lose it is if NATO goes all in which will, almost certainly, lead to all out nuclear war - in which case everyone loses?'
2. 'You advocate regime change in Belarus. As a matter of interest, how do you think the U.S. would react if Russia and/or the Chinese advocated for regime change say, in Canada? Do you think they would be comfortable with that, or would they see it as a provocation - the crossing of a red line - that they'd have to respond to?'
3. 'Thirdly, you recommend long range missile strikes on Moscow and, moreover, that such action is necessary to prevent the war from escalating. Please explain how such action will make the situation better, as most of our listeners will fear such action will make the situation worse rather than better and increase the likelihood of nuclear war?'

These are three simple - very soft ball questions - that any serious journalist worth his or her salt would have asked. Instead, the 'journalist' (cough) from Times Radio just brown noses his interviewee and compliments him on his insights. Obvious, blatant, egregious propaganda that's very easy to spot: here endeth the lesson!
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If you didin't get it told in UK, the European Parliament is elected today. Let's see how many want to send their daughters and sons in the US proxy war in Ukraine.

As usual in most Western "democracies", nobody who will get the power in Europe is elected by the people.

German politician flees to Russia

Scholz is ‘rotten liverwurst’ – Medvedev

NATO ‘crossed red line’ – Austria

‘Stop playing with fire’ on Ukraine – German left-wing icon (VIDEO)

Why you should believe China’s spying accusations against the UK


Germany does not support Macron's idea of sending instructors to Ukraine

Ukraine fully governed, sponsored by West — Russian security official

Macron dissolves French parliament after huge election defeat

A non-partisan research post - London

Ukraine knocks out one of Putin's newest £51million Su-57 warplanes in drone blitz on Russian airfield​

  • It is the first time a new fifth generation Su-57 fighter plane has been hit

Some of F-16s transferred to Kiev to be deployed outside Ukraine

Zelensky ‘relying on sycophants’ – The Times


Sounds like a bit of a joke this appointment... 😳

Andriy Borysovych Yermak is a Ukrainian film producer who was appointed by Volodymyr Zelenskyy to serve as the Head of the Office of the President of ...

So he sacks military personnel and appoints a film produce in time of war. All we need now is some appointments from the Circus to lead Ukraine out of this US mess it's been put in.
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Kiev’s intelligence involved in Moscow terror attack

US lifts arms ban on Ukrainian neo-Nazi unit

US ‘flirting with neo-Nazis’ to hurt Russia

Eastern NATO club may kick member out for dissent – FT

Russia expels Austrian journalist

A non-partisan research post - London
Uncle Sam pushes on to election.

'It Is Insulting, It Is Cheap': Kennedy Does Not Mince Words About Biden's Border Executive Order​
