A non-partisan research post - London
some quick notes - no doubt the above stements have merits - but so does the other side of the coin.
Ritter claimed in court that he was doing naughty things due to depression. Well, what other motivations are a result of depresion ?
Ah look ….. it’s timsky-titanic calling from Davie Jones Locker.
Bit rich from someone who's posts are testiment to attacking anyone with an opposing view as rank idiots and idealizing self as genius.
And then there is the scuppering off to Davy Jones Locker when the delusion of preventing the show going nuclear by posting on an unknown trading forum was exposed for what it was - one giagantic delusion. Wait, we must not forget the single convert. So important...so Important.
🙂....... one has to wonder …..
- How close to the bone is the defence of the messenger …..
Scott Ritter Is A Twice Convicted Child Sex Offender
Paula Brust, a member of the Pennsylvania sexual offenders assessment board testified for the prosecution that based on Ritter’s history he is at risk of offending again. He is not able to manage his offending within the community, despite offender treatment, she said
** Ritter testified live at his trial as part of his defence that he did not believe he was really talking to a 15 year old but instead an adult pretending to be a minor.
Comment Phylo: The ** Ritter testimony is the first and top get-out-card-bs learnt at pedo school and used by every paedophile from one end of the earth to the other.
Take a gander at – To Catch a Predator.
- This bs-get-out-card comes up time and time again as if it is the magic silver bullet of plausible deniability.
- Its the de facto last resourt at the end of the noose when caught red handed.
- its a well pre-versed - if caught - last resourt strategy.
WILLIAM SCOTT RITTER, JR.: Appellant No. 975 EDA 2012
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Classic .......😂👇
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