Ukraine invasion

The legal frame for CRISPR or gene-drive is in Ukraine much wider or unregulated than in other European countries or the U.S.. like ..

Yes iv'e watched it.

Dya know something Att.

We could set up a you tube channel and do a re-run of the Brexit thread, or the Trump thread, or whatever the topic of the day and I guarantee we would have an audience. People on T2W used to visit the threads daily when we were going at it. If the threads ever went quiet, they would complain that we needed to pick it up again !!!! Unbelievable !!!

Well increasingly I'm referring to independent talk shows alongside international news coverage far more informative than our MSM.

My friends and colleagues are saying much the same.

What you suggest has mileage. 🙂
Can someone explain to me why the US would pay millions of dollars for pharmaceutical companies to conduct biological research in foreign countries? Ukraine and China of all places?

Moreover, to research dangerous R&D which the Senate has ruled against.

Develop bird avian flu, genetically modified to be effective on Slavonian DNA , infect birds and have them fly into Russia.

The mind boggles.
Can someone explain to me why the US would pay millions of dollars for pharmaceutical companies to conduct biological research in foreign countries? Ukraine and China of all places?

Moreover, to research dangerous R&D which the Senate has ruled against.

Develop bird avian flu, genetically modified to be effective on Slavonian DNA , infect birds and have them fly into Russia.

The mind boggles.
Just some thoughts to this point:

In Ukraine, in 2005 they took over the orphaned laboratories of the USSR. This must have been a high point of espionage.

The Ukraine laws allows more experiments with dangerous pathogenes or human genetics than other western countries, like the "three parents babies" (I posted a link above).

There is a reduced risk to the U.S. if an accident or sabotage occurs at the laboratory when it is located overseas.

If the bioweapons are used in a clandestine operation, they do not have to be transported from the U.S. to the target area, and the transportation is not subject to U.S. laws and regulations. Even changed U.S. laws also cannot stop the research and developement in other countries.

Ukrainian idea found on the web:
"It is known that the 1972 Geneva Convention prohibits the production of bacteriological weapons, and for this reason the US military does not produce them in the United States. Why, because there are so many excellent test sites in the world as Ukraine or Georgia, where any deadly viruses can be produced and tested on the local population? "
So much one can say about independent and accurate reporting of events that simply doesn't exist in western MSM.

Always better to hear two sides of a story.

Itching to see how the two terrible CVs will react.
My My , you are one confused puppy.

I've been rubbishing western MSM for years. You on the other hand agreed with MSM reporting of expert opinion regarding project fear/ Brexit. You couldn't wait to jump on the doom monger bandwagon, sky will fall in, blah blah blah.

Then we have all the covid nonsense where I explained that gain of function research banned by the US, was outsourced to China and that covid (a gain of function bio weapon) escaped from the lab in Wuhan. Fauci's group funded all this offshoring btw. How many times do I have to explain. Why do you think people like me want Fauci strung up?

And whatever the F is going on in Ukraine is to deflect the worlds attention away from the covid nonsense. It's a perpetual game played out on the world stage. It's called....don't look here, look there, until the next illusion is created to cover for the last one. And so it goes on !

Btw, after the first few days of this Russian invasion, I posted to this thread that Putin would lose in Ukraine. That is exactly what is happening, as he has announced that phase 1 is complete and that troops and resources will concentrate on Eastern Ukraine. Well what a bunch of cr4p. Putin has been mullered and is now running away before he becomes totally humiliated on the battle field.
My beef with Putin has been straight forward right from the start. Go play your stupid games somewhere else. Ukraine has zero interest in being ruled and dictated to by Russia and Putin. And so it will pass and I hope they continue to get mullered on their way out of Ukraine. Ordinary people of Ukraine don't need this sh1t, they were doing fine before Putin showed up to "save them".
. . .Btw, after the first few days of this Russian invasion. . .
I agree completely with everything you say up to the line quoted. Thereafter, I couldn't disagree with you more! There's little evidence that Putin's getting 'mullered' - impeded yes - and the idea that he's "showed up to save them" (Ukrainians) only applies to people in the Donbas region who are being attacked by the Azov battalion etc. See the 3rd link in post #465 by histogram, above. "Ukraine has zero interest in being ruled and dictated to by Russia and Putin." Well, fear not, because Putin and Russia have zero interest in ruling and dictating Ukraine! Their objective is to protect Russian interests and those living in Ukraine who have close ties with Russia,

Meanwhile, can someone please explain to me how Ben Wallace is still in post and why this story isn't front page news? . . .

Full Video by Vovan and Lexus Pranking UK Secretary of State for Defence Ben Wallace Giving Strategic Information

I've been rubbishing western MSM for years. You on the other hand agreed with MSM reporting of expert opinion regarding project fear/ Brexit. You couldn't wait to jump on the doom monger bandwagon, sky will fall in, blah blah blah.

This is soooo far off the truth is belongs on planet Pluto.

As for rubbish Western MSM, all I saw were hyperlinks from the Daily Trash Mail. Let's be fair. You took links that suited your arguments. Anything that disagreed were MSM.
Well, I see not much has changed whilst I’ve been away 🙂

Visit the Tesconews supermarket - we cater for all tastes.

Fancy it’s the West’s fault - aisle 5, shelves 1 -25
Putin’s gone mad- aisle 7, shelves 2 - 8
chemical weapons coming - aisle 3, shelves 22 - 34
Truth - aisle 1, but don’t go there ‘cos only the brand leaders are on the shelves.

As I watch all this in shocked disbelief there’s no doubt in my mind who are the baddies, seems pretty simple to me.
Well, I see not much has changed whilst I’ve been away 🙂

Visit the Tesconews supermarket - we cater for all tastes.

Fancy it’s the West’s fault - aisle 5, shelves 1 -25
Putin’s gone mad- aisle 7, shelves 2 - 8
chemical weapons coming - aisle 3, shelves 22 - 34
Truth - aisle 1, but don’t go there ‘cos only the brand leaders are on the shelves.

As I watch all this in shocked disbelief there’s no doubt in my mind who are the baddies, seems pretty simple to me.

Great to see you back Barjon 😀 👍 👏 👏
What ever you say and do!!!
Happy days 🙂
Well, I see not much has changed whilst I’ve been away 🙂
How lovely to 'see' you sir, welcome back Jon.
If you intend to join this discussion, you could find yourself in the curious position of agreeing with much of what c_v says. That applies to me and At' - and it feels all wrong - very odd!
As I watch all this in shocked disbelief there’s no doubt in my mind who are the baddies, seems pretty simple to me.
Agreed Jon, this Zelensky character is more dodgy than a very dodgy dodgy thing!
Oh gawd here we go again. Everyone doing their usual by not stating anything up front, then come in ambushing from the sides.

Hi Jon, i'm puzzled, where ya been hiding?
Perfect timing though. New Qtr starts Mon on the S+P comp.
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Oh gawd here we go again. Everyone doing their usual by not stating anything up front, then come in ambushing from the sides.

Hi Jon, i'm puzzled, where ya been hiding?
Perfect timing though. New Qtr starts Mon on the S+P comp.
🙂 The long story would take up a few episodes of Holby City. the short story is that the sun is shining again.
It's somehow reassuring that Russia's propaganda machine continues to be so fond of the absurd - takes one back to the heady days of the USSR. I see an unfortunate parallel between the way Moscow handled the Chernobyl disaster (the nuclear one) and what they're doing/saying now about their current jaunt.

It seems to me that the idea that MSM/state propaganda can go unquestioned has been a dead duck in the west for many a year - independent analysis abounds, as this very thread evidences. Alas for the Kremlin, as keeping the lid on events can only be maintained for weeks rather than the decades of yesteryear. I look forward to much more entertaining material in the near future... 😛