UK Politics

(there is - at times - a luscious* touch and smell to this rose) * highly pleasing to the taste or smell or touch.

Britain drops its challenge to ICC arrest warrants for Israeli leaders​

Labour government announces its biggest step yet in overhauling the UK’s approach to the Middle East

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UK didn't spend that money on migrants. That money goes to propping up big insititutions, landlords and MP's + House of Lords, who have vested interest in supporting those migrants in terms of housing and services.

This is the whole shenanigans. Migrants are just a smoke screen. Same as giving money to Ukraine, it comes back to UK defence industries.

This is what the joe public don't freaking get.

The wealthy schmucks spend their rental incomes on holidays, fast cars and other non-productive investments like managing shit damp properties for the poor sausages and migrants.

It is the circle of income. So quoting all those statistics is a red rag to dumb joe public who gets hot under the collar blaming migrants and foreign labour. My local hospital is full of hard working nurses and doctors from India and Phillipines. Very few white English doctors and nurses. Go figure.

UK then goes shit stirring and bombing with the US, all over the world creating more refugees.

Nigel Farage blames the EU and migrants for our poor productivity and economic growth. That one trick pony. When will sad fookers wake up and change the language. Some tosser of a police officer kicks a lasered guy in the face when he is flat down ans stamps on his head, and Reform (Nigel's party) MPs support the action saying officers should be given a medal. That is a lot of hate in those words before anyone knows what took place.

UK is turning into a very empty vessel of a sad state. Foreign students turning away from British universities. Universities now crying for funds. UK crying out for more brains.

Since Brexit water companies just dumping sewage into rivers. No obligation to keep coastlines clean either.

Just one issue after another.

Heard a very funny comment on the radio. Farage should put him self forward to lead the Conservatives. I think he should. Guy hasn't done anything but destroy goodness and value. Let's see how deep into the sewage he can lead the UK.

Carrying on by attacking migrant labour seeking work, will further lead UK to fall behind.
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