TV show about trading

Love or Hate the TV show - Million Dollar Traders

  • Love it

    Votes: 121 61.1%
  • Hate it

    Votes: 16 8.1%
  • Not too bothered either way really

    Votes: 61 30.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
absolutely arabianights.

these are the same people that rely on these "scumbags" to ensure the amounts they get out of their pensions are worth considerably more than the amounts they put in.

they boast about being great investors when their own share picks triple in value, but then go crying to the government for compensation when those shares halve in value.

when they get their bank interest, or ISA tax-free pennies, where exactly do they think that interest comes from? the money fairy?

oh the hypocrisy! they get all smug when their house goes up in value, but whinge when prices of other things go up, like oil.
they get all greedy when it comes to sales and getting 20% off as bargains, but fail to understand that 30% drop in house prices is someone elses bargain.

these morons really ought to get a reality check, and learn to understand the world from multiple perspectives, not just their own narrow, selfish empty-heads.

wow! that was cathartic!

Are you suggesting we question "not what one can take from the markets but instead what can be lost or even given as charity by the tax payer... ?" :-0

You are right! I think everyone should do their duty to the market and lose some money so that a few can live a life of luxery... :cheesy:
The tree hugging bearded weirdo wanted to see if money could be made ethically. I don't know what his ethics are but I could have told him he is naive at best, totally gormless at worst. I hope there are more out there like him because I will be on the other side of that trade.
Everybody's talking about it!!

Another forum LOL
Million Dollar Traders - TV - Non-Gaming - Discussion Forum /// Eurogamer - Games Reviews, News and More

Excellent comment here
million dollar traders - lex van dam - Utd Forum : Manchester United Forum

anyone else watching this on bbc.

basically a few novice traders have been $1m to try and flip and make some money.

its hilarious.

there is this ****ing annoying bird and a ginger scouser who does a keegan and walks out because the bird gets sacked.

cage warriors forum
Million Dollar Traders - CageWarriors Forum

farmers forum
Million Dollar Traders - British Farming Forum

Fashion, Beauty, Celebrity gossip, Entertainment, Handbag TV :: !!!!
Million Dollar Traders - and the divine Anton - Discussion boards & Forums

"Gixer" says
loving this series, compulsive viewing - if only to see useless crybaby Cleo get sacked (hopefully soon).

But I watch it mainly to drool over the lovely Anton Kreil - hello Baaaaaby! What I'd give to go a few rounds with him on the trading floor

reply from 'IvanaTinkle"
He always looks so incredibly moisturised.
hey guys,

there was actually 12 people that made it to the final and done the 2 weeks training, this was done at Cass business school................we then took exams and it was whittled down to 8. bit annoyed that they didnt show that as there were some hilarious moments during that 2 weeks

i was one of the final 12 but didn't make it to the final 8, after watching the show it actually really annoyed me that i was passed over for cleo and simon, i mean and i quote"ONE HAD SH!T FOR BRAINS, AND THE OTHER CRIES ALL DAY "!............the 2 week training was intensive and included top guys such as raoul pal, lex van dam and a head of trading from HSBC. there won't be another series im afraid as it was a one off experiment.
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hey guys,

there was actually 12 people that made it to the final and done the 2 weeks training, this was done at Cass business school................we then took exams and it was whittled down to 8. bit annoyed that they didnt show that as there were some hilarious moments during that 2 weeks

i was one of the final 12 but didn't make it to the final 8, after watching the show it actually really annoyed me that i was passed over for cleo and simon, i mean and i quote"ONE HAD SH!T FOR BRAINS, AND THE OTHER CRIES ALL DAY "!............the 2 week training was intensive and included top guys such as raoul pal, lex van dam and a head of trading from HSBC. there won't be another series im afraid as it was a one off experiment.

I wouldn't take it personally. I suspect the producer wanted to get a group that made good TV - The behaviour of Cleo and Simon was (unintentionally) pretty entertaining wasn't it?

Do you think that your training was good enough to throw novices in at the deep end like that? It seemed to me that the producer wanted to set most people up for spectacular failure. Again, more about entertaining TV and less about real (profesional) trading (which would probably be pretty boring for the average person to watch).
I just finished watching that show. In the end, I think that all it did was reinforce the negative stereotypes about trading. The managers put undue pressure on their bitches and the traders were cracking emotionally.

Why don't they show more positive activities.... Strippers for lunch. Burger eating competitions. Mid week fight club. MTV Dance channel. 7 figure daily pnls etc....
This show is really just an attempt at piggybacking on the style of "the apprentice" and "Dragons Den"

I think the general public are sometimes interested in the "secretive worlds" as they are for things like Special Forces, and conspiricy ..

it is pure escapism TV, just like celebrity culture, you would never learn anything about trading in the City from this programme...

Anyway its a good watch... I am a big fan of the apprentice... as well
Great fun TV. Completely useless as an education for traders or would-be traders. Nice to see people being people - being nasty, greedy, confused, clever, sympathetic, naiive, cynical, optimistic and all the rest, warts 'n' all.
Nature makes the world a beautiful place to live in but its people that make it interesting enough to stick around.

One good thing out of the series for me - it reminded me of the entertainment (and profits) I have made trading the reaction to company results, and I have gone back to this this week.
I wouldn't take it personally. I suspect the producer wanted to get a group that made good TV - The behaviour of Cleo and Simon was (unintentionally) pretty entertaining wasn't it?

Do you think that your training was good enough to throw novices in at the deep end like that? It seemed to me that the producer wanted to set most people up for spectacular failure. Again, more about entertaining TV and less about real (profesional) trading (which would probably be pretty boring for the average person to watch).

yeah thats what i think as well, it was more for TV that trading, i mean simon was just really crap in the training so some people were surprised he made it through, but after watching that we all know why, another thing that annoyed me was the fact the when they made the decision for the final 8 they said it was a close call between me and cleo and she just edge me on exam results, but then in part 2 of the series she says on camera that she didnt like trading, it's just annoying when lex had asked people that if they didnt think they would make it through the whole 2 months to not take the place of people who really wanted to be on it, so having watch the series and seen it, it just pisses you off! all i know though is im still applying like mad to get into trading and i am about to accept an offer for a role as a forex broker to get in through another route, so i aint just another bod that said i wanted to trade for the sake of it.

no the training really was top notch, it's a shame they didnt show it, it included technical analysis, fundamentals, trading ideas, risk management, risk/reward ratio and it was taught by leading guys in the trading yeah, after those 2 weeks we were good enough to trade as we also took exams at the end as well as having mock trading sessions to put into practice what we were taught. obviously some people done better than others, in the case of cleo she was touted as really brainy out of the whole group and was tipped to do well, but she just proved what we all know.............that being a good academic or having a 1st class from cambridge in maths dont make you a good trader, as you saw on the show she couldnt even handle her emotions!!!!..........JUST WISH ALL THOSE BOUTIQUE TRADING HOUSE'S WILL REALISE THAT AND GIVE US NON GRADS A CHANCE

it was a great experience and im glad that i was part of the training as it was valued at about £10k for the 2 weeks, just wished i had the chance to be part of the final 8. the editing on the show made some people look like cocks, but i can tell you EMILE, AMIT, MIKE and ANTON were top notch, sweet as you surpised OHI done well as he was totally crap in the training, he didnt have a clue what he was doing but guess he picked up afterwards..............Anton really was a sh!t hot trader and simon should have listened to him instead of thinking he was picking on him, i mean the guy made a £20million trade once, if that aint a good trader then i dont know what is.

anyway, its over now, moving on with life and trying to be a trader............all the best
Anyway its a good watch... I am a big fan of the apprentice... as well

Ah yes, another great show - let's get a bunch of idiots together and see if they can sell fish, and from there we'll choose someone to go into job worth a hundred grand a year. And he wonders why hardly any of them last longer than a couple of months...

The last guy to win called in sick on his first day. You would literally have to be in the final stages of ebola for this to be acceptable.
you think you know me?

Fight Promoter, "just tear up the rule book, ignore the rules" HELLOOO??????
Tree hugger "I'm not comfortable with the stocks you are trading" HELLOO? Idon't give a ****.
Dippy vet bird "whine, whinge, its not fair I'm off out for some space"
Shopkeeper, "we lost a lot of money when I tried to trade at university" No change there then.
Old Geezer, " Ijust don't think I'm cut out for this" The only sensible statement in he programme.

I thought this might have the potential to be good viewing, watching people learning from mistakes, trying to work together, feeding off each others strengths and weaknesses but it is degenerating into a farcical protrayal of Lex van dam/Anton the scouser ego trip by public humiliation of the participants.

just to correct you I actually made 30k in 14 months from the tech boom and due to over indulgence and greed I lost the lot when I tried to go for bigger trades when the tech bubble burst. as for the show well you have to appreciate that I stopped trading all together as I thought that I was out of my depth which I was. I was leveraging up to 10 times on 30k and so had some trades worth 280k at some points. As for this tv experience I hope you appreciate that a lot of it is edited including the first two weeks where I was the only person who actually was in profit. You have to appreciate that any unreality tv show has to follow a story board so viewers understand what is going on. I was made a scapegoat for a variety of reasons which I cannot mention due to clauses in my contract but I will say this;1000 hrs cut into 3-hopefully that will make you understand that there is more to this story than what you actually saw. However in the end I still lost which was not the best of outcomes but am glad that I left early. I was the biggest bear on the show and thats why I ended up losing as I caught up in a few short squuezes. In the end by leaving (not for the reasons stated on the show at all) myself and my friends shorted the market considerably and well you know exactly what happened since September. I was inspired by the show to start trading but disgusted at the way they edited it. I didn't think for one minute that they would make a mockery of certain people for viewing numbers as they kept on telling us that this was for educational purposes and nothing like the apprentice. I was duped and lied to as were others.In the end it was a toned downed version of the apprentice and I just hope that whoever goes on the next show (if there is one) plays the game and beats the production team to it. As for trading I love it but am still very much a novice and everyday I learn something else which is what I find fascinating and exciting and I hope to become good at it.
traderboi and amit, (and simon of course)
Welcome to t2w and don't take too much notice of people sniping.
Of course, by taking part in the programme you set yourself up by the makers to be exploited and ridiculed for the slightest excuse. Some criticism is to be expected, but now that three of you are here, how about all of us on t2w treating you guys with respect.
Welcome again and do post on other threads.