Sky TV


Junior member
How many Repeats can SKYTV throw at us, How many reality tv shows are there?.
How many comercial breaks can they fit in a 1 hour show, it gets beyond a joke and I honestly think they have TOO MUCH money now as they seem to throw money at any project. How many detective programs can there be and the program BONE DETECTIVES is laughable. ALL these programs are STAGED FOR OUR ENTERTAINMENT, cant people see that. Everyone involed in these program get together and the Program chief or editor says what he want to happen to make it an exciting program.


Time Team is stagged, when they are digging and find something they take it away to find out as much about it as possible and then put it back where it was and film it to make it look as though it has just been found, fair enough but dont think they know everything they pull out of the groung sraight away, hours of research goes into at all.

Sick and tired of TV now. I used to watch alot of TV when there were 4 channels but now its all a joke. I watch the odd good movie but they are few and far between. I flicked through the channel list and just could not believe the rubbish, trash.

How many Repeats can SKYTV throw at us, How many reality tv shows are there?.
How many comercial breaks can they fit in a 1 hour show, it gets beyond a joke and I honestly think they have TOO MUCH money now as they seem to throw money at any project. How many detective programs can there be and the program BONE DETECTIVES is laughable. ALL these programs are STAGED FOR OUR ENTERTAINMENT, cant people see that. Everyone involed in these program get together and the Program chief or editor says what he want to happen to make it an exciting program.


Time Team is stagged, when they are digging and find something they take it away to find out as much about it as possible and then put it back where it was and film it to make it look as though it has just been found, fair enough but dont think they know everything they pull out of the groung sraight away, hours of research goes into at all.

Sick and tired of TV now. I used to watch alot of TV when there were 4 channels but now its all a joke. I watch the odd good movie but they are few and far between. I flicked through the channel list and just could not believe the rubbish, trash.


😆 Me and the wife wanted to get rid of the telly a while back. We decided in the end that we should keep it because we may want to sell the place soon, and it would put off potential buyers if there wasn't a tv in the lounge!! 😆
Australian Fox is no better. What gets me is endless string of repeats.

Thank heavens for the off button, a great invention that really.