Of the original group I really do not think there is anyone there who couldn't succeed with proper education and training provided they don't over-trade, have self-discipline, application, emotional control, and the ability to immediately execute decisions. Without those qualities it's too tough a business to succeed in.
I have no idea as to the training they received, but it looks pretty inadequate so far.
It's a shame people refer to Simon as "the old guy". I think they said he's 63 so he's only two years older than me, so I'm biased 🙂 Age shouldn't be derided - and I thought that when I was 20 🙂
I know someone in his late 70s who trades successfully every day.
Of any group, especially those hand picked from 4000, there should be two or three who ought to make a profit !
It seems probable the mix was deliberately chosen, not to find real traders but to provide boo-ing and sneering fodder to entertain the masses who think it's all "gambling".