Context is missing.
“That means being vigilant, having a police force that is in touch with communities, it means the security services being ready, but it also means exchanging ideas and best practice”, Mr Khan told the Evening Standard shortly before a meeting with New York mayor Bill de Blasio.
It is a generic comment applicable to all Major Cities and one that was spoken prior to meeting New York mayor.
Putting a negative interpretation to it is a big stretch of the imagination for trying to justify Trump tweets.
Be fair ref 😉
But as I say, by using the language he did, especially when its about something that's on Trump's turf, not his own city or country even, he was bound to start a spat over this.
If he was so right and so confident, why didn't we hear him iterating in a similar vein after the UK attacks? He certainly seems to have back-pedalled. I guess he thinks it would just attract more flak.