Trump Presidency and the Consequences

Context is missing.

“That means being vigilant, having a police force that is in touch with communities, it means the security services being ready, but it also means exchanging ideas and best practice”, Mr Khan told the Evening Standard shortly before a meeting with New York mayor Bill de Blasio.

It is a generic comment applicable to all Major Cities and one that was spoken prior to meeting New York mayor.

Putting a negative interpretation to it is a big stretch of the imagination for trying to justify Trump tweets.

Be fair ref 😉

But as I say, by using the language he did, especially when its about something that's on Trump's turf, not his own city or country even, he was bound to start a spat over this.

If he was so right and so confident, why didn't we hear him iterating in a similar vein after the UK attacks? He certainly seems to have back-pedalled. I guess he thinks it would just attract more flak.
FYI: We've had several special and/or runoff congressional elections this year. Prior to each one the left has put $$$ millions into it and claimed it would be a referendum on Trump. So far the democrats have LOST all of them, including:
a) to a republican who body slammed a reporter for hounding him the night before the election (which I don't condone) and
b) to a democrat who was leading in the polls.

How's that for a referendum on Trump? The democrats don't know when it's over. Don't believe everything you see and hear and read.


Another loss for the democrats tonight in a special election.Once again the democrat candidate raised $$$millions from around the country and it was supposed to be a referendum on Trump...and AGAIN they LOST 😆
Pat, the arms bazar is a reality shared, not only by the US, but by everyone else. If you don't sell to the Saudis, someone else will. With everything going robotic, every job counts and 250 billion+ sales would have been applauded if made by Obama---why not Trump?

Morality is one thing but reality is another.

Please do not misunderstand me. I am not a Trump supporter, but neither am I an American. They picked him, they have to spit the bones out.

If he can get some successes under his belt no doubt he will go for a second term. Probably a third too.
If the UK gets a trumpite PM will he/she insist on a wall between North and South Ireland ?
Trump said he had the best and most fantastic people working for him and everything was going swimmingly well.

In his alternative reality I'm wondering how his going to present this Elon Musk vows to step down from White House councils if US leaves Paris to his followers that climate change is a Chinese Hoax?

One idea if he is to maintain consistency, is to out Elon Musk as a Chinese agent :idea:

All absolutely on the ball. Which just makes it all the more disheartening that there was/is not an effective opposition.
It is coming increasingly obvious that he will tell any lie, deny any truth, try to silence any criticism and do anything else to get his own way. Which is to make money. Mainly for the Dump Empire.
It is coming increasingly obvious that he will tell any lie, deny any truth, try to silence any criticism and do anything else to get his own way. Which is to make money. Mainly for the Dump Empire.

Hi holding a fund raising event in his hotels for the next up and coming elections.

Smart businessman yes.

Good president???
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Hi holding a fund raising event in his hotels for the next up and coming elections.

Smart businessmen yes.

Good president???

If Trump gets really unpopular which could happen it would seriously affect his business interests, especially if his hotels etc. became targeted by the terrorists.
Today we learn 3 top CNN journalists were forced to resign over false Russian collusion stories about Trump and his administration. CNN had to quickly write a retraction and an apology to a Trump official. Earlier this month CNN falsely reported that James Comey would REFUTE Trump's story about him NOT being under investigation. In fact, Comey said the exact opposite and corroborated Trump's story. Trump has been saying "#fakenews" for months now and it's apparently real!!

Also, with all the FALSE Russian collusion stories about Trump we now learn that Obama's attorney general, Loretta Lynch, may have Obstructed justice by telling Comey how to report investigations about Clinton to the press...

Obama KNEW about Russian hacking attempts into USA elections several months prior to the election, yet he did nothing about it and let it promulgate while the democrats and the media were blaming Trump.

More to come...

If he can get some successes under his belt no doubt he will go for a second term. Probably a third too.
If the UK gets a trumpite PM will he/she insist on a wall between North and South Ireland ?

That would be personal choice and he is getting older, but he may pave the way for new presidents. The America that we know and have gotten used to may be gone forever.
N Korea should have been dealt with long ago but Bush and Obama did nothing. Sanctions don't work with regimes like that. They will just starve their people. We have put a monetary block on a Chinese bank, a corporation, and 2 individuals who have financially helped N. Korea. I think we are also done waiting for China to do anything about NK. More military exercises in the sea of Japan.
