Will the Democrats save Donald Trump?
After last week’s collapse of the GOP effort to scrap Obamacare — fueled partly by resistance from conservative House hard-liners — Trump and his allies have hinted that outreach to Democrats may soon be on the way.
But Trump’s polarizing agenda and early stumbles have stiffened the resolve of moderate Democrats once spooked by his success in their districts. Though most say they’re willing to work with Trump if he’s sincere about seeking common ground, they’re also not rushing to his side. And his recent overtures toward bipartisanship, they say, are falling flat.
“I mean will they attract one or two Democrats on whatever piece of garbage they want to offer? Maybe,” said Rep. Jim Himes, chairman of the centrist New Democrat Coalition.
But early talk from the White House about corralling a few Democratic votes has to stop, the Connecticut Democrat added. “If they really want to get something done…they better leave the ‘picking off’ language behind and start talking about what we would need.”
I watched Trump get asked the question why his Obamacare repeal bill fail?
He didn't reply truthfully. He replied typically in the Trump way. The guy's ineptitude is clear but his capability for BS is outstanding. He is a very clever guy but in the VERY WORST WAY possible. He is constantly looking out to see how he can screw people over.
Anyhow, here are my two cents worth. He didn't say any of these things which I thought were plausible.
1. The republican party had 7 years to think about how they would do healthcare in contrast and come up with a good better plan within the party but failed to do so. (ie blame the party)
2. Quite a few Republicans didn't think it was a good plan taking out 25m Americans out of health care and thus likely to cost us votes in next election (some republicans had reservations about the bill and voted against which is what effectively happened).
3. I didn't understand just how complicated this system was (we've heard this before but so he should have tried harder and made sure he got it right).
4. I didn't allocate enough time to understand or consult republicans to seek concensus and acceptance (his running the country and his party not his business).
5. I was only interested in repealing the bill so everyone would know I did as I said I would in two weeks. The bill doesn't concern me much. Only what my celebrity ratings does that (this is probably on the nail imo but I could be wrong).
Instead he said something I found remarkable.
1. He said the bill failed because no democrat voted for it.
I was a little surprised and thinking about it, IT IS A VERY CLEVER REPLY. The dimwit republican who may have supported him, sees his guy in response to why the bill failed hears - DEMOCRATS didn't VOTE FOR IT.
Feck me, it was their fault. Bleeding democrats always obstructing Trump trying to make America great again.
So the non-thinking guy goes home believing damn Democrats shot down his fantastic most amazing wonderfully spectacular bill down.
This Trump is an absolute fecking tosspot of a President the US surely does not deserve. I'm not religious but if I was I'd pray for US citizens to wise up to his BS words.