Trump Presidency and the Consequences

Will the Democrats save Donald Trump?

After last week’s collapse of the GOP effort to scrap Obamacare — fueled partly by resistance from conservative House hard-liners — Trump and his allies have hinted that outreach to Democrats may soon be on the way.

But Trump’s polarizing agenda and early stumbles have stiffened the resolve of moderate Democrats once spooked by his success in their districts. Though most say they’re willing to work with Trump if he’s sincere about seeking common ground, they’re also not rushing to his side. And his recent overtures toward bipartisanship, they say, are falling flat.

“I mean will they attract one or two Democrats on whatever piece of garbage they want to offer? Maybe,” said Rep. Jim Himes, chairman of the centrist New Democrat Coalition.

But early talk from the White House about corralling a few Democratic votes has to stop, the Connecticut Democrat added. “If they really want to get something done…they better leave the ‘picking off’ language behind and start talking about what we would need.”

I watched Trump get asked the question why his Obamacare repeal bill fail?

He didn't reply truthfully. He replied typically in the Trump way. The guy's ineptitude is clear but his capability for BS is outstanding. He is a very clever guy but in the VERY WORST WAY possible. He is constantly looking out to see how he can screw people over.

Anyhow, here are my two cents worth. He didn't say any of these things which I thought were plausible.

1. The republican party had 7 years to think about how they would do healthcare in contrast and come up with a good better plan within the party but failed to do so. (ie blame the party)

2. Quite a few Republicans didn't think it was a good plan taking out 25m Americans out of health care and thus likely to cost us votes in next election (some republicans had reservations about the bill and voted against which is what effectively happened).

3. I didn't understand just how complicated this system was (we've heard this before but so he should have tried harder and made sure he got it right).

4. I didn't allocate enough time to understand or consult republicans to seek concensus and acceptance (his running the country and his party not his business).

5. I was only interested in repealing the bill so everyone would know I did as I said I would in two weeks. The bill doesn't concern me much. Only what my celebrity ratings does that (this is probably on the nail imo but I could be wrong).

Instead he said something I found remarkable.

1. He said the bill failed because no democrat voted for it.

I was a little surprised and thinking about it, IT IS A VERY CLEVER REPLY. The dimwit republican who may have supported him, sees his guy in response to why the bill failed hears - DEMOCRATS didn't VOTE FOR IT. Feck me, it was their fault. Bleeding democrats always obstructing Trump trying to make America great again.

So the non-thinking guy goes home believing damn Democrats shot down his fantastic most amazing wonderfully spectacular bill down.

This Trump is an absolute fecking tosspot of a President the US surely does not deserve. I'm not religious but if I was I'd pray for US citizens to wise up to his BS words. 🙄
The key to understanding Trump is to recognize that he believes he's great. Therefore, when something goes wrong, it is ALWAYS somebody else's fault.

Because the liberal media would pounce like lions on his every word looking for some way to interpret it in their warped view.
With all that is going on it would be unwise to speak to any committee without some assurances.


Your mixing the media with the judiciary.

Immunity from Prosecution???

Think about it honestly!

Not about immunity from press scrutiny.

Big difference right?
Your mixing the media with the judiciary.

Immunity from Prosecution???

Think about it honestly!

Not about immunity from press scrutiny.

Big difference right?

Agreed. NOT immunity from press scrutiny, but the press is on a witch hunt for anyone connected with the Trump admin. Public perception can be a lifetime sentence.

I admit I worded that entire post poorly 🙁

Agreed. NOT immunity from press scrutiny, but the press is on a witch hunt for anyone connected with the Trump admin. Public perception can be a lifetime sentence.

I admit I worded that entire post poorly 🙁


No worries matey but that word 'immunity' has some serious consequences for Trump I reckon.
Wow this is another fishy Trump maneuver.

No signature, red face. No problem I'll do it in private without having to answer any questions.

For Trump to have no comment, it surely must be serious. I'm speechless my self.

I reckon he'll either walk away or be held and manipulated into conformity by the establishment he wanted to clean up by the short and curlies.

There is obviously the possibility he is innocent and done nothing wrong. If that was the case though, I'd be seeing and hearing lots of tweets all over the place.

One to watch closely. :whistling
Impeachment comes a little closer.
Flynn won't be asking for immunity if he is innocent will he ?
Pete's argument is a trifle weak imho.
They would only grant immunity if there is a bigger crook higher up the food chain to fry. You don't get much higher than National Security Advisor except.................Ronald himself.
Surely if he is guilty of a wanton night in that St. Petersburg hotel he should confess now rather than trying to tough it out and be blackmailed !!
Impeachment comes a little closer.
Flynn won't be asking for immunity if he is innocent will he ?
Pete's argument is a trifle weak imho.
They would only grant immunity if there is a bigger crook higher up the food chain to fry
. You don't get much higher than National Security Advisor except.................Ronald himself.
Surely if he is guilty of a wanton night in that St. Petersburg hotel he should confess now rather than trying to tough it out and be blackmailed !!

They gave immunity to many of Hillary's cronies and didn't fry anyone.

They gave immunity to many of Hillary's cronies and didn't fry anyone.


I thought something like that may happen.

They'll hold it as bargaining chips to have their way.

Basically means Hilary was owned.

As Trump too will be absorbed into the swamp. Sad really as I was thinking peace with Russia was the way forward instead of piling up weapons against her borders and ramping up stupid spending on the military for no good reason. 🙁
The Los Angeles Times editorial board published a blistering review of President Donald Trump’s first months in office on Monday.

“It was no secret during the campaign that Donald Trump was a narcissist and a demagogue who used fear and dishonesty to appeal to the worst in American voters,” the board wrote. “Still, nothing prepared us for the magnitude of this train wreck.”

Even after considering Trump’s dismal policy choices ― from ramping up deportations to peddling a health care plan that would leave millions uninsured to planning the erection of a wall along the Mexico border ― the board said it was the president who poses the greatest threat to America.

“He is a man so unpredictable, so reckless, so petulant, so full of blind self-regard, so untethered to reality that it is impossible to know where his presidency will lead or how much damage he will do to our nation. His obsession with his own fame, wealth and success, his determination to vanquish enemies real and imagined, his craving for adulation — these traits were, of course, at the very heart of his scorched-earth outsider campaign; indeed, some of them helped get him elected. But in a real presidency in which he wields unimaginable power, they are nothing short of disastrous.”​
Over the next three days, the board will release three more pieces focusing on Trump’s lack of respect for the rule of law, his lack of regard for truth and facts and his willingness to recklessly perpetrate conspiracy theories and racist memes.

The scathing review comes just days after Gallup released its latest poll showing Trump’s approval rating at just 38 percent. It took Trump’s predecessors, from Ronald Reagan through Barack Obama, more than a year to see a majority of Americans disapprove of their actions. It took Trump a little more than a week.
What do you expect from a liberal publication? And yet Trump was voted president...
Also the polls are done by the same people who did them for the election, INCLUDING election day/night. How does anyone believe any of that liberal feces?

You leftists conveniently point to the polls when they show Trump is down, but come up with excuses when they show Trump is moving up. All I can say is President Trump has done a lot of good that gets overlooked or not reported at all. The media in this country is so blatantly one-sided that they can't be relied upon to offer a fair review of the republican president.

I also like that several liberals on this forum put you on ignore when you call them out so they don't have to be bothered defending their out of touch views 😱

latest developments on Trump surveillance claims:
Former Obama National Security adviser, Susan Rice, requests unmasking of only Trump campaign and transition staff (but no such request regarding Hillary staff). This was legitimate incidental surveillance that had NOTHING to do with Russia and it is ILLEGAL to unmask american names collected.

Looks like many of Obama's former associates may go down since many of them lied under oath to the intel committee. Obama, Clintons, and cronies are the biggest liars of them all.

You won't see any liberals (dbphoenix) post that here!

The sudden disaster that requires the end of checks and balances, the dissolution of opposition parties, the suspension of freedom of expression, the right to a fair trial, and so on—this is the oldest trick in the Hitlerian book. Do not fall for it. Modern tyrants are terror managers. Do not allow your shock to be turned against your freedom. When the terrorist attack comes, remember that aspiring tyrants exploit such events in order to change regimes and to consolidate power.

The Reichstag fire was the moment when Hitler’s government, which came to power mainly through democratic means, became the menacingly permanent Nazi regime. It is the archetype of terror management. (more)