Trump Presidency and the Consequences

Obamacare Is Punishing Working-Class Americans

Employees at Staples will soon get a little bit more vacation -- thanks to Obamacare. Unfortunately, that time off will be unpaid -- and in most cases, unwelcome.

The retailer, which employs 85,000 people, has limited part-time work to 25 hours a week to avoid Obamacare's fines for not providing insurance to those who work 30 or more hours a week.

President Obama refused to acknowledge that his healthcare law played a part in Staples' decision. "I haven't looked at Staples stock lately or what the compensation of the CEO is, but I suspect that they could well afford to treat their workers favorably," he said of the company during a recent interview. "Shame on them."

But if Obamacare had never become law, scores of working-class Americans would be logging more hours and making more money. The president's health law has effectively taken money out of their pockets.

Economists at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management agree. They've concluded that the employer mandate is doing more harm than good to workers. Even the liberal Urban Institute's research has demonstrated that the mandate will do almost nothing to increase the rate of insurance coverage.
The people who are out there busting it, sometimes 60 hours a week, wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half.

This provision provides a window into the stupidity of the Republican mind. It will be interesting to see (1) how long it takes Repubs to figure this out and (2) who happens to be among the first.

A Mandate, in Other Words

Keep in mind that Repubs have been working on this for seven years.

Seven years.
This provision provides a window into the stupidity of the Republican mind. It will be interesting to see (1) how long it takes Repubs to figure this out and (2) who happens to be among the first.

A Mandate, in Other Words

Keep in mind that Repubs have been working on this for seven years.

Seven years.

You're not responding to the issues about how Obama attacked hard-working blue collar folks because you don't know any, right? Guess we need to export arrogance before there is any empathy with an unrelated and despised underclass.
You're not responding to the issues about how Obama attacked hard-working blue collar folks because you don't know any, right? Guess we need to export arrogance before there is any empathy with an unrelated and despised underclass.

They tend to do that. When they can't rebut the meat of the argument, they ignore it and attack some small inconsistency in an effort to derail the conversation.

Quote from above article
Hatch and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady rejected a request for the returns last Wednesday by Senate Democrats, saying congressional actions that target individual tax returns would constitute an abuse of authority and set a dangerous precedent.

How about actually reading the articles you link to instead of spreading your leftist propaganda agenda. 👎


“All of a sudden, a big long limousine pulls up on an angle, and Donald Trump pops out with the blond, too,” the witness said. “There was a guy with a bat, hitting a guy over the head, and Trump yelled, ‘Put that bat down. What are you doing?’ The guy dropped the bat, came over and started talking to him.”

“Trump said the bat-man delivered at least “five or six good whacks” before he interceded.

“Trump said he left the site only after he saw a man who appeared to be a doctor treating the victim and heard that an ambulance was on its way.

“A Midtown North Precinct spokeswoman said the attack was not reported to police.”

Afterward, Trump said he though about the help his mother got when she was mugged three weeks before in which a witness to the attack chased and caught the man who attacked her.

(Washington Times) The Statue of Liberty went dark for about an hour on Tuesday evening, and the left, after hours of careful consideration followed by lengthy tea-reading sessions, arrived at a conclusion for the reasons for the chaos, and it’s really rather simple when you get right down to it: The lights-out is a heavenly reflection on President Trump.

Makes sense.

On the one hand, you’ve got Lady Liberty. On the other, Mr. Trump, the absolute enemy of liberty. What else could God possibly mean by flicking the off switch at the statue’s base?

It’s like a geometry proof — fact A, Icon of Liberty; fact B, Evil Trump; work the problem and the solution is so obvious, it’s almost insulting to even mention: Heaven hates Mr. Trump.
On the one hand, you’ve got Lady Liberty. On the other, Mr. Trump, the absolute enemy of liberty. What else could God possibly mean by flicking the off switch at the statue’s base?

It’s like a geometry proof — fact A, Icon of Liberty; fact B, Evil Trump; work the problem and the solution is so obvious, it’s almost insulting to even mention: Heaven hates Mr. Trump.

If the republicans pass a new healthcare act, President Trump will walk into reelection in 2020 no matter how much the left hates him. 👍
I do concede however that it's not a forgone conclusion that the republicans can repeal and replace healthcare... 🙄

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump paid tribute to women on International Women's Day Wednesday morning, saying he has "tremendous respect" for the role women play in society.
"I have tremendous respect for women and the many roles they serve that are vital to the fabric of our society and our economy," the President tweeted.

Keep up the good work President Trump!
How a person perceives technological failure is also deeply tied to that person’s level of trust in institutions like government. This is also why the Statue of Liberty lighting debacle is particularly fertile for metaphor: because it involved the technological failure of a deeply symbolic national icon—an icon which is managed by an agency that has itself become an emblem of the fight against the symbolic extinguishing of liberty's light.

Here’s how Emma Lazarus describes what that light represents in her 1883 poem, “The New Colossus,” which was engraved in bronze and affixed to the base of the statue in 1903:

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"​
It wasn’t just Lazarus’s poem that made the statue an icon of immigration, it was the actual experience of the 12 million immigrants who entered the United States by way of Ellis Island, many of whom describe laying eyes on the statue as a defining moment in their lives. On the decks of boats entering New York Harbor, crowds of newcomers to the United States would dance and weep for joy. This happened even in terrible weather. Seymour Rexsite, who came to the United States from Poland when he was 8, described approaching Ellis Island in a miserable, driving rainstorm. “Everybody was on deck, no matter, they didn't mind the rain at all,” Rexsite told the Associated Press in 1986 at the time of the statue’s centennial. “Just to cheer that they came, they came to America.”

--Adrienne LaFrance, The Atlantic