Trump Presidency and the Consequences

Trump Presidency adn the Consequences - Ivanka Trump??? This one I could not have guessed but now it doesn't seem so crazy compared to everything else. 😍😍😍😍

Trump Presidency adn the Consequences - Ivanka Trump??? This one I could not have guessed but now it doesn't seem so crazy compared to everything else. 😍😍😍😍


Is that the best they can do? It's almost as bad as May and trump hand holding, the press really are trashy celeb gossip abysmal, they really have lost all serious credibility, not that they've had much for a long time though, all they do is appeal to the gullible sheep masses to sell the sh1t that's advertised on their websites.

Now if only they could produce some video of Trump getting it on in a Moscow whorehouse, now that would be something, alas 'twas never to be.

Now Ivanka is hot though, trouble is her name constantly reminds me of the Little Britain comedy sketches which were hilarious.

Oops, there I go gossiping again .....
Is that the best they can do? It's almost as bad as May and trump hand holding, the press really are trashy celeb gossip abysmal, they really have lost all serious credibility, not that they've had much for a long time though, all they do is appeal to the gullible sheep masses to sell the sh1t that's advertised on their websites.

Now if only they could produce some video of Trump getting it on in a Moscow whorehouse, now that would be something, alas 'twas never to be.

Now Ivanka is hot though, trouble is her name constantly reminds me of the Little Britain comedy sketches which were hilarious.

Oops, there I go gossiping again .....

So what is she doing in the White House sitting in foreign visits, whilst selling her clothing line? 🙄
Oooohhhh there is a stand-off in the horizon... Gunfight at the Ok coral...

Fed's Yellen: Dodd-Frank Helps Keep System Safer

I can guarantee you the fed will replace yellen with someone he likes. Almost certain he doesn't know who really runs the fed.....Their directives stay the same, the face on the cover changes from time to time. Janet yellen running the fed is like trump running the CIA
I can guarantee you the fed will replace yellen with someone he likes. Almost certain he doesn't know who really runs the fed.....Their directives stay the same, the face on the cover changes from time to time. Janet yellen running the fed is like trump running the CIA

Just looked up how the Fed election is processed.

"Under authority provided by the Banking Act of 1935, the president of the United States appoints the seven members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System who are confirmed by the Senate and serve for 14 years. The president selects the chairman and vice-chairman from among the sitting governors and these appointments are also subject to Senate confirmation."

Trump could appoint a few... too

The current Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) may have some new voters by March. There are two vacant seats Trump can fill as soon as he takes office and gets the Senate to confirm them.

However, there could be four or five more in the next two years.

Several Fed governors are going nowhere

It appears Janet Yellen isn’t going anywhere. Asked about her own future at the news conference, she noted that the Senate had confirmed her to a four-year term as chair and that she plans to finish it on schedule, that is, on February 3, 2018. She specifically noted that Federal Reserve appointments aren’t tied to presidential elections.

I can see a lot of news, uncertainty and market volatility heading our way...

We live in exciting times 🙂
Just looked up how the Fed election is processed.

"Under authority provided by the Banking Act of 1935, the president of the United States appoints the seven members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System who are confirmed by the Senate and serve for 14 years. The president selects the chairman and vice-chairman from among the sitting governors and these appointments are also subject to Senate confirmation."

Trump could appoint a few... too

The current Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) may have some new voters by March. There are two vacant seats Trump can fill as soon as he takes office and gets the Senate to confirm them.

However, there could be four or five more in the next two years.

Several Fed governors are going nowhere

It appears Janet Yellen isn’t going anywhere. Asked about her own future at the news conference, she noted that the Senate had confirmed her to a four-year term as chair and that she plans to finish it on schedule, that is, on February 3, 2018. She specifically noted that Federal Reserve appointments aren’t tied to presidential elections.

I can see a lot of news, uncertainty and market volatility heading our way...

We live in exciting times 🙂

It's stanley fischer, he runs the fed. A dual citizen with U.S. and israeli citizenship.
He is the vice chairman, can't count how many heads of the fed he has gone through but that's really the inside story. Whatever he says goes. He stated during september, rate hikes are going to happen and lo and behold two months later it happened. Insiders know who's words to listen to....I mean you have the former dallas fed on financial news everyday talking about crack cocaine and heroin in the system due to low rates....he's been saying this since one pays attention. Stanley Fischer says rates go up and it happens.
Depending on how this business with Tillerson and Exxon and Rosneft shakes out, Trump may not be in office long enough to appoint anybody to the Fed at all.
I just don’t think it’s useful to be doing investigation after investigation, particularly of your own party. We’ll never even get started with doing the things we need to do like repealing Obamacare if we’re spending our whole time having Republicans investigate Republicans. I think it makes no sense.

--Rand Paul
This is like reliving Watergate. At first, it was just an ordinary burglary, no different from any other ordinary burglary. But something didn't seem right to Bob Woodward. And so . . .

Watergate is the biggest political scandal of my lifetime, until maybe now. It was the closest we came to a debilitating Constitutional crisis, until maybe now. On a 10 scale of armageddon for our form of government, I would put Watergate at a 9. This Russia scandal is currently somewhere around a 5 or 6, in my opinion, but it is cascading in intensity seemingly by the hour. And we may look back and see, in the end, that it is at least as big as Watergate. It may become the measure by which all future scandals are judged. It has all the necessary ingredients, and that is chilling.

When we look back at Watergate, we remember the end of the Nixon Presidency. It came with an avalanche, but for most of the time my fellow reporters and I were chasing down the story as it rumbled along with a low-grade intensity. We never were quite sure how much we would find out about what really happened. In the end, the truth emerged into the light, and President Nixon descended into infamy.

This Russia story started out with an avalanche and where we go from here no one really knows. Each piece of news demands new questions. We are still less than a month into the Trump Presidency, and many are asking that question made famous by Tennessee Senator Howard Baker those many years ago: "What did the President know, and when did he know it?" New reporting suggests that Mr. Trump knew for weeks. We can all remember the General Michael Flynn's speech from the Republican National Convention - "Lock her up!" in regards to Hillary Clinton. If Hillary Clinton had done one tenth of what Mr. Flynn had done, she likely would be in jail. And it isn't just Mr. Flynn, how far does this go?

The White House has no credibility on this issue. Their spigot of lies - can't we finally all agree to call them lies - long ago lost them any semblance of credibility. I would also extend that to the Republican Congress, who has excused away the Trump Administration's assertions for far too long.

We need an independent investigation. Damn the lies, full throttle forward on the truth. If a scriptwriter had approached Hollywood with what we are witnessing, he or she would probably have been told it was way too far-fetched for even a summer blockbuster. But this is not fiction. It is real and it is serious. Deadly serious. We deserve answers and those who are complicit in this scandal need to feel the full force of justice.

--Dan Rather
In the alternative world " the truth " is merely a passing nuisance to be swatted away harmlessly.
Not surprising it took Trump et al 17 days to find out if Flynn as telling the "truth", after all you have first to find out what the word "truth" actually means.....this is no small task for people unfamiliar with the word or the concept.
Whether he knows what truth means, is he able to handle it?

Is this a code red?

He talks a lot about a wall too? I think Trump may have been inspired by this speech.
It is logical and reasonable to suggest that the source of all this turmoil can be found in the fact that O&G accounts for more than half of Russia's budget (which has been negatively affected by the decline in O&G revenues), that it is important to Russia to maintain its connection to Europe re O&G sales, and that its pipelines all cross Ukraine. Hence the invasion of Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea. Add in Tillerson and Exxon and a $500 billion deal with Rosneft, all of which came to a halt with the imposition of the sanctions. Naturally, Putin would like to have those sanctions removed, as would all the parties to this O&G deal.