You guessed right. We are well past the point of no return.
What I am trying to do, here, is point out the fundamental problem--the only real problem---that the world has. No matter how good, or how bad , the world's leaders are, they will be unable to solve the inexorable growth of the human race and the desperate need to find food to sustain it..
So, Trump's ambition to make America great, again, and the UK`s decision to leave EU is, really, a waste of time. They may delay the problem for a few years, but it will come back. The next time that they have to address the problem of a shortage of anything--be it homes, jobs, whatever--the planet will have a couple of billion more mouths to feed.
That's merely a matter of perception. Circling the wagons and waiting for The Rapture may be an option, but it doesn't solve anything. Some people despair. Some look for and sometimes find solutions, such as the Israeli experiments with desalination. I'll go with the latter.
Progress is made in an ascending spiral: we move up, then we move back down, but not quite so far, and the next move up is slightly higher. The struggles for women's rights, minority rights, gay rights and so forth are all excellent examples of this. I've been around for the HUAC, desegregation, women's lib, Stonewall, numerous assassinations and lynchings, nuclear standoffs and several wars, beginning with Korea and VietNam, so I have a different perspective than the youngsters who will have only read about these things, or seen movies about them.
I don't argue with right-wing zealots because there's no point in doing so. They subscribe to a different moral code. I believe that all human beings are created equal.
All human beings, not just white Christians. I believe that they all have certain inalienable rights, much the same rights that the French articulated soon after we did: liberty, equality, brotherhood. Unfortunately, the French appear to have lost their way. And we are in danger of doing so ourselves.
If we can somehow avoid the temptation to elect children to leadership positions, we may just last long enough to solve the more serious problems that face us. Otherwise, not.
President Trump: Don't ignore terror from the radical right