Trump Presidency and the Consequences

The trend is towards a ruling clique and an authoritarian set up as evidenced in Turkey, Russia, China, N. Korea etc. Suits men like Trump who want total power. The Liberals sounded good but failed to deliver much. Some of the more extreme systems murder their opposition and are only replaced by revolution.
We are in for a rough ride it seems. La Penn in France and others are just waiting their opportunity to take over and kick out democracy. We just don't realize what is lurking and how lucky we are to have a liberal democratic system, even if it is just muddling along.
See Saw of Global Power bases

The difference is that everyone wanted dollars (which may be changing). When you have a reserve currency it makes a difference. All the US had to do is print more into the system and sell them into the bond market where they were lapped up.

Not only that, but they bought all the other damned good, foreign, companies up with money that was lent them. The US is a powerhouse. The people work hard for their money. The Brits were, always on strike.

Which goes to show that some countries can get away with murder, while others cannot.

As I said, all that may change. The UK and Spain have had their years in the sun and the post war pèriod belonged to the US. I'm not holding my breath that Trump will bring them back.Could be that China is next but who knows.

Could well be that is a very prescient observation Split 🙂
California Farmers Backed Trump, but Now Fear Losing Field Workers ...

--NY Times

Well, duh.
Few comments on barriers to free trade and globolisation and multinationals.

In the past it was the developing countries that favoured protectionism because they had fledgling young tender industries and they could not compete with the highly efficient and cut throat dumping multinationals from the West.

West then used to say, by allowing our multinationals to locate near source of input we'll be doing you a favour buying up produce and employing your cheap labour and there would be a technology transfer and know how skills gain by the target LDCs.

Having screwed the globe in their incessant pursuit of profits and raping of local resources as well as hiring the best minds and youngest able bodied labourers, in the name of protectionism they are taking our jobs away from us the very source country is claiming unfair practices.

Don't export our jobs, build in the USA where labour is less skilled and costs 4 x as more.

Finding it very difficult to understand how so called capitalists and republicans can find this to be the way forward.

End result will be loss of global markets at the expense of local market gain. BIG Question is where the bigger market place is? US or rest of the World???

Moreover, instead of taxing big corps abnormal super profits, policy is moving towards greater tax give aways which is blindingly the totally wrong solution.

Much like the first lady, intead of trying to find a new vocation on how to help the American citizens improve their lives, she's chasing $150m in damages on how she can make her self rich without trying. The only silver lining in this story, I hope she wins and shows our local UK Daily trash Mail the door.
This whole "free trade" thing is a prime example of the deflection I've talked about, i.e., that the .001 have become artists at focusing our attention on the bright, shiny object rather than on the man behind the curtain.

The largest multinational corporations are already global. Once they mastered monopolistic capitalism, they were able to watch the comic shenanigans of walls and barriers and tariffs as if any of this made the slightest difference. These corporations, which become larger and fewer with each passing year, are in control. They pull the strings. That they are able to conceal themselves, even now, is a testament to the skills and talents of their tools, in the US's case, Republicans.
Trump seems to be insisting that the US multi-nationals pay their tax in the US but of course the rest of the world is a much bigger market with cheaper tax laws should they decide to relocate elsewhere.
Trump seems to be insisting that the US multi-nationals pay their tax in the US but of course the rest of the world is a much bigger market with cheaper tax laws should they decide to relocate elsewhere.

Interesting you should mention that. The recent vote in Switzerland provides an excellent example of the position between a rock and a hard place in which many countries find themselves these days:

Swiss voters reject reform to multinationals' tax bills
Michael Flynn: Trump's national security adviser quits

Rules are to be broken but that part about misleading the President is plain wrong.

There is the possibility ofcourse that he didn't and briefed Trump precisely with what took place but nevertheless, must say he misled to carry the can for Trump?

I suspect this story may explain the warm response between Trump and Putin during the debates that was mentioned in the media. 🙄
That's pretty much what Republicans have been doing for at least thirty years with their dismissal of science, which enables them to dismiss facts, which enables them to dismiss journalism ("fake news"). If there is no objective truth, then demagogues can spin whatever realities they please. This applies globally as well.

Most people are too scared to give an honest opinion now.

Because people like you will lynch and pirate them.
Michael Flynn: Trump's national security adviser quits

Rules are to be broken but that part about misleading the President is plain wrong.

There is the possibility ofcourse that he didn't and briefed Trump precisely with what took place but nevertheless, must say he misled to carry the can for Trump?

I suspect this story may explain the warm response between Trump and Putin during the debates that was mentioned in the media. 🙄

This is like reliving Watergate. At first, it was just an ordinary burglary, no different from any other ordinary burglary. But something didn't seem right to Bob Woodward. And so . . .
Most people are too scared to give an honest opinion now.

Because people like you will lynch and pirate them.

If their opinions are irrational, there's not much point in taking up the space. Otherwise, I'm happy to hear them, as is everyone else to whom this stuff matters.
Trump hasn't had any big headaches or decisions to make has he.

I'm still trying to get over how so many bright sparks can think paying $20bn for a wall is good value or making Mexican's pay for it fair play.

Also, heard the KKK great white hope got murdered by step son and wife allegedly.

I was wondering which way he voted but it probably doesn't matter now. :whistling

These white supremists really know how to put on a good show for the masses.

Stunned to hear it's only been three weeks. Feels as if Trump's been around for three years with all the drama.
A Michigan Republican Party official has resigned his position less than a week after he called for “another Kent State” after protests at the University of California, Berkeley.

Dan Adamini’s comment was a reference to the 1970 incident in which members of the Ohio National Guard shot at student protesters, killing four and wounding nine.

He resigned as the secretary of the Marquette County Republican Party on Wednesday, after he faced widespread backlash over his comment.

--Sam Levine