What is Trump rambling on about, still on the campaign trail...
‘Nobody that I know of’ had contacts with Russia, Trump says.
Is he denying ever knowing Mike Flynn?
Guy is absolutely delusional with his takes on assessing what really is going on.
Still thinks muslim ban went smoothly against his Homeland Security personnel saying otherwise.
He obviously thinks and believes, what anyone else thinks, says or writes about either doesn't matter or is fake news.
Great this, great that, amazing wonderfully talented people who are so inexperienced and out of their depths, he is in total shambles. Wait stop. It's not him! It is the media that is in chaos.
He reckons when he took over America was in a mess and now the market is up indeces hitting new highs. His fixed it all in 3 weeks.
What a clown!
Did I read the press to reach my conclusion. No! Not at all. Just been watching his actions and listening to HIS words on telly.
I'm having difficulty believing what he is doing to America. I really am. Still haven't gotten over that wall either. $20bn a good investment for a wall to stop how many Mexicans exactly? Good value he reckons.
Somebody pinch me please :cheesy: