We see who the crybabies are both here and in the media, having their candidate crushed in the election, and refusing to believe that Trump is the President. They don't even understand the reason for the travel restrictions. The left is destroying what remains of their party. The midterm elections will essentially create a 1-party system in the USA.
I do agree with you. Whether I like the winner is something else, again.
Can anyone answer me this question? How can the world's population double from 5 billion to 10 billion in fifty years and there be no no immigrant problem? America must take a good look at what has been allowed to happen in Europe and say "There, but for the grace of God, go us"
I am very pessimistic for the world's future. I believe that we are going to wipe ourselves out, along with every other living creature on the planet.
All we can do,is to look no further ahead than the end of our grandchildren's lives., and to put as big a brake on what is a natural occurrence, from happening.during that period.
Trump can see all this. Unfortunately, he is not going about it in the right way. What is the right way, though? Being good, decent humans is not going to cut it, I'm afraid, Wars? I doubt it. 60 million died in WWII. To-day, the world population is increasing that much every year!
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