
Guys if your interested why not go down and visit them at their offices in Milton Keynes - the main one with the Ex-floor traders trading.

When I spoke to them I was told that most of their copies went to city friends. I was also told that they were going to stop selling it in Feb - obviously they haven't as yet. I don't think there should be a problem buying any more copies.

Have a look at the other trendsignal threads - i think there are another 2, which have more detail about the system.

As I have mentioned before it was only an aid for me initially in terms of S/R lines (Keltner channels, their own algorithm), but since I have now started to scalp the es/ym to a greater degree I have stopped using it. I was planning to use it for the morning dax/ftse trades but the US takes up most of my time and energy these days.

I personally can't see why any City pro would use it, then again I probably am missing something, but go down or up depending on where you live and see them. They are a nice bunch of guys.

My personal opinion on why they wanted to limit the number of copies in the first place is that they want the traders who trade the system well to trade for them - profit share incentives obviously. I suppose if one is starting new to trading and has little capital then one can't go wrong, but more experienced traders may want to think twice - only my opinion of course.

Paul I think you asked about the max drawdown - they advise max 3% of capital per trade

I was offered a few days training with them, I may or may not take them up on it depending on how my scalping goes in the next few months.

Seriously go down and have a look it may be your cup of tea.



Paul I think you asked about the max drawdown - they advise max 3% of capital per trade.

This is the risk per trade and not the maximum drawdown on the account. Maximum drawdown is the amount you can expect your whole account to decline by from a peak in value.

So as an example if your account peaked at £40,000 and then you lost £10,000 before it started going up again the maximum drawdown is 25% (ie 10/40)

I have since done some checking and been informed that the drawdown to be expected using this approach was 30% so can others confirm or deny this ?

I got this from TrendSignal:

We support eSignal and IQ Feed only. Ensign is the only product we
support - they are the only product that has the mathematics we use.
Sorry! If you want End Of day then the product includes data.

What is IQ Feed?

Why have you stopped using it?

Expensive piece of tackle to ignore if it is as good as people say!

It depends what you call expensive, compared to what I have lost beforehand it was neglible.

Read my comments in the threads earlier on. trendsignal I believe is just s/r lines with good money management and makes you assess the risk reward ratio. Basically it re-emphasised the points that I should be focusing on anyway. I found that I was more comfortable with other trading techniques well documented on the t2win.
Hi all,
Just registered tonight, and I'm already hooked.

Regarding Trend Signal, I'm waiting for my appointment confirmation.

I have to say that it's true that they must be fed up with all the visits, since I called twice to book a live demo day, and I'm still waiting .....after more than 2 weeks!

I do believe it when you say no hard sell, as customer service don't seem to be a priority in their business.

Still, if I can manage to have an appointment, and it turns out to be a sure deal, I will definetely say good bye to the rat race......

Any other comments on that system or any other Trading system suggestion would be appreciated.

Trend Signal seem to be using some sort of band ranging indicator, similar to Sigma and Bollinger – Fibo Bands. They are constructed using some sort of centered moving average(or Keltner Band), with upper and lower bands at 2 and 3 Standard deviations apart. The idea is that when the market penetrates these bands it is OB/OS(SD Band-3 being the best),the market should then revert to mean (the center band).These work well when the market is ranging,but not very well when the market is in a strong trend.
I’ve enclosed a picture of a Bollinger-Fibo indicator which is available in Visual Trader. I’ve adjusted the settings to show 2 and 3 Standard Deviation bands. By the way this indicator is free along with the charting software Visual Trader from CMS-Forex.


  • forex-bb.gif
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Referring to the following link, does anyone with experience of Trendsignal know whether or not Goldlines etc. and Trendsignal are the same or associated people?

If they are, it seems to me to raise questions about their product. I for one would not want to buy from the people who market, with loads of similar hype, the seemingly discredited products Selecta7, Asset18 and Goldlines.

On the other hand, if it is as good as some users and cotributors to this thread say, it may be a bargain.

What do others think?

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I can tell you for a fact that Goldline is not afiliated with Treand Signal as I spoke to Jerry the guy from Goldline, and he compared Trend Signal to a bicycle and Goldline to a Mercs. Having said that, I went to compare the results of both systems by only looking at the indices (since Goldline is only dealing with that), and what do you know, the bicycle beat the Mercs!

I have an appointment at Trend Signal HQ on Friday. I'll keep you posted.
Is no one who has this software prepared to state how many points they are making on a regular basis?
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I think you have the bike and the merc the wrong way round - or at least I hope you have!

I think Jerry is the man from Trendsignal, TwoWayTrade etc. not the man from Goldlines. That is one Mark Harniman.

As for what is published on the Goldlines site I would take it with a skip full of salt. Mr Mark Harniman also runs Asset 18 and Selecta7. The latter is now shown on its web site as being SOLD OUT! What a load of b*ll*...... No doubt Asset 18 will soon follow.

I look forward to hearing what you think of the Trendsignal demo.

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Clear Up

The end of day package has a subset of the maths that is in intra-day product.

The charts are the same to read (learn them and use them).

The product is NOT a "black box" system.

We trade futures.

You can come and see us.

We don't give out the maths (why would we?)

Other ways of trading work too. Find one that works for you and trade it. All we say is that this works for us.

Hope this helps.

Detailed Results for this system

Has anyone played with this system for a few months and can give a list of their trades and performance statistics?
I have "played" with this beast for a few months now and can say no regrets at all.
As to performance and stats etc. I would suggest to you that you go and see trendsignal from the guys at Milton Keynes (Jerry Miller or Mark Sears) and they do use it for their trading and you can "analyse" all their trades for as many years as you want instead of some few months.
I hope this helps or send me an internal mail.

I know who Jerry is from Two Way Trade, but there is also a Jerry or Gerry from Goldline as well

LevII said:

I think Jerry is the man from Trendsignal, TwoWayTrade etc. not the man from Goldlines. That is one Mark Harniman.