
Good of you to post up your results, not many would be so honest/open.
I think, as with any system, you have to take every signal, sods law that the ones you don't will be the winners !
Yes the s4/s5 was re-launched a couple of weeks ago, i have the occasional check on that also, but the results are not great on that either.
They have also tweaked the DT2 recently, to try and reduce the non-performing trades, i think that shows that the intra day system is struggling too.
I am also quite surprised that there are not more users/ex-users posting on these boards
I have used it, mostly to try and support a friend who had subscribed.
There were a few red flashing lights for me:
1. I don't like the idea of "black box" trading, which is designed to keep you feeding the beast for ever.
2. Their reluctance to get their traders talking to each other concerns. I know this has been raised again and again, but never happened. I think if half a dozen switched on traders got together, they could crack and re-code the system.
3. Constant systems enhancements muddy the waters, so you are never able to really track performance.
4. The 2 minutes chart system is better, but needs a number of changes to get it to be as effective as it could be.
5. They are more of a software company who happen to be in this space.
6. I'm sure it would be possible to deliver the whole thing for £100pm, all in. This would cover training, support indicators, etc.
My advice would be to avoid, especially as they are now charging aggressively for ongoing updates, seminars, training and even results
I have used it, mostly to try and support a friend who had subscribed.
There were a few red flashing lights for me:
1. I don't like the idea of "black box" trading, which is designed to keep you feeding the beast for ever.
2. Their reluctance to get their traders talking to each other concerns. I know this has been raised again and again, but never happened. I think if half a dozen switched on traders got together, they could crack and re-code the system.
3. Constant systems enhancements muddy the waters, so you are never able to really track performance.
4. The 2 minutes chart system is better, but needs a number of changes to get it to be as effective as it could be.
5. They are more of a software company who happen to be in this space.
6. I'm sure it would be possible to deliver the whole thing for £100pm, all in. This would cover training, support indicators, etc.
My advice would be to avoid, especially as they are now charging aggressively for ongoing updates, seminars, training and even results
In regard to point 2 they certainly segregate all the traders who use the system, so you never know how anyone is really doing.

In regard to point 4, the 2 minute DT2 is probably better but definitely needs enhancements and I would not recommend it either. It can have a string of losers in a row and can whip you around between the arrows.

In regard to point 6. Lets be honest if this system really worked they would be selling it as you say on monthly basis and over time they would earn much more money, but they are happy to snatch the money upfront as likely to lose most of the users over a year.

Agreed, avoid like the plague.
Agree with both the above posters points
A monthly subs system together with being more transparent in regards to allowing customers to speak with each other would be a much better model - for customers !
I can only agree that Trendsignal is a great way to lose money. February and July 2019 were particularly bad but they have not had good performance for the whole last year and I lost big amounts even before seeing those results.