

Hi Zarif,
I have spoken to a trader in Trendsignal...I am thinking of buying it, but can you tell me which one did you get..the EOD or the
(more expensive) Intraday package?
ok, just to get things straight in my head.

Trendsignal is a plugin to an application called "Ensign Windows"

Ensign Windows is available for purchase at a monthly rate of $39.95

In turn, to use Ensign Windows, you need to subscribe to some charting from esignal at the rate of an additional $39.95 per month

The End of Day plugin downloads a chart at the end of each day giving you signals for the next day.

What would it take to get the formula itself (from the horses mouth)?

Can anyone clear up these edges in my head?
I have bought the realtime version.
Jetheat quite right that u need the ensign charting package at usd 39.95 and datafeed (i use esignal and for the indices and forex datafeeds i pay abt usd 280 per mth.)
So far good results with trendsignal.

Holy Cow! $280 additional per month. I was under the impression (from Trendsignals website) that you only need to spend $39.95 per month as ongoing charges.
there just simply no pleasing some people 🙁

You subscribe to Ensign for $39.95 a month. You are paying for the application. This way you get the EOD feed for free. The $39.95 a month is it.

If you want the real time version it's a different version of Ensign and obviously the feed will be much, much more because you are getting real time data. $280 a month is about right
Just to put it right maybe i was confusing you in how i put it yesterday.let me try again. my set up is as flws:

trendsignal real time version.
ensign windows USD 39.95 per month
for my datafeed I use Esignal realtime data feed and for the instruments that i use Indexes (cash/futures) Fx(spot/futures) my subscription to esignal for this is about USD 280 permonth.

having said all that: ensign is flat USD 39.95 and you dont have to have esignal as your datafeed u can use what u like as long as it is compatible with your trendsignal version.Have alook at the ensign website.
hope this helps

Will markjpwill and the others posting these glowing reviews on this thread please confirm they have no connection with or obligation to Trendsignal.

If those who are connected with Trendsignal are monitoring this thread, will they also similarly undertake on behalf of their company.

I'll be buying this software next month. I don't have much money and so i'll be purchasing the EOD version.
I'll only be trading forex and I suppose I won't be able to make as much money with the EOD as with the realtime version, but that's how I have to start.
Will markjpwill and the others posting these glowing reviews on this thread please confirm they have no connection with or obligation to Trendsignal.

Speaking for myself I never said anything glowing about it. It takes work like everything else. There's another user on this forum who has trendsignal but he's seems to want to trade the Mr Charts way. Better try and have training with the man myself some day . . .
Just to let you guys know I have recently attended their offices, spoken with their director (Jerry Miller) and seen the Trend Signal in operation and I must say I was very impressed. They are a genuine outfit and coming from a business background I did have reserves but from what I saw it makes a refreshing change to the rubbish that is being offered elsewhere.
Is anyone using the end of day version of this software and if so what are the results you are achieving in terms of points.

Thanks Mark.
Will markjpwill and the others posting these glowing reviews on this thread please confirm they have no connection with or obligation to Trendsignal.

OLDUN: I have no monetary or any gain from trendsignal ar allegiance to them EXCEPT that I bought their REAl time version and IT HAS WORKED FOR ME and with the so many scams going on etc I found these people to be on the level and genuine.For me trendsignal has made me money and fingers crossed still is.
I hope this helps you.

Can someone say what the maximum percentage drawdown on the account is of using this ?


That would be like the proverbial asking how long is a piece of string?

I'm sure for some people it works and for others it doesn't. I've had it for some time now and would say that it helps - and that's all. Mind you I rather have this "help", if you know what I mean.

It takes a while to get use to and I'm sure it's not everyone's cup of tea.
That would be like the proverbial asking how long is a piece of string?

I thought this was a mechanical method and if so it is relatively easy to know what the maximum intra-day drawdown is. If it is an arbitrary method then in my view it is worthless as it is always easy to say that you mis-read what the approach was, in other words make up your own mind.

TrendSignal Obligations and connections?

Just a quick note from me to confirm I have no obligation or connection with Trendsignal. I did email them a few comments from on this forum and ask them to comment themselves (or at least join T2W) though, but they just repeated what thay have said before.

Having read this forum and a few others, I would PROBABLY agree with many of their feelings. There is a load more than this (but it does contain some pretty strong views, so I've put the bit in that seems to be the conclusion).

"What is the point? Bulletin boards are full of pretend traders. I/we trade (as you know and have seen) up to 20 FTSE, 10 DAX, 20 S&P's etc. We make money and use the same methods we sell. We know it works, and we know most of our clients are making money so we've got nothing to prove to anyone else. People that don't want it don't want it. People that buy it have the chance to come and see it live etc. so it's not like we are even trying to con anyone. I couldn't care less if people buy it or not. Personally I'll be glad when we've sold the last copy and don't have to deal with stupid questions about trading."

For the record I am still happy with the product and it has made me money and has more than paid for itself. Some people may not find this to be the case, so I can only talk for myself.

I was given by them early access to the latest version - but I don't think to me that counts as owing them anything.

Have you had any trades with the system where you lost?
If so, how far were the stops?
Does anyone know how many copies they have left, as they mention on their website that they are only selling 250? Im very interested so need to know whether I need to get down there pronto!!

I take it they dont give it to any old tom, dick and harry, as also mentioned on their website. Do you have some sort of interview?

this is going to be my last post on this particular thread. . .


Trendsignal is not a mechanical method. You are basically paying for, what appears to me so far, a very good oscillator and support and resistance lines. How you trade it is up to you . . .

I'm just starting. For me to say how big my stops, what the losses and profits made are etc . . is not going to be particularly useful since I'm sure other people might use the product differently to me.

I find it a very helpful and that's all I'll say

And jheat, of course you go onto trades that loses now and again. Trendsignal is not 100% perfect and that the only thing they will guarantee.

Anyway, I agree wholeheartedly with what MarkJWill quoted above.